
note! This kind of net red toy is selling out! You may have played it too!

Have you heard of "decompression toys"? It is said that pinching is not rotten, not broken, but also can be kneaded into a variety of shapes, is the young people and even children and teenagers of the Internet red toys, these toys can really be decompressed?

note! This kind of net red toy is selling out! You may have played it too!

I pinch, I knead, I fall, I stick! These are the so-called internet celebrity decompression toys. The reporter visited a number of stores and found that there were sales, and the price ranged from a few yuan to dozens of yuan. These decompression toys are diverse in style and complex in play, and there is a one called "sticky ball", which also needs to be pulled on the sticky side of the tape and rolled and wound into a ball at the fingertip. Merchants told reporters that the so-called "decompression toys", including "sticky balls", young people and children are the main force in the purchase. So, does the decompression toy really decompress?

note! This kind of net red toy is selling out! You may have played it too!

Zhang Honglian, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Kunming First People's Hospital: If you only relieve pressure through some decompression toys, I think it is not a way to solve the fundamental problem, for a long time, after all, it is a toy, there may be psychological dependence, in fact, the concentration of attention, but will be greatly affected.

According to the doctor, most of the decompression toys are in direct contact with the hand, especially the "sticky ball" itself is sticky, easy to stick to dust and debris, and pinched in the hand to breed bacteria, long-term contact may cause disease. To decompress, you have to rely on the scientific method.

Zhang Honglian, chief physician of the Department of Neurology of Kunming First People's Hospital: We usually say that exercise can produce happiness factors, in fact, anxiety and stress can be well alleviated, if it is more than two months, there is indeed an emotional cold, this time it is best to go to the hospital for treatment.

Source: CCTV Finance (ID:cctvyscj)

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