
Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

author:Chunky article
Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

To the police

On May 1, 1928, international Labor Day, at the Yujili Execution Ground in Wuhan, Xiang Jingyu was brutally killed by the Kuomintang reactionaries, and this year Xiang Jingyu was only 33 years old.

After Xiang Guanyu's death, in order to achieve the effect of intimidation, the Kuomintang reactionaries strictly forbade anyone to collect the body of Xiang Police. But the human heart can never be intimidated by such a white terror.

On International Labour Day, a holiday for the working class of the whole world, the brutal killing of such a leader of the labor movement is undoubtedly a violation of justice.

On the night after Xiang was killed, Chen Chunhe, a 52-year-old seafarer, secretly evaded the patrolling police and touched the execution ground.

He came to Xiang Jingyu's body, wrapped the body in a white cloth, and then climbed up the high Turtle Mountain with the body on his back, and buried Xiang Jingyu's body next to the guqin platform.

Guqintai was originally the place where Boya and Zizi met in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the allusion of "high mountains flowing water meets Zhiyin" has been passed down for thousands of years, but now Guqintai has one more role, that is, the resting place of martyrs.

After the burial of Xiang Jingyu, Chen Chunhe erected a stone stele without any writing in front of the tomb. The purpose of this is, on the one hand, to avoid the destruction of the tomb, and on the other hand, to facilitate the search and sacrifice of the tomb in the future.

After doing all this, Chen Chunhe looked at the tomb in front of him, and tears couldn't stop flowing. He couldn't believe that a generation of female jies had left this world like this.

1, dare to be the first in the world of rich families

Unlike many revolutionaries from poor backgrounds at that time, Xiang Yu could have avoided such a risk.

Xiang Jingyu's family was the premier family in Xiangxi at that time, and Xiang Jingyu's father, Xiang Ruiling, was a local wealthy merchant.

In that era, Xiangjia's business had already been done overseas, accumulating a million family wealth.

Xiang Jingyu is the ninth child in the family, and his nickname is "Jiujiu". According to the strength of Xiang Jianyu's family, she does not have to do anything after birth, and she can harvest a very perfect life.

However, since the day of his birth, Xiang Jingyu has been branded with traces of rebellious spirit.

According to the old custom at that time, a woman had to start binding her feet when she was very young, and when Xiang Jingyu was 5 years old, her family wrapped her feet for the first time, and the pain made Xiang Jingyu cry and tear her heart and lungs.

After wrapping his feet, because it was too painful, Xiang Jingyu could only hold on to the door frame and watch his brothers play in the yard. Watching his brothers jump up and down, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

Why is it that only women have to wrap their feet, while men don't have to wrap their feet? Why can't women be treated equally?

Thinking of this, Xiang Jianyu could no longer control her emotions, so she found scissors and cut the shroud in a few clicks.

Xiang Jingyu's mother saw her like this, so she kept persuading her and even scolding her, but what Xiang Jingyu said was that she would not tie her feet anymore, and in the face of her mother's scolding, Xiang Jianyu righteously said: "If you want me to wrap, the brothers will also wrap, the brothers will not wrap, I will not wrap!" ”

Seeing that her daughter was so persistent, her mother could not say anything, and she could only go by her.

This was the first feminist victory for Xiang Jingyu, who was only five years old.

As he grew older, Xiang Began to set his sights more on the poor. In the process of contact, she saw the hardships of the lives of these low-level people, especially the unequal treatment suffered by women, which made Xiang Jianyu extremely sad, and at this time she was determined to run for the toiling masses.

After that, while studying in Changsha, she met Cai Hesen, Mao Zedong and others who shared her own ambitions, where they pointed out the country, attacked the current politics, and wantonly exerted their youth.

Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

Cai and Sen

At the opening ceremony of the First Women's Normal School in Hunan Province, Xiang Jingyu, as a student representative, spoke:

"We should read books to prepare the tools for the transformation of society, to read for the liberation of our women, for the rejuvenation of our nation."

The students and teachers present could not help but admire each other, and her teacher Yang Huaizhong sighed even more: "This girl is extraordinary, and she has the hope of being a teenager in China!" ”

After this, Xiang Jianyu threw herself into the revolutionary cause, in order to find the seeds of revolution, she and Cai Hesen and others crossed many obstacles to come to the romantic France work-study, where Xiang Jianyu experienced the afterglow of the French Revolution and also harvested the love with Cai Hesen.

After returning to China, Xiang Police joined the workers' liberation and feminist movements.

Xiang Jingyu is not a simple slogan, although she is from a rich family, she likes to be with poor people when she is young, and she likes to understand their lives.

In Shanghai, in order to truly understand the miserable life of female workers in the spinning mill, Xiang Jianyu disregarded her own safety and went to the factory to eat and live with the female workers in the spinning factory, and then organized a strike to fight for the legitimate rights and interests of the female workers.

At that time, Shanghai was full of all kinds of feminists, but these people did not exist for the benefit of others, but to pursue their own participation in politics, which was a typical bourgeois feminism.

Xiang Was very dissatisfied with the mainstream feminism in society at that time.

Xiang Pingyu pointed out sharply: "They regard the feminist movement as a movement of a small number of women as officials and parliamentarians. "In Xiang's view, these people are only pursuing the privileges of a few women themselves, and there is no benefit to all women, but it is extremely harmful."

With the development of the work of Xiang Police, its influence among workers has also increased, which has also made Xiang Police Yu the object of attention of the Kuomintang reactionaries.

In particular, since Wang Jingwei betrayed the revolution, the persecution of Communists by the Kuomintang reactionaries has further intensified. In such a dangerous situation, Xiang Jingyu continued to engage in dangerous underground work.

However, due to the betrayal of the traitors, Xiang Jianyu was eventually arrested in Wuhan.

The reactionaries who have long heard xiang's name are eager to get more information about the Communist Party by prying open Xiang's mouth. However, the ren reactionaries tried their best not to let Xiang Police say a word.

In the end, the reactionaries, who were embarrassed and angry, decided to kill Xiang Yu.

On the way to the execution ground, Xiang Jianyu has been speaking, and her impassioned words have touched countless people around her, and from time to time in the crowd, ordinary people respond to her, thinking that this girl is right.

Seeing that more and more people around them were touched by the police, the reactionaries in charge of escorting them were afraid. They started hitting her, trying to make her shut up. Finding that the beating was useless, they got some stones and sand, shoved them into her mouth, and tied her cheeks with a belt so that she could no longer speak.

Finally, a gunshot rang out and Xiang Yu fell forever. At the age of 33, at what was the best age in his life, he sacrificed his most precious life to the police for the sake of thousands of toiling people.

Decades later, the TV series "Xiang Jingyu" was filmed, and the actor Hu Jing, who played Xiang Jingyu, lamented her deeds and wrote on Weibo: "You could have been naïve and messy, you could have had no worries about food and clothing..."

Just as the great revolutionaries of Marx and Engels were, true revolutionaries never revolutionized for their own sake, but opposed their own classes for the happiness of others.

2. Xiang Jingyu was killed three years after her ex-husband was killed, and there was no "Xiang Cai Alliance" in the world.

Xiang's bravery and righteousness to the police were like the collapse of the Great Wall to the workers' movement and the feminist movement at that time, and the losses were immeasurable!

Cai Hesen, who was in Moscow, was devastated by grief after learning the news of Xiang's sacrifice to the police, and he cried loudly and wrote "Biography to Comrade Xiang Yu" with tears, in which he cried out in pain:

"Great police, heroic police, you are not dead, you are never dead!" You are not my personal lover and Sen's personal lover, you are the eternal lover of the Chinese proletariat! ”

At this time, Cai and Sen had already dissolved their marriage relationship with Xiang Jingyu, but after hearing the news of Xiang Jingyu's death, Cai and Sen's heart still could not be calm for a long time. He recalled the past he had experienced with Xiang Jianyu and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

Wedding photo of Cai and Sen and Xiang Police

The combination of Cai and Sen and Xiang Jingyu was once the most beautiful love story of that era. The "Xiangcai Alliance" has always been a good story and legend of Chinese revolutionaries. As the founders of the Communist Party of China, both were rare talents of that era.

Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen first met in Changsha.

At that time, Xiang Jingyu had just entered the normal school, and Cai hesen had just come to Changsha with his mother, sister and sister to study.

At that time, Cai and Sen's mother, Ge Jianhao, wanted to apply for zhounan girls' school, but during the interview, the examiner turned her away because she was too old. In order to win the right for his mother to study again, Cai he and Sen filed a complaint against Changsha County, and the county governor specially approved "his feelings are commendable" and ordered the school to make admissions.

This incident was extremely sensational in Changsha at that time, and Xiang Jianyu was very admired for Cai and Sen's courageous entry into the county court, and Cai and Sen were also attracted by the heroism in Xiang Jingyu, and the most important thing was that the two people had common ideals for their future and regarded the world as their responsibility.

After that, Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen stepped on the passenger ship to France together. Over the course of several tens of days, Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen have been discussing non-stop and constantly exchanging their opinions on the revolution.

In the process, the hearts of the two people are getting closer and closer.

After coming to France, in a foreign country, these people do not speak the language, do not have much money, and can only face everything on their own. But it was these enthusiastic young people who cherished revolutionary ideals, and no matter how difficult the conditions were, they did not complain.

In Cai and Sen, the desire for light and the spirit of persistence made Xiang Jianyu very appreciative, and in romantic France, the two people fell in love.

In May 1920, in a wood-paneled room in Montagny, France, a very simple wedding was held to Jingyu and Cai and Sen. On this day, Xiang Jianyu was wearing the pupu blue cloth dress, Cai and Sen were wearing the old tweed suit, the two sat side by side with a smile, cai and Sen held a copy of "Capital" in their hands, and took this wedding photo of the two.

The combination of Cai and Sen and Xiang Jingyu is a challenge to the old marriage and a challenge to the old society. There is no parental order, no matchmaker's words, no all kinds of red tape, no dowry, some are just two lovers and agree.

"Ally to Cai" has also become the golden signboard of the Chinese revolution.

In the years that followed, Cai and Sen and Xiang Jingyu both threw themselves wholeheartedly into revolutionary work, and they were very outstanding in each other's work, becoming indispensable figures in our Party at that time.

But in the process, the feelings of the two have changed and cracked. All of this is because both people are too strong, and they are both characters who can stand alone.

However, behind every great figure, there often needs to be someone who can pay silently, but Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen are not people who can be obscure.

As far as the marriage of the two is concerned, cai and Sen and Xiang Jingyu's combination of romantic ideals is mostly the component, although the two are also happy with each other, but more out of the worship and appreciation of each other and the consistency of ideals.

But when love became marriage, chai rice oil and salt gradually replaced the ideal, and revolutionaries were also ordinary people in front of life, and they also had to face family chores.

At this time, the different living habits of the two people due to their growth experience gradually evolved into conflicts and contradictions. Objectively speaking, Cai Hesen deserved to be a professional revolutionary, and he gave almost all his energy to the party.

But as a husband and father, Cai and Sen have not been able to fulfill their responsibilities. In life, Cai and Sen lacked enough love for their wives, and a son and a daughter were sent back to their hometown early to be raised by Cai Hesen's mother.

The couple is busy with work every day, the time to meet is not much, and the only time they spend together is that no one is willing to make more sacrifices for the family.

Xiang Jingyuben is a lively and affectionate, daring woman, she has advocated women's liberation and personal freedom since she was a child, but after marriage, she was still bound by the old-style etiquette and felt the repression of life.

Under the shackles of marriage, Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen were unable to release all their energy.

Over time, the relationship between the two gradually became estranged, and there was no communication with each other, and at this point, the marriage was difficult to recover.

However, at that time, the party organization did not want to see such a pair of immortal couples parting ways, so they sent the two of them to Moscow, cai and sen to work, and went to the police to study, hoping to save their marriage.

However, not every mirror can be reunited, so are the feelings, Xiang Jingyu and Cai and Sen have lost their feelings for each other at this time, so the two still calmly ended the marriage in Moscow.

However, it is admirable that after the divorce, the two did not become enemies, but were more closely bound in terms of ideals, careers and friendships.

At the end of this marriage, neither person complained, nor did they have any unhappiness, in their view, this is the best solution for the relationship between the two.

This is not only positive for the emancipation of the two men, but also for the revolutionary cause, and henceforth both men can devote themselves wholeheartedly to the revolutionary work.

In a sense, this is also giving up the small family and taking care of everyone.

But what no one expected was that in June 1931, three years after Xiang Jingyu was killed, Cai hesen was brutally killed by the enemy in Hong Kong because of Gu Shunzhang's betrayal, at the age of 36.

Since then, there has been no "alliance to Cai" in the world!

3. The eldest daughter, Cai Ni, has been wandering in the Soviet Union for 24 years

Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

Cai Ni in her later years

Xiang Jianyu and Cai Hesen, who had been running for the revolution for many years before their deaths, were worthy of professional revolutionaries for the revolutionary cause. However, for his own son and daughter, he can rarely accompany him.

Xiang Jingyu and Cai he sen have a daughter and a son, the eldest daughter Cai Ni, and the second son Cai Bo.

When Xiang Jianyu was pregnant with Cai Ni, they were still in France at the time, but due to the eviction of the French authorities, they could no longer continue to work and study, and Xiang Jingyu could only embark on the voyage back to China with a big belly. In order to commemorate the union of the "Xiang Cai Alliance" in Montagne, France, the couple named their daughter Cai Ni.

Cai Ni's time with her parents was actually very short, and when she was only four months old, Xiang Jingyu took her daughter to her brother Xiang Xianliang's house and handed her daughter over to her sister-in-law to raise.

Soon after, Cai Ni's grandmother Ge Jianhao also returned from work-study in France, and Cai Ni also came to her grandmother's side, raised by her great aunt Cai Qingxi. At the side of her grandmother and aunt, Cai Ni and her younger brother Cai Bo, cousin Liu Ang and cousin Li Tete formed a harmonious revolutionary family and spent their childhood together.

When Cai Ni was a child, her parents rarely came back to visit him, so her memory of her mother was extremely vague, and the deepest impression she remembered was when she was five years old, which was also the last time Cai Ni saw her mother.

That year, Xiang Jingyu returned from Moscow to China, and on the way to Wuhan, he stopped by Changsha to visit his grandmother Ge Jianhao and his children.

At this time, Cai Ni had not seen her mother for a long time, so she missed her very much. At night, before going to bed, Xiang Jianyu looked at the children and smiled and said, "Who wants to sleep with me?" Cai Ni immediately said that she wanted to be with her mother.

When Cai Ni woke up the next morning, her mother had not yet gotten up, she looked at her mother sleeping next to her, felt a kind of unreality, and she even suspected that she was dreaming. This feeling was something she had never experienced before, and it was a great pleasure to be so close to her mother.

However, such a time was always extremely short-lived, and After only three days of staying, Xiang Jingyu immediately left. When she left, Liu Ang led the children to the station to see her off.

Xiang was arrested shortly after returning to Wuhan and then heroically rebelled.

When she heard the news of her mother's sacrifice, Cai Ni could not accept this reality for a while, she and the other children sat there without saying a word, like a dumb stunned and did not know what to do, but at that time, Cai Ni was young after all, and she did not quite understand the life and death of the world, but she knew that she would never see her mother again.

After that, with wang Jingwei's rebellion, the revolutionary situation gradually entered a low tide, and the hometown in Hunan was no longer safe, so Cai Ni came to Shanghai with her grandmother and others and found her father Cai Hesen.

This was the first time she had lived with her father since Cai Ni understood things, and both parents were strangers at first, until a period of time later, when they really became familiar, during which Time Cai and Sen also did their best to make up for the lack of companionship.

In 1929, Cai Ni followed her father all the way to the Soviet Union, and in the Soviet Children's Home, Zei began her 24 years of exotic time.

At that time, because Cai and Sen were recuperating in the Soviet Union, they could often visit her, and Cai Ni did not feel too lonely, but one day in 1930, Cai and Sen suddenly came to see Cai Ni alone and told her that he was about to return to China, which was a special farewell.

Cai and Sen did not leave too many expensive gifts for their daughters, but only sent a photo of him as a souvenir.

After that, for a long time, her father did not come to see Cai Ni again, and although Cai Ni missed her father, she could not do anything, only because her father was too busy at work to come.

It wasn't until one summer three years later that Cai Ni and other children from the children's home came to Crimea for summer vacation, where in a sanatorium, Cai Ni met Li Lisan, and in Li Lisan's mouth, Cai Ni learned that her father Cai Hesen was arrested in 1931 and brutally killed by the enemy.

Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

The only group photo of Cai Ni and her mother (left in the back row to warn You, front row left to Cai Ni)

At this time, Cai Ni already understood the pain of life and death, she had just lost her mother three years ago, and now her father was also killed, this news is too heavy for the 11-year-old Cai Ni.

At this time, the other friends in the children's home gave Cai Ni the only warmth in a foreign country, most of these children were the children of the leaders of the Communist Party at that time or the children of martyrs who had died, they all had the same growth experience as Cai Ni, which also allowed them to warm each other when they were lonely.

In 1935, by chance, Cai Ni saw a photo in the photo album of her classmate Qu Duyi, a heroic young woman, and there was an inscription under the photo: China's first female Communist Party member.

Later, Qu Duyi's mother, Aunt Yang Zhihua, told Cai Ni that this is your mother.

Only then did Cai Ni know what her parents were doing, that they were the founders of the Chinese Communist Party, that they had pursued lofty ideals throughout their lives, and that they understood the reasons why their parents were killed.

Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

Cai Ni's mother Xiang Jingyu (first from left) and aunt Cai Chang (first from right)

She spent 24 spring and autumn years in the Soviet Union, from kindergarten, primary school, secondary school until graduation from the Moscow Medical School. Although she has a deep affection for the Soviet Union, she still misses her hometown and misses her motherland incomparably.

In her days in the Soviet Union, Cai Ni did not want to return to China and return to the arms of her relatives. But for various reasons, it was not until November 1953 that Cai Ni returned to the motherland she missed day and night.

After returning to China, Cai Ni was assigned to work at Beijing Children's Hospital, and the first relatives she met were her aunt Cai Chang and uncle Li Fuchun, who had only one word for her, that is, "Serve the people well."

After being a pediatrician at Beijing Children's Hospital for more than 3 years, Cai Ni also kept in mind the teachings of her aunt and uncle, and after more than 3 years, she asked the organization to go to Peking University for Chinese or to work as a translator. Later, Cai Ni left the hospital to work and was transferred to the Russian Department of the Beijing Foreign Chinese College, where she became a Russian professor.

Just like all ordinary people, Cai Ni is doing all the contributions she can make in these ordinary posts, ordinary and ordinary.

In 1986, at the age of 64, Cai Ni retired from her position as a teacher and completed her life's mission. On June 7, 2012, Cai Ni died of illness in Shanghai Huadong Hospital at the age of 90.

4. The eldest son, Cai Bo, became the first generation of metallurgical experts in New China

Cai Bo is two years younger than his sister, compared to his sister, Cai Bo's childhood is even more pitiful, less than 1 month after his birth, his parents handed Over Cai Bo to his great aunt Cai Qingxi to raise.

It can be said that since his birth, Cai Bo has basically not lived with his parents, and in the process of his growth, there is no shadow of his parents.

Cai Bo's childhood was spent in his hometown in Hunan, when the top pillar of the family was his grandmother Ge Jianhao, Ge Jianhao, as a modern odd woman, entered the Zhounan Girls' School at the age of more than 50 years old, opening a momentary trend, and later went to France with his children to work and study, which is very legendary.

Cai Bo's childhood, has been with his grandmother and aunt to live in Xiangxiang County, for the outside world know very little, in Cai Bo's memory, for his parents almost no memory, vague fragments are all listening to the description of people around them to know, even the news of the death of his parents, Cai Bo does not know.

In 1938, Zhou Enlai, who was in Changsha at the time, in order to protect the descendants of the martyrs, specially instructed Li Kenong to send someone to pick up Cai Bo from Xiangxiang County Middle School.

From the mouth of Premier Zhou Enlai, Cai Bo learned about the sacrifices of his mother and father. After Cai Bo heard it, he didn't have much sadness, just clenched his fists tightly.

Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

Cai Bo

Subsequently, Cai Bo was sent to the Soviet Union by the Chinese Communist Party. Since then, Cai Bo has begun a 10-year foreign life.

The person in charge of delivering Cai Bo at the time was Mao Zedong's brother Mao Zemin, at a nursing home in the town of Kuchenno in Moscow. Mao Zemin met his aunt Cai Chang, who was recuperating here. This was the first relative Cai Bo had seen in a foreign country, which made him very excited.

Cai Chang then personally sent Cai Bo to the Second International Children's Hospital in Moninno Town, where the children of Chinese Communists were mainly present.

In addition to Cai Bo, there are also luo yinong's son Luo Beibei, Mao Zedong's eldest son and second son Mao Anying and Mao Anqing, Liu Shaoqi's eldest son and eldest daughter Liu Yunbin and Liu Aiqin, and Zhu De's daughter Zhu Min.

Among these children, Cai Bo's age is relatively old, under the guidance of his grandmother, Cai Bo has an extremely gentle personality and is very mature in thought, and he is also very caring for the people around him, so he is very popular among his classmates and has a high prestige, and he has also become the chairman of the Chinese Children's Committee after Mao Anying and the initiator of the Chinese Students' Association for Students Studying in the Soviet Union.

During his time in the Soviet Union, Cai Bo and Mao Anying studied for many years, when Mao Anying was admitted to the Engels Military Academy of the Soviet Union, participated in World War II after graduation, and then entered the Moscow Oriental Academy after the war. Cai Bo chose the ironmaking major of the Metallurgical Department of the Moscow Iron and Steel Institute.

At that time, Cai Bo was very concerned about the situation at home, and he knew that the war would end sooner or later, and the Chinese Communist Party's troops would surely win the final victory. And with that, the country's economic development and national defense construction, which requires the support of the steel industry, so you must learn this profession well and help the construction of the motherland in the future.

At the end of 1945, after returning from the Soviet-German battlefield, Mao Anying came to the student dormitory of the Iron and Steel Institute, and he gleefully told Cai Bo the good news that he was about to return to China secretly.

Cai Bo looked at Mao Anying with an excited face, Cai Bo's heart was envious, he also wanted to return to China with Mao Anying, but due to some reasons, he could only continue to stay in the Soviet Union.

However, Cai Bo still wrote a letter to Mao Zedong on his studies in the Soviet Union and his future situation, expressing his desire to return to the motherland as soon as possible.

After Mao Anying returned to northern Shaanxi, he handed the joint letter to his father. Chairman Mao was very pleased to read the letter and wrote a reply on January 8, 1946. The full text is as follows:

Cai Bo, Zhang Zhiming, Liu Yongbin, Huang Ping, Zhao Xiaoyan, young comrades:

Yongfu (Mao Anying) returned and was very happy to receive your letter. As you have said in your letter, New China needs many scholars and technicians, and it is very appropriate for you to work in this regard.

Here, I can only write a few words to you, in short, I hope that you will grow day by day, be strong, happy, and progressive, and hope that you will unite all the Chinese young friends who remain in the Soviet Union, and everyone will study hard and return to China to serve in the future.

Hold your hands tightly!

After seeing Mao Zedong's reply, Cai Bo and other young people were extremely excited, and the leader's affirmation was not only a great encouragement for them, but also pointed out the direction of the future, which was very important for these young people.

In August 1949, Liu Shaoqi visited the Soviet Union and took the time to have a long talk with Cai Bo.

As soon as Cai Bo saw Liu Shaoqi, he raised two very profound questions: First, why did the Chinese revolution win victories so quickly? One is what is the future of the development of the Communist Party of China?

After hearing these two questions raised by Cai Bo, Liu Shaoqi was very interested, and the two of you and I actually discussed together for more than an hour.

For Cai Bo, a young man, Liu Shaoqi was very appreciative, and Cai Bo repeatedly proposed that he wanted to return to the motherland, Liu Shaoqi was very understanding, so he decided to take him back to China together.

After Cai Bo returned to China, the first relative he saw was his uncle Li Fuchun.

Xiang Police's posthumous affairs: the body was secretly buried without a word, the ex-husband died three years later, and the two children were unusual

Cai Bo's aunt, the famous leader of the labor movement, Cai Chang

According to the professional expertise of the students who returned from the Soviet Union, Li Fuchun made comprehensive arrangements for them and arranged for Cai Bo to work at the Angang Iron and Steel Factory.

When Anshan was liberated in 1948, the ironworks were almost in ruins. After the founding of New China, all the industrial systems needed steel to be revived, so the demand for steel in the whole country increased several times at once.

As a metallurgical expert who returned from the Soviet Union, Cai Bo took root at the grassroots level and joined the first generation of steel people in New China, starting from 0, and carried China's steel industry on his shoulders.

Cai Bo perfectly inherited the advantages of his father Cai Hesen and his mother Xiang Jingyu, and shouldered the heavy responsibility entrusted to them by history. The young Cai Bo had knowledge and technology, and soon became the technical backbone of the factory, and was officially appointed as the director of angang steel plant.

Since then, he has become one of the first metallurgical experts in the mainland, and his thesis has also impressed the old marshal Nie Rongzhen. Under his leadership, Angang Steel has become a leader in the steel industry. For a long time, Angang Steel has played a role in driving the national steel industry, sending a large number of professionals to other units.

In September 1991, Cai Bo was invited back to Twin Peaks to attend the opening ceremony of the first anniversary of the death of Comrade Cai Chang and the display of comrade Cai Chang's life deeds.

After returning to Beijing, Cai Bo died suddenly at the age of 67 due to years of overwork and sudden heart attack.

The untimely deaths of Xiang Jingyu and Cai hesen are undoubtedly a great loss to the cause of the Chinese revolution, but their loyalty to revolutionary ideals and beliefs has infected countless people with lofty ideals, and it is with these people that we can achieve the final victory.

And Cai Ni and Cai Bo also inherited the legacy of their parents very well, although their lives are not as great as their parents, but they have done the best they can do, and they have become useful people for the country and the nation, I think this is also what Cai Hesen and Xiang Jingyu want to see most.