
Liu Jingyi, a post-80s female procurator: Searching up and down all the way forward

author:Cover News

Cover news reporter Tian Lulu

Some people say that she is heroic and sassy, some people say that she does not let go of the case, from the judicial police to the post prosecutor, from the legal rookie to the case handling expert, she not only pays attention to the quality and efficiency of the case, but also pays attention to the social issues behind the case, and always practices the adherence to fairness and justice. She is Liu Jingyi, a post-80s female procurator of the Dujiangyan Municipal People's Procuratorate in Chengdu.

Liu Jingyi, a post-80s female procurator: Searching up and down all the way forward

Safeguard fairness and justice in dedication and responsibility

"Handling individual cases can only treat the symptoms, and promoting the resolution of the social problems behind the cases can cure the root causes." Since 2015, Liu Jingyi has handled more than 700 cases of various types, and in handling cases, she has resolutely abandoned the erroneous idea of "handling cases on the case" and treated both the symptoms and the root causes throughout the entire process of handling cases.

In 2018, when handling a drug transportation case, she found that the evidence collected in the case basically stayed at the arrest stage, there was no new progress in evidence collection after arrest, and the case fell into a bottleneck. During the period of returning to supplementary investigation, she intervened in the investigation to guide the collection of evidence in a timely manner, and carefully analyzed and found out the reasons for the bottleneck in the handling of the case, in addition to the criminal suspect's great anti-investigation ability, on the other hand, the irregularities exposed by the express delivery industry led to the investigation organs falling into passivity when collecting objective evidence.

Liu Jingyi, a post-80s female procurator: Searching up and down all the way forward

After carefully studying and judging the facts of the case, she organized investigators to hold case discussions, guided investigators to collect, fix, and supplement evidence on the principle of timeliness and moderation, and worked hard to guide investigators to broaden their thinking on investigation and evidence collection, clarify the focus of investigation and evidence collection, and effectively select investigation strategies, investigation directions, and investigative measures. In the end, after guiding the investigation and collection of evidence, the case broke the bottleneck of investigation and evidence collection, collected effective evidence, and accurately and effectively cracked down on drug crimes.

In the process of handling the case, with many years of experience in handling cases, she believes that the problems exposed by the case are by no means accidental. After visiting the express delivery authorities, various express delivery companies and some express delivery outlets, she found problems such as chaos and lack of supervision in the express delivery industry. After in-depth analysis of the problems and causes of the express delivery industry, the procuratorial suggestions for strengthening industry supervision were formed, and the public announcement was made, which not only accurately and effectively cracked down on crime, but also effectively prevented the recurrence of similar cases.

Liu Jingyi, a post-80s female procurator: Searching up and down all the way forward

Safeguard fairness and justice in innovation and responsibility

"The merits of the protection of minors are in the contemporary era, and the benefits are in the thousands of autumns." The protection of minors is a systematic project, which requires families, schools, society, and the judiciary to work together to create a good social environment for the healthy development of minors' physical and mental health. In 2019, Liu Jingyi began to engage in juvenile procuratorial work, and in order to adapt to juvenile procuratorial work as soon as possible, she tried to squeeze out time to delve into uninspected business.

In August 2020, Xiaohua (pseudonym) became a "de facto orphan" due to family changes. After Liu Jingyi obtained the clue, she learned that Xiaohua's grandparents and maternal grandparents had disputes over the ownership of their guardianship rights, and the mediation between the community and the judicial office had been fruitless many times. Realizing that a single mediation would not solve the problem, she went deep into the places where her grandparents and maternal grandparents lived to understand Xiaohua's upbringing since birth, the family income of both parties, and the living environment, and listened to her father's opinions. At the same time, it coordinated with the Dujiangyan Municipal Court, the Civil Affairs Bureau, the township and other departments to jointly carry out the resolution of guardianship disputes, and finally promoted the reconciliation between the two sides, determined that Xiaohua followed her grandparents to live in Chongqing, and signed a guardianship agreement on the spot.

Liu Jingyi, a post-80s female procurator: Searching up and down all the way forward

Liu Jingyi also took the lead in joining hands with the Chongqing Jiangbei District Procuratorate and the Nanchuan District Procuratorate to jointly provide Xiaohua with the 1+N diversified comprehensive assistance of "judicial aid + social donation + legal aid + psychological comfort + hematopoietic support", and actively carried out psychological intervention to help her handle household migration, transfer schools, and implement civil affairs assistance policies. The procuratorial organs of the three places also jointly set up a love education fund for Xiaohua to provide all-round support to minors, smoothly tide over the difficult period, and start a new life.

"The road is long and the road is long, I will seek up and down", this is the persistence and love of a post-80s female procurator for the procuratorial cause, practicing her life creed with practical actions, and interpreting love, dedication, responsibility and responsibility with practical actions.

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