
"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

author:Eight Gui Police

"Hello, please stop the vehicle here, please cooperate with the inspection." At 12:00 p.m. on February 21, Du Wang, deputy captain of the criminal investigation brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Rongshui Miao Autonomous County, Liuzhou City, and his colleagues came to the Sanliu Expressway Meltwater Toll Station to start epidemic prevention and control duties, guiding vehicle drivers and passengers entering the meltwater expressway intersection over and over again to undergo epidemic prevention inspections.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲ Du Wang is guiding the passing vehicle personnel to scan the code

"We have a 24-hour shift system at this epidemic card point, and I am on duty from 12:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., mainly to check the vehicles and personnel on the vehicles. Although the weather is cold, as one of the key links in the prevention and control of the epidemic, I think it is worth it. Du Wang, deputy captain of the criminal investigation brigade of the county public security bureau, had a firm and powerful look in his eyes.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲The staff is checking the health code and itinerary code of the passing vehicle

In the face of a large number of outsiders and hidden dangers of the epidemic that are exposed every day, various emergencies occur from time to time. Du Wang told reporters that the Rongshui police had received a letter of assistance from the Nanning police, saying that a girl from Rongshui was suspected of being kidnapped. According to the analysis of various clues, the Nanning police judged that the girl would appear in the meltwater jurisdiction, so they sent a letter to the meltwater police to assist in the investigation. After receiving the clue of the co-investigation, Du Wang and the colleagues on duty immediately increased the investigation of passing vehicles to ensure that no car was missed or left behind, and fully tracked down the whereabouts of the girl. After unremitting efforts, the 14-year-old girl was finally found in a taxi. After verification, the girl's disappearance was not kidnapping, but because she was bored with school, and she directed and performed this "journey back home". Afterwards, Du Wang, as a party member, realized that during the special period of epidemic prevention and control, it is particularly important to do a good job in vehicle inspection and personnel information registration.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲ Du Wang is checking the health code and itinerary code of the passing vehicle personnel

Duwan's wife is a health care worker. Husband Du Wang's conscientious work attitude, as a wife, she sees it in her eyes and remembers it in her heart. So when the hospital received the order to form a team to go to the epidemic area to support, she did not hesitate, took the initiative to ask for help, and other medical staff joined in the intense anti-epidemic work.

"Our husband and wife have always wanted to fight for the front line, when the wuhan epidemic broke out in 2020, my lover was selected by the Rongshui Public Security Bureau to support Wuhan, but later because the city bureau had no quota, so it did not go." But I was deeply affected, so I did not hesitate to respond to the call to sign up to support the epidemic area. Duwan's wife said.

In this battle without smoke, they are husband and wife and comrades-in-arms. When the two places were separated, the two people talked on the phone and sent messages to cheer each other up for adhering to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control. The husband and wife gave up their small home for everyone, in order to ensure the health and safety of the people, they fought together in the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲The police are inspecting the prevention and control of the community epidemic

Like Du Wang, there are 801 police officers and auxiliary police officers stationed on the front line of epidemic prevention and control throughout the county. As the first line of joint prevention and control of the epidemic, the Rongshui police organized the police and auxiliary police to sink various communities and villages to carry out epidemic prevention and control work, conducted household inspections of many residential buildings in the community, publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control and the common sense of telecommunications network fraud, and strived to build a solid defense line against the epidemic while further improving the community residents' awareness of prevention and the "immunity" of resisting telecommunications network fraud.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲ The police are guiding the masses to fill in the family information registration

Li Yi, deputy secretary of the party branch of the Chengnan community in Rongshui Town, told reporters: "The public security has sent police forces to various street communities to provide timely and powerful support for the prevention and control of the epidemic in our communities, and they have guarded the health and tranquility of the people in the community with their responsibilities in their hearts and shoulders." ”

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲The police are instructing the hotel staff to carry out a two-code joint inspection of the guests

In the epidemic examination, the Rongshui police have always adhered to the frontline of epidemic prevention and control, effectively cut off the channels for the spread of the epidemic, practiced the fundamental purpose of the party with their own dedication, and handed over a satisfactory answer sheet to the people. At the same time, it also gives full play to the exemplary role of party members as vanguards, leads the "public security blue" with the "red party emblem", uses practical actions to ensure the safety of the masses and the stability of the whole county, interprets "loyalty to the party, service to the people, fair law enforcement, and strict discipline" in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, and builds a "copper wall and iron wall" to block the epidemic.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲The police are checking the hotel's check-in system

"It is a lie not to be bitter and not tired, but the word 'police' means responsibility and responsibility, and only when we twist into a rope can we block the foreign epidemic at the fastest speed and let the family and the masses resume their former lives as soon as possible." Speaking of recent work, Wei Xi, a community police officer at the Chengnan Police Station of the County Public Security Bureau, said with some emotion.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲ Police tips in the inspection of hotel rooms

In recent days, the public security organs have also conducted all-round inspections of hotels, Internet cafes, KTV and other places within the county's jurisdiction, asking the staff whether they have achieved two-code joint inspections, whether the store has sprayed disinfectant regularly disinfected, etc., and carefully inspected the implementation of various prevention and control measures to ensure that all measures for epidemic prevention and control are implemented.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲There are police tips at the front desk of the hotel

Since the outbreak of the epidemic in Bose, the Rongshui public security organs have cracked down on all kinds of epidemic-related illegal and criminal acts in accordance with the law, investigated and punished 1 inspector who did not cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control, and assisted in the investigation of more than 10 suspected truck-rushing vehicles. During the epidemic prevention and control period, 7 illegal acts of gathering crowds and gambling were cracked down, and 26 suspects were investigated and punished.

"Public Security Blue" adheres to the front line of epidemic prevention and control

▲The police are checking whether the hotel monitoring is regular

"In order to effectively respond to the severe and complex epidemic situation, the rongshui public security organs have acted at the behest of the order, the whole police have invested, and all police departments have strictly implemented 24-hour duty, and scientifically deployed police forces at the Hemu entrance and exit of the Guihe Expressway and the rongshui entrance and exit of the Sanliu Expressway, the entrance and exit of the big wave and the isolation point of the county seat. Severely crack down on all kinds of epidemic-related illegal and criminal acts, comprehensively carry out epidemic prevention and control work with a high sense of political responsibility and a strong mission, and work with the people of the county to build an iron wall of meltwater epidemic prevention and control. Zhang Lupeng, deputy secretary of the party committee and political commissar of the county public security bureau, said.