
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

author:Ye Zhiqiu and Wang Yaoshi's family

#Town Garden Plantation Treasure # series. I am a flower grower, as I said in the previous flower article. Because I am lazy, I like to raise some cheap flowers, not delicate flowers.

Just figure her, do not worry, not afraid of drought and not afraid of waterlogging, think of watering, forget to forget - forget the state of flowers.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

Lazy people raise flowers, hands are lazy, but the eyes can not be lazy.

Have a pair of eyes that love beauty, be good at discovering beauty, and recognize beauty!

Otherwise, flowers and flowers, do not love to blossom.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

A few days ago, my succulent baby, called Evalian, raised her for 5 years before it suddenly blossomed. The excitement of the big night.

I thought about sunbathing flowers.

This sunburn, really, is more popular than dead. After looking at other people's flesh, I am not angry, it is a little sour. [Cover your face]

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

The following followed my eyes, walked through thousands of households, and shared the flower beauty of netizens.

A beauty, solipsism.

Beauty blossoms, what a gesture!

This Gwalis blossoms, just appreciate it.

In addition, chat, see other flower beauties, and have a relationship with me?

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

I like green leaves, red flowers.

The leaves must be strong, and the flowers must be delicate. It is best to have several suits.

I have tried rich and long-lived flowers, and I want to insert a few colors in a pot.

Red, pink, yellow, purple, orange, white, a pot of multi-color, must be beautiful.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

As a result, it seems that the various colors of the flowers repel each other, and the second color flowers that are moved into the pots never grow.

I put off the idea.

Therefore, my rainbow flowers, rich and beautiful people, have nothing to do with me.

Envy envy the pot of colorful longevity flowers above. [Laughing and crying]

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

I feel ordinary about pure leafy green plants.

If you want to raise, or slender and colorful, standing tall,

Either tall and mighty, it means more gold.

If you can open some small flowers, it is even better.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

Lazy people raise flowers, I have raised Wenzhu.

It is very ashamed to say that she raised her and thought, this Wenzhu is taboo water, and I am easy to forget to water.

I'm in tune with each other! [Cover your face]

Raising succulents is also the idea.

I used to put Wenzhu in the shade, and she grew slowly.

Put her in the morning sun, she is prone to dry yellow leaves, lost moisture.

The white sugar water watered the flowers, and did not save her decadence.

Therefore, I am very unrelated to this slim beauty.

Look at the picture below, and envy and jealousy again. [Cover your face]

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

I have seen other people's bamboo, swaying and colorful, full of greenery.

The pine leaves are delicate, the pine branches are meandering and powerful, and she is a green leaf beauty with soft outside and strong inside.

Looking at her, it often makes people think, be a cultural person.

Come to a set of four treasures of the study room, how many brush words do we write?

Otherwise, I don't deserve this temperamental beauty.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

And succulent, just one, fat beauty!

The blades are fat enough, chubby posture, make people reverie?

Little fat man, you can be so cute just by drinking water!

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

Lazy people raise flowers.

Neglect management, let it grow, dead or alive.

The same flower is generally a few pots, that is, to prevent her, not easy to survive, raise more pots.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

For a lazy person like me, succulents are rare to blossom.

Seeing it once in a while is a lot of judgment.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

After seeing the fat and thin people in the flowers, I can't help but think of the ancient people often said "ring fat swallow thin".

Beauty, are you a fat beauty, or a thin beauty?

Where are you from?

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

"Ring fat swallow thin", used to say Yang Yuhuan and Zhao Feiyan two different beauty.

In Chinese history, the era of fat beauty was the Tang Dynasty.

Fat beauty, plump beauty.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

It requires a plump posture, bumps, white skin, round chin, full of grace and luxury, plump and beautiful.

Rich beauty is not more and more beautiful.

Yang Guifei, one of the four beauties, is beautiful with her plump physique.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

The origins of the skinny beauty are far away.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the King of Chu loved a thin waist, and it is said that "the King of Chu loves a thin waist, and everyone in the palace starves to death."

The slender waist danced and the dancing king was intoxicated, and the Day Qin Soldiers came down from the sky.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

During the Western Han Dynasty, Zhao Feiyan.

Thin beauty, thin waist beauty, slender waist, clear bones.

She created her own "palm dance", because of her light posture, it seems that she can dance in the palm of her hand.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

A gust of wind blew, and the amber ring that was quietly placed in the dress moved with the dance, making a crisp clanging sound, and everyone else thought that Fei Yan was a fairy.

It is said that once, the spring wind was too fierce, if it were not for others grabbing Zhao Feiyan's skirt in time, she would probably be blown into the sky.

The gossip and exaggeration of the ancients are really admirable and admired! [Laughing and crying]

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

After looking at the flower pictures of so many meats, you feel,

Do you like Fat Beauty?

Or is it a skinny beauty?

Just a flesh beauty, reminds me of a song "Read you a thousand times and don't get tired",

Read your feelings, like spring. #心动的瞬间 #

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?

It's a drop.

Look at you, a thousand times and don't get tired.

Whether fat or thin, as long as you have it, she is mine, just fine.

Whether it's beautiful or ugly, as long as I get it, it's okay.

No matter how beautiful the flowers, no matter how good people are, so be it...

Images are invaded and deleted. Original headline @ Ye Zhiqiu and Wang Yaoshi family.

Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?
Lazy Meat: Watch you a thousand times and don't get tired! Do you prefer fat beauties, or skinny beauties?