
Biden may be busy in vain, Russia and Ukraine are fighting, but European funds are pouring into China to hedge


Recently, the situation in Ukraine has taken a sharp turn for the worse, and under Putin's order, a big war has been fought. Regardless of the war situation and the final outcome, in short, the flames of war in Europe were ignited. The sudden outbreak of war in Eastern Europe will naturally trigger a storm in the global financial field. At this time, the phenomenon of RMB strengthening has become more and more prominent.

Biden may be busy in vain, Russia and Ukraine are fighting, but European funds are pouring into China to hedge

According to the China News Network reported on February 24, the RMB exchange rate at the beginning of this year appeared a shock upward trend, and recently opened a wave of gains, according to the foreign exchange market data on the 24th, the spot exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar was 6.3199, which has approached the 6.2 range, setting a new high since April 2018.

Biden may be busy in vain, Russia and Ukraine are fighting, but European funds are pouring into China to hedge

The performance of the renminbi is so strong and abrupt, it is obviously related to the current situation in Russia and Ukraine. Since the second half of last year, under the continuous support of the United States and other Western countries, a major crisis has occurred in Eastern Europe. After that, the United States and a handful of its Western allies continued to use means to promote military confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, so that Russia and Ukraine set up a military confrontation posture along the border line, and even several times the sword was raging, and the war seemed to be on the verge of breaking out. As this crisis arose, the clouds of war began to hang over the European continent.

Stirring up the smell of war in Europe is one of the purposes of the current Biden administration in the United States, but this is not the ultimate goal, only to completely ignite the fuse of war is what the White House wants to do most. Since the beginning of this year, the situation in Russia and Ukraine has deteriorated, but at the same time it has been accompanied by calls for an end to the war. For a period of time, Russia and Ukraine have shown no willingness to enter the sea of war, and European countries such as France and Germany have also actively mediated to prevent the war from being ignited. Only the United States is still quite anxious to arch the fire, constantly shouting "Russian 'invasion'", and even "helping" Russia to formulate an offensive plan, and even the "timetable" for the start of war has been lit up, which seems to force Russia and Ukraine to fight even if they do not want to fight.

Biden may be busy in vain, Russia and Ukraine are fighting, but European funds are pouring into China to hedge

There are many plots for the United States to provoke the Russian-Ukrainian war so impatiently, and the most urgent of them is to use the war in Europe to alleviate a major crisis in the United States itself. The hollowing out trend of the US economy has always been evident, and supply chains have long been dependent on external markets. In the past two years, the outbreak of the new crown epidemic has suddenly occurred, accompanied by the introduction of the White House round after round of bailout bills, almost a huge amount of dollars scattered throughout the United States, while the shortage of supply chains in the United States has not been alleviated, the combination of multiple factors, so that the inflation pressure in the United States is getting bigger and bigger, the CPI index has surged month by month in the past six months, and it has soared to a new high of 7.5% in January this year.

Obviously, the "swelling pain" of the United States can no longer be delayed, and it has to force the Fed to raise interest rates in advance. However, the increasingly fragile financial system in the United States cannot withstand the impact of the bombshell of interest rate hikes, so biden dragged his elderly body to step up the rendering of the "Russian threat", almost as if "rushing time" to let the Russian-Ukrainian pair of "Slavic brothers" fight, and then take the opportunity to create turmoil in Europe, drive European capital to the United States to hedge, in order to alleviate the inflation rate of the United States, take over the huge amount of US treasury bonds, and build the US stock market. As the saying goes: no profit gets up early. The Biden administration has worked so hard to stir up trouble, naturally it is fighting for the interests of the FINANCIAL forces and military-industrial complex forces in the United States.

Biden may be busy in vain, Russia and Ukraine are fighting, but European funds are pouring into China to hedge

But at the same time, there is another saying that is also well said: the organs are too clever to calculate, and they have mistaken Qingqing's life. Biden is busy with a lot of work, but it is not a mistake in the "life" of the United States, but it is similar to a bamboo basket to hit the water empty. Now that Russia and Ukraine have started fighting, it is not denied that a part of European capital may indeed pour into the United States, but capital is the smartest, knowing which country is the safest in the world. Is the United States safe even if there is turmoil in Europe? Although the United States is geographically 18,000 miles away from Eastern Europe, the country's financial market crisis is high, and the risk of collapse is visible to the naked eye. And there is also the new crown virus raging all over the place, the daily "gun battles" incidents are frequent, and the "black life is expensive" movement rises from time to time... Is the United States really that safe?

When it comes to security and economic vitality, only China can really have it in the world. If global capital wants to hedge and make a profit, China is the best territory.