
Seventy-year-old scavengers pick up 30,000 yuan, looking for the lost owner, netizens: the smile is so pure

author:Breeze Qz

In our opinion, the general impression of the word scavenger is that the family is more difficult, self-sufficient, and relies on picking up garbage and waste to make a living, but the heart is kind and simple.

When they find cash or other valuable items, they will often return them to their owners or send them to the police station, and will not take them for themselves. Although he lives in poverty, he is richer than many people at heart.

Seventy-year-old scavengers pick up 30,000 yuan, looking for the lost owner, netizens: the smile is so pure

Recently, in Weifang, Shandong, there is such a pair of old two people who pick up waste, Wang Xiuren and Song Yigui. When they were scavenging, they found an old piece of clothing, found more than 30,000 yuan wrapped in a plastic bag in their pockets, and decided to immediately find the owner.

Seventy-year-old scavengers pick up 30,000 yuan, looking for the lost owner, netizens: the smile is so pure

After several tossing and turning, many inquiries, finally returned, the old two also showed a pure smile, smiled and said: "I am not sorry for my conscience." ”

Seventy-year-old scavengers pick up 30,000 yuan, looking for the lost owner, netizens: the smile is so pure

It is reported that the old couple is 74 years old this year, relying on scavenging and picking up scraps to make a living. Every time they pick up clothes or the like, they will rummage through their pockets to see if there are any valuable items, and if they have them, they will return them in time.

This time, they turned over this thick pile of money in the discarded clothes, and it was still wrapped in a plastic bag, which showed that this money was very important to the owner.

Seeing this money, their first thought was to quickly return the lost owner, but how to find the lost owner?

Finally found the information of the owner on the bag, I found the owner according to this, but the other party said that there was no money lost, they had to hand it over to the police station.

It wasn't until a few days ago that the owner found that the more than 30,000 pension money he had put in his pocket was missing, and he remembered it. In the end, the 35325 yuan was returned to the original owner. The old two also showed a long-lost and innocent smile on their faces.

Seeing this, netizens said that no matter how bitter they are, they will not let the tragedy fall on others, full of positive energy. Their smiles are the most simple, clean and clean, which is the most rare quality.

Seventy-year-old scavengers pick up 30,000 yuan, looking for the lost owner, netizens: the smile is so pure

The most precious thing is that you have lived a clean life, but you always maintain the goodness of your heart and do not want to see others suffer. They stick to their bottom line, resolutely do not want ill-gotten gains, and their hard-earned money is the most reliable.

We often see such a scene, when somewhere in the country is affected by a disaster, many scavengers have reached out to help, contributed their own meager efforts, even if only a few, but also represent a heart, express their love.

This kind of kindness is engraved in the bones, and no matter what kind of suffering you suffer, you will not be wiped out. In this day and age, this kindness is something that many of us lack and need to advocate for.