
Demolition compensation standards: Shanghai expropriation of collective land compensation standards out! There are 13 segments

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The people's governments of the relevant districts:

In order to further implement the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the expropriated peasants, the Shanghai Municipal Compensation Standards for Collective Land Expropriation (2020) are hereby issued to you with the consent of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and the relevant matters are notified as follows, please comply with the implementation.

First, on the comprehensive land price of the expropriation area

  The comprehensive land price of the city's levy area is composed of two parts: land compensation fee and resettlement subsidy fee.

  The compensation fee standard for land requisitioned land is implemented in accordance with the "Shanghai Land Requisition Land Compensation Fee Standard (2020)".

  The resettlement subsidy fee is the living allowance for the expropriated land expropriated persons involved in the Measures for the Employment and Social Security of Agricultural Personnel on Collectively Owned Land of Farmers in Shanghai (Hufu Fa [2017] No. 15), and the standard is implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Municipality.

Second, on the compensation standards for land acquisition of young seedlings

  The compensation standard for land acquisition of young seedlings is implemented in accordance with the "Shanghai Land Acquisition Compensation Standards for Young Seedlings (2020)".

3. Compensation standards for land requisitioned property

  The compensation standards for land requisition property shall be implemented in accordance with the Shanghai Municipal Compensation Standards for Land Requisition Property (2020). Compensation items not covered in the Shanghai Municipal Compensation Standards for Land Requisition (2020) can negotiate compensation prices by means of similar analogies, cross-regional references, market price negotiation, cost method calculation, and qualified third-party assessment.

  Each district government may also formulate supplementary standards on the basis of the "Shanghai Municipal Land Acquisition Property Compensation Standards (2020)" according to the actual situation and characteristics, and report them to the municipal planning resources management department for the record.

  The "Shanghai Municipal Compensation Standards for Land Requisition and Property (2020)" does not cover rural residential houses and non-residential houses owned by co-organized enterprises, and its compensation standards are implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the city.

4. Regarding the social security expenses of the expropriated personnel

  The social security fees for land expropriated persons shall be used to pay social insurance premiums and pay one-time economic compensation in accordance with the Provisions of the Measures for the Employment and Social Security of Agricultural Personnel on Collectively Owned Land of Expropriated Farmers in Shanghai (Hufu Fa [2017] No. 15).

5. Date of Implementation

  This Notice shall be effective as of January 1, 2021.

  For projects that apply for collective land expropriation before January 1, 2020, if the land acquisition agreement has been signed before the implementation of the standard and has been verified, it will still be implemented according to the original standard.

  For projects that apply for collective land expropriation after January 1, 2020, if the "Announcement on Land Expropriation" has been posted before the implementation of the standard, it will still be implemented according to the original standard.

  Where the previous provisions of this Municipality are inconsistent with this Notice, it shall be implemented in accordance with this Notice.

Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources

Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau

  December 28, 2020

Demolition compensation standards: Shanghai expropriation of collective land compensation standards out! There are 13 segments
Shanghai Municipal Compensation Standards for Collective Land Expropriation
Demolition compensation standards: Shanghai expropriation of collective land compensation standards out! There are 13 segments
Demolition compensation standards: Shanghai expropriation of collective land compensation standards out! There are 13 segments
Demolition compensation standards: Shanghai expropriation of collective land compensation standards out! There are 13 segments

Lawyer Shan Yun in Beijing