
Spy drama "Anti-War Song" kills Li Zhixue perfectly interprets "Chen Xiaowan"

author:China Entertainment Network
Spy drama "Anti-War Song" kills Li Zhixue perfectly interprets "Chen Xiaowan"

Directed by Cai Shunan and starring well-known young actors Li Zhixue, Zhang Li and Li Jinming, the anti-war drama "Anti-War Song" was successful today. The play tells the story of a group of heroic sons and daughters defending their families and defending the country during the anti-Japanese period. Li Zhixue first challenged the anti-war drama and served as a female first, playing the outstanding Communist Party member Chen Xiaowan, Li Zhixue said: "Although Chen Xiaowan was born in a family of rich merchants in Guangdong, she has a strong sense of mission for the rise and fall of the country, and this is what attracts me the most."

Spy drama "Anti-War Song" kills Li Zhixue perfectly interprets "Chen Xiaowan"

It is reported that "Anti-War Song" is a "college-style" anti-Japanese theme TV series. It tells the story of the enthusiastic young people represented by Chen Xiaowan, Gao Ge, and Liang Tingting, who withstood the complicated struggle tests with the lurking agents of the military command and the Japanese spy Meng Fuzi, especially in the process of running schools behind enemy lines, in the face of the Japanese army's encirclement, pursuit, blockade, sneak attack and sweeping, and difficult living environment, they were resourceful and brave to face the challenge, and smashed the enemy's various sabotage attempts again and again. Through their growth and emotional experiences and a period of national hatred and family hatred, they reproduced the anti-great spirit from one side and praised the spirit of the anti-great. The script chooses the perspective of talent training during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and organically integrates the "campus" element and the military element, which is quite interesting.

Spy drama "Anti-War Song" kills Li Zhixue perfectly interprets "Chen Xiaowan"

The well-known actor Li Zhixue played the female number one in the play, the Communist Party member "Chen Xiaowan", dressed in military uniform and full of heroism. During the filming process, the explosion scene, the running scene, and the gunfight scene continued, and Li Zhixue's glorious "injury" was still not in the line of fire, which vividly showed the tenacity and perseverance of the hot-blooded young woman. The filming location of the drama was selected in Beijing, Shanxi, Hebei and other regions, and the harsh weather environment of cooling and blizzard was very difficult, although the shooting environment was cold, but Li Zhixue's serious and dedicated attitude made the staff moved. In the interview, Li Zhixue said: "Although the shooting environment is extremely challenging, in order to make the "Anti-War Song" well, it is worth doing everything.

Spy drama "Anti-War Song" kills Li Zhixue perfectly interprets "Chen Xiaowan"

According to the actor Li Zhixue herself, director Cai Shunan's attention to details and the details of the drama made her particularly impressed. All the cast members in the group get along very well, whether it is in the play or outside the play, everyone cooperates with tacit understanding, and the work is particularly smooth. The large-scale anti-war drama "Anti-War Song" is expected to meet with you in August 2017, so stay tuned.

Spy drama "Anti-War Song" kills Li Zhixue perfectly interprets "Chen Xiaowan"

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