
The first exchange conference of "Youzhou Circuit • Competition to Catch Up" was held in 2022

author:Youyang release
The first exchange conference of "Youzhou Circuit • Competition to Catch Up" was held in 2022
The first exchange conference of "Youzhou Circuit • Competition to Catch Up" was held in 2022
The first exchange conference of "Youzhou Circuit • Competition to Catch Up" was held in 2022

On February 25, the first exchange conference of 2022 of "Youzhou Circuit • Competition to Catch Up" was held at the County Comprehensive Cultural and Sports Center. Qi Meiwen, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and made a speech; Yang Tongsheng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate; Tang Yingshan, chairman of the standing committee of the county people's congress; and Dai Chengyao, chairman of the county CPPCC committee, made comments respectively. He Xiushan, deputy secretary of the county party committee, presided over the meeting, and all county leaders attended the meeting.

The meeting reported the first activity of "Youzhou Circuit • Competition to Catch Up" in 2022 and the results of the evaluation, and the main responsible persons of the bottom 5 townships, the bottom 5 departments and the bottom 3 state-owned enterprises made statements.

The meeting noted

"Youzhou Track • Competition to Catch Up" is an effective way to promote the high-quality development of Youyang and create a high-quality life, an effective way to enhance execution and enhance combat effectiveness, an effective platform to change the image of Youyang and stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship, and a fair mechanism for those who have done something and lose their position. It embodies the work orientation of the county party committee and the county government to be more genuine and to be excited before the end, embodies the employment orientation of the county party committee and the county government in looking at the work and changing the work, and embodies the firm determination of the county party committee and the county government to compare the high and low one by one and write a new chapter one by one. Since the launch of the first activity of "Youzhou Speedway • Competition to Catch Up", the county has made overall plans to promote high-quality economic and social development, which has greatly stimulated the motivation of cadres, everyone has highlighted the highlights, put down shortcomings, and made bright commitments, and all work has been speeding up, urban and rural appearances have been improved, grass-roots work has been consolidated, and the momentum of competition has been improved, forming a vivid situation of vitality bursting out and you chasing after me.

The meeting stressed

Breaking the ice is breaking the game, and the highlight is breaking the problem.

  • It is necessary to break the deadlock of thinking, take learning as the premise, take policy understanding as the basis, take the thorough understanding of the county as the standard, seize policy opportunities, study the source of projects, absorb the power of wisdom, and strive to transform wisdom into development momentum.
  • It is necessary to break through the development dilemma, adhere to the premise of planning, policy and capital, promote the gathering of logistics, people and capital flows, enhance the potential energy level of Youyang City, and better serve the new development pattern.
  • In order to get out of the maze of work style, and the building of work style is always on the road, we must always make unremitting efforts, let cadres who want to be officers, who can be officers, and accomplish things have a stage become the norm, and let cadres who are incompetent, incompetent, and inactive make it normal to make up their positions; we must make sure that the knife is sharpened on the stone and people are trained in things, resolutely oppose formalism and bureaucracy, and unswervingly push forward the objectives and tasks of the stage.

When you take office, you catch up with the exam and run when you start. It is necessary to take the opportunity of "Youzhou Circuit • Competition to Catch Up" to show a high level of ability, do a tough job with high efficiency, and run out of catch-up acceleration.

  • It is necessary to run well in performing their duties, county-level leaders must seek a field, department cadres must seek a frontline, township and town cadres must seek one side, and village and social cadres must seek a place, perform their duties with dedication, show a good atmosphere of studying, racing, and striving to go up, and form a vivid pattern of grasping the work at one level and grasping implementation at each level.
  • It is necessary to plan the first step of development, adhere to the industry as the most important, the project as the king, with the project as the support, in the rural revitalization, urban upgrading, urban and rural integration development of research projects to plan development.
  • It is necessary to take the first step of rural revitalization, adhere to the people-centered development thinking, make good use of the new era civilization practice center, promote the new era civilization practice point system and the rural governance list system, run the rural revitalization school well, give play to the role of the village sage, and create a number of party building demonstration points to lead rural revitalization.

The market is like a battlefield, and the battle flag should be raised. The reform of state-owned enterprises is one of the "four major events" entrusted to Youyang by the municipal party committee, the responsibility and mission entrusted to us by the municipal party committee, an important support for high-quality development, and a matter related to the overall situation of economic and social development and the vital interests of the people of the whole county.

  • The strategy should be more proactive, market-oriented, use market means to seek development, use the rule of law thinking to manage enterprises, achieve financial stability, employee stability, and career stability, and continuously enhance the competitiveness and driving force of state-owned enterprises.
  • Tactics should be more precise, adhere to market-oriented operations, find out the reform path, let state-owned enterprises become entity-based, growth-oriented, and profit-making enterprises, and form successful experiences that can be promoted and copied.
  • The results should be more fruitful, adhere to the excellent and bright characteristic agricultural products brand, in accordance with the "multi-variety, small-scale, high-quality, good price, landscape, immersive" thinking, concentrate on creating a number of standing, loud, excellent quality brands, carefully planned, packaged, reserve a number of scale, high-grade, competitive good projects, and constantly enhance market competitiveness.

Sunshine grassroots party building, show the vitality of youyang. It is necessary to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments," more resolutely achieve the "two safeguards," and make overall plans to promote grass-roots party building in all fields.

  • It is necessary to administer the party in an all-round and strict manner, adhere to the main tone of "strictness," establish a strict orientation for all things, and use strict requirements, strict standards, and strict measures to ensure that the political ecology continues to improve and the mental state continues to improve, and create a strong atmosphere in which cadres and the masses are united, smooth, energetic, and hard-working.
  • We must have the courage to carry out self-revolution, strictly implement the spirit of the eight provisions of the central authorities, concentrate on rectifying formalism and bureaucracy, make up for shortcomings and strong and weak points in a targeted manner, make efforts to open up the work and implement the "last kilometer," thoroughly rectify unhealthy trends and corruption problems around the masses, and create a clean and refreshing outlook for officials to start a business.
  • To strengthen the leadership of party building, all levels and departments of the county should pay more attention to ideology, be more pragmatic in work, and be more in place in terms of guarantees, lead high-quality development with the comprehensive progress and comprehensive excellence of grass-roots party organizations, and write a new chapter in high-quality life.

The meeting was held in the form of a video teleconference, and the principal responsible persons of the township (street) party (work) committees and the principal responsible persons of the relevant departments at the county level participated in the main venue; the principal responsible persons of the sub-district offices, township and town people's governments, and the principal responsible persons of relevant units at the county level participated in the sub-venues of the cultural and sports center; and the members of the township (street) leading bodies, cadres at or above the middle level, and the principal responsible persons of the subordinate departments attended the meeting at the sub-venues.


Editor-in-chief: Bai Le ▏ On duty: Ren Guirong

Editor: Huang Wei Wu Daquan Li Jun ▏ Editor: Song Chunhua

Reporter: Peng Yuan Wu Biao ▏ Reviewer: Qiu Wenyi

Produced by Rong Media Center of Youyang Autonomous County