
Demonstrate confidence and responsibility in technology companies

author:Bright Net

Industry needs to firmly believe that the more crisis there is, the more it must grasp the development trend. We will, as always, continue to invest in China, because to choose China is to choose to accelerate development. Intel's dictionary does not contain the word "undo" in it. "Decoupling" is not in line with the laws of industry

Since the beginning of this year, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the world economy has suffered a recession, while geopolitical confrontation has intensified, and the industrial chain supply chain has faced many unstable factors. In the exchange with friends in the industry, I feel that everyone has come out of the early general worry and began to actively and rationally think about how to deal with and lay out in the uncertain environment in the future.

First of all, the industry needs to strengthen a belief: the more crisis, the more it must grasp the development trend. In 2009, shortly after the international financial crisis, Mr. Barrett, then chairman of Intel Corporation, gave encouragement to the technology industry in a speech during his visit to China. There are two points that I still remember: first, the more the crisis, the more we must invest in innovation and invest in the future; second, China is a growing market, where the market is, where the funds must be invested. At that time, the international financial crisis affected many industries and companies to adopt austerity strategies, but Intel continued to maintain its investment plan for the Dalian plant, and even the recruitment plan did not change in the slightest.

To this day, these words are still revelatory. This year's COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated economic restructuring. This is the starting point of a new industrial pattern. At the beginning of the year, we put forward the concept of "intelligent X effect" in the data age, which was recognized by all walks of life in the industry. Grasping the general trend of the development of the digital economy and promoting new infrastructure has become the consensus of the industry. At the same time, we will continue to invest in China, as always, because to choose China is to choose to accelerate development.

Second, in a challenging environment, key decisions should follow the laws of the industry. The science and technology industry has its own development law, and only by conforming to the industrial law can it achieve development. Now the "decoupling" of Sino-US technology is a real risk. Compared with some companies that are undecided and intend to move production lines out of China, Intel's dictionary does not have the word "withdraw". Because "decoupling" does not conform to the laws of industry. In the past few decades of development, China has created a huge market consumption scale, created a complete industrial chain, built a sound infrastructure, and cultivated a large number of industrial talents with mature skills. China's advantages cannot be replicated by other countries in a short period of time. Therefore, to be in the same boat with China is to follow the trend and develop in synergy.

Based in China and taking the initiative to assume industrial responsibilities, Intel will continue to do the right thing "with knowledge and action". Many people mention Intel and will take Intel's ecological model as an example. As an upstream enterprise in the industrial chain, Intel achieves customers and cultivates the industrial ecology, which is our core value concept. At the same time, "doing the right thing" is our ethical compass for advancing corporate governance. We especially agree with the "unity of knowledge and action", requiring the conscience of employees and the ethical code of the enterprise to match the action and act with integrity, because a company with the corporate culture of "doing the right thing" has no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

The same is true of us taking root and growing in China. Whether it is the PC era, the Internet era, the cloud computing era, or the data age, the focus of our industrial development is always technological innovation, complementary cooperation, and application landing. We are not opportunists, only by doing things down-to-earth and squeezing out the bubble can we transform technology into practical results for development. Together with the upstream and downstream ecological chain partners, we form a consensus on the real industrial trend, collaborative innovation with a mutually inclusive mentality, fully integrate domestic and foreign technologies, verify its success in the market again and again, make the market bigger, and then the entire industry has development opportunities.

Looking at the long term and addressing global challenges, Intel will take "technology for good" as its mission. Rooted in China for 35 years, Intel has been practicing corporate responsibility from investing in China and supporting the local industrial ecology, to investing in education to cultivate talents, promoting green development, and a deep volunteer culture. We not only hope to do a good job ourselves, but also hope to work together with the living forces of society through empowerment to build a "responsible ecology", have a greater expansion in strength, depth and breadth, and strive to create a more responsible, more inclusive and more sustainable future.

I firmly believe that complementary cooperation is the best way to overcome difficulties together. Even though the global challenges are daunting, I firmly believe that experience and wisdom equal confidence. The technology industry needs to come together more than ever, as long as we continue to export the value of science and technology and create more value-added through complementary cooperation and collaborative innovation, we will certainly be able to work together to get out of the crisis as soon as possible and usher in new development together!

(The author is Vice President of Intel Corporation Worldwide and President of China)

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