
Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

author:Lu Tōyū

Recently, the matter about Myanmar Internet celebrity Li Saigao has spread on the Internet, about his identity, how he became an Internet celebrity, whether he is a member of a fraud gang, which has aroused the discussion and heated discussion of the majority of netizens. Especially after an official account on the Internet published a short video about his singing, the netizens reacted more fiercely because the video mentioned that Li Saigao's real identity was a fraud gang in northern Myanmar.

Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

Imagine a popular Internet celebrity singer who used to be very popular with him, but now his identity has taken a big turn of one hundred and eighty degrees, from positive to negative, how do netizens accept it? Netizens even began to crusade and boycott him, and some netizens hoped that Li Saigao himself could speak out as soon as possible and personally tell everyone what kind of person he really was.

Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

Amid this wave of discussion and skepticism, on February 24, 2022, Li Saigao himself released a new video in which he responded positively to recent questions about his identity. In the video, Li Saigao said that they are only students in Wa State, Myanmar, have nothing to do with the Henry Group, and have never done what some netizens say about illegal rumors, and the text below the video reads "I hope that everyone will enhance their awareness of anti-fraud at the same time, should not spread unconfirmed information, thank you"!

Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

Although the video is only 10 seconds short, it covers the most important information and responds to a series of events in recent days. Compared with the previous various voices, and then look at Li Saigao's voice today, for netizens, completely confused! Caught in a deeper confusion, like looking at flowers in the fog, unable to distinguish between true and false, who is saying the truth in the end, and who is the Internet celebrity Li Saigao, it is difficult to distinguish for a while.

Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

In recent years, with the continuous progress of the network, the rise of short videos, more and more ordinary people have joined the ranks of short videos, we can find that many ordinary people around us have transformed into Internet celebrities with millions of fans, whether in food, beauty, or other fields, there are all kinds of Internet celebrities loved and supported by the Internet, and even become the main group of them to live stream goods, so that the living standards and economic conditions of these short video Internet celebrities have been greatly improved.

In addition to the domestic Internet celebrities, the development of the network has also spawned the birth of many foreign Internet celebrities, like before the short video platform has a million fans, has been loved by domestic young people Guo Jierui is one of them, he shows his life in the United States through video, compared with the difference in life in China, so that netizens have different Eastern and Western cultures and lifestyles.

Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

Like Li Saigao, he is loved by sharing his singing videos on the short video platform, because his style of playing and singing allows netizens to appreciate a different musical style, and his own positioning is like different young people around us, with the dream of music, because he likes to sing and show himself to more people, especially the Chinese songs he sings in his videos, such a person can naturally get the resonance of fans.

Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

But no one expected that things would develop to today's situation, and the sunshine boy who used to love singing became a fraudster and was involved with the Henry Group, so that he once let himself fall into the dilemma of online violence. Although Li Saigao released a clarification video today, the truth depends on whether there is new news next.

Internet celebrity Li Saigao benzun spoke up, saying that he was just a student and had nothing to do with the Henry Group

However, it is worth thinking about that in the Internet era, as a net red master with countless fans, how to stick to the original intention and do a good job in their own video is very important, although the exposure of internet celebrities is more on the video platform, rather than appearing in various media like stars, but the public influence of internet celebrities should not be underestimated, establish a good image, and do a good job of positive guidance for netizens is the key.