
The Lin Zexu Memorial Hall of Fuzhou City walked into the Recuperation Center for Retired Cadres of the Fuzhou Provincial Military Region to carry out activities of supporting the army and jointly building the army

author:Lin Zexu Memorial Hall

  In order to inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of double support and joint construction and further harmonize military-civilian relations, on the afternoon of February 24, our museum went to the Sixth Retired Cadres Rest Center of the Provincial Military Region of Fuzhou to carry out the activity of supporting the army and jointly building the army, and held the "Exhibition of Honesty, Self-Discipline, Prudent Observance of Confucianism -- Lin Ze XuJiafeng Exhibition." Xie Ying, director of the cadre rest center, Wang Yanshou, political commissar, Chen Jiyong, secretary of the party branch and director of our museum, Lin Hong, deputy secretary of the party branch, and Lin Peng, deputy director of the party branch, and Zhong Tiantian, deputy directors of the museum, attended the activities.

The Lin Zexu Memorial Hall of Fuzhou City walked into the Recuperation Center for Retired Cadres of the Fuzhou Provincial Military Region to carry out activities of supporting the army and jointly building the army
The Lin Zexu Memorial Hall of Fuzhou City walked into the Recuperation Center for Retired Cadres of the Fuzhou Provincial Military Region to carry out activities of supporting the army and jointly building the army

  At the exchange forum, Director Xie Ying and Political Commissar Wang Yanshou delivered enthusiastic speeches, and introduced the historical evolution, construction and development of the dry rest center, as well as the daily work and living conditions of the departed veteran cadres, aunts, and staff. Director Chen Jiyong also briefly introduced the basic situation of our museum, hoping that through this joint construction activity, we will understand the construction and development of the units of the troops stationed in the locality, find ways to help the troops do practical things, solve difficult problems, and make some contributions to the construction and development of the troops to the best of their ability. The two sides conducted in-depth and friendly exchanges in ideological and cultural construction, propaganda on party history and military history, and excavation of red resources, stressing that through the integration of existing superior resources, the content and form of joint construction will be further enriched, the achievements of military-civilian unity will be jointly consolidated, and efforts will be made to create a new situation in the work of double support. Subsequently, Director Chen Jiyong and Political Commissar Wang Yanshou signed a joint construction agreement on behalf of both sides, and exchanged books and materials to share the culture of books.

The Lin Zexu Memorial Hall of Fuzhou City walked into the Recuperation Center for Retired Cadres of the Fuzhou Provincial Military Region to carry out activities of supporting the army and jointly building the army

Curator Chen Jiyong and Political Commissar Wang Yanshou signed a joint construction agreement on behalf of both sides

  Leaders of the two sides accompanied the veteran cadres and aunts to visit the "Exhibition of Honesty, Self-Discipline, Prudence, and Confucian Style--Lin Zexu Family Style Exhibition." "Lin Ze Xu Jia Feng Exhibition" is one of the Lin Ze Xu theme series of fine exhibitions created by our museum in combination with cultural hotspots. The exhibition skillfully adopts the methods of storytelling, examples and quotes, focusing on Lin Zexu's childhood tutoring stories, family training maxims, family letters, couplets and other contents, fully embodying the essence of Lin Zexu's family training. Under the leadership of the docent of our museum, we relive Lin Zexu's brilliant achievements and historical contributions, learn from his noble character and spirit of will, feel his extraordinary personality charm and excellent family style of honesty and self-discipline, provide a good spiritual food for the cultural life of the dry rest house, and further stimulate the enthusiasm and belief of the staff of the dry rest house to dedicate the military camp, and the exhibition has been unanimously praised by the old cadres, old aunts and staff.

The Lin Zexu Memorial Hall of Fuzhou City walked into the Recuperation Center for Retired Cadres of the Fuzhou Provincial Military Region to carry out activities of supporting the army and jointly building the army
The Lin Zexu Memorial Hall of Fuzhou City walked into the Recuperation Center for Retired Cadres of the Fuzhou Provincial Military Region to carry out activities of supporting the army and jointly building the army
The Lin Zexu Memorial Hall of Fuzhou City walked into the Recuperation Center for Retired Cadres of the Fuzhou Provincial Military Region to carry out activities of supporting the army and jointly building the army

  In the future, our museum will continue to conscientiously implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the work of double support, deeply and solidly promote the development of military-civilian integration, advocate the core values of socialism, continuously deepen the new type of military-civilian relations of "breathing together, sharing destiny, and heart to heart", work together to create a new situation of double support and joint construction, and greet the 20th National Congress of the Party with excellent results.