
Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

Foreword: The public account of the first [Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition with General Jun] was first published in this article, and it is not authorized to prohibit "plagiarizing articles" to other platforms.

Author: Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition with General Jun

Hello everyone, I am a three-war general, every day to help the matching will open up the wilderness, and you say that the military generals who ask for the meritocracy choose, I hope to help you!

The Three Kingdoms Strategy Edition of Wu Qi is one of the strongest lineups in the early stages of the game, and it is gradually targeted in the middle of the game, which is not very friendly, and basically can only play touch porcelain in the later stage! Of course, this is the situation of the aircraft carrier area, if it is a suburb, if there is a team of high-red Wu riding, the experience of a season is still better! Next, I will tell you about the gameplay of touching porcelain Wu riding in the game, which can be called the ceiling team of the porcelain world.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

Squad Battle Report Test - Green Fire Gangster in Area 64

Touch Porcelain Wu Ride Gameplay:

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

(Main General) Zhou Tai, tactics matching: Xiliang Iron Horse + Iron Horse Driving

Soldier Book - Strategy to Lure the Enemy + Encourage the Army + Cover Up

(Vice General) Ling Tong, tactics matching: breaking the army and winning + avoiding the real and attacking the virtual

Soldier Book - Victory and Victory + Perseverance

(Vice Admiral) Sun Shangxiang, tactics matching: naked blood battle + hundred horse robbery camp

Soldier Book - One Drum + Victory + Sharpness

(If there is a lot of arrogance over the enemy, Sun Shangxiang is to take the tiger to the eagle to touch the porcelain, it is not easy to headshot, but the battle merit is very stable, the soldier Zhou Tai chooses to lure the enemy is the key, bad luck early death can also save some soldiers!)

Next, take a look at a large wave of porcelain war reports:

The first encounter with the porcelain lieutenant shield, 2500 battle losses were completed.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

Touching each other, 5 troops won the opponent.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

It took less than 200 battle losses to hit the Wu Gun and lu xun to ride the headshot.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

It is also easier to fight the disabled soldiers' bows.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

Collide with shu guns and win less than 3,000 battle losses!

Romance of the Three Kingdoms Strategic Edition of the cancer touch porcelain Wu riding, no natural enemies can touch anything!

Summary: This lineup is still very comfortable to fight the battle, it can be said that the perpetual motion machine of the battle achievement, many times the real physical consumption is faster than the replenishment, very suitable for the front line to put a tent for wireless recruitment and fighting operations, do not have to go home at all, and then from time to time will also be a variety of full of soldiers or full of red surprise war reports, the game experience is very good! It can only be said that this lineup gameplay is indeed too cancerous, a bit similar to the taste of the three potentials, basically going out is the kind that makes no loss, he is playing very cool, the opposite tiger is very uncomfortable!

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