
Five-star shining vitality "bright sword" service to benefit people's livelihood

author:Guangyuan report

On February 24, the good news came that the State Grid Jiange County Power Supply Company Xiasi Power Supply Station was named "Five-Star Township Power Supply Station" by the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company.

Five-star shining vitality "bright sword" service to benefit people's livelihood

Xiasi Power Supply Institute serves "three rural areas" as the main line, always takes the creation of five stars, digs bright spots, and tree benchmarks as the goal of the construction of "star power supply stations", inherits the red gene, carries forward the spirit of "five dings and opens the mountain", "internal strong quality, external image", comprehensively consolidates the basic management of power supply stations from personnel, business, software and hardware facilities, strengthens standardization construction, continuously promotes the lean and refinement of performance indicators, operation and maintenance management, and service models, and continuously improves power supply guarantee capabilities, marketing management levels and power supply service quality, in order to " Improving quality and efficiency, bravely shining the sword, sincere service and warming the ten thousand homes" as the main line, refining and creating the "bright sword" team culture, building a "bright sword" service system, serving as a good power "pioneer official" in serving rural revitalization, and building a "bridge of connecting hearts" between the party and the masses in serving the people.

Optimize the business environment Three years of "zero" complaints

Walking into the beautiful environment of the power supply station, neat and hygienic, standard configuration, and the cultural wall that integrates the local elements into the eyes, people feel warm. In accordance with the construction goal of the all-round power supply station, the Xiasi Power Supply Station completes the transformation of the new office building with the hardware standards of the five-star power supply station, rationally and scientifically plans the functional layout of the power supply station, accelerates the digital transformation, and establishes an intelligent self-service business handling room, a convenient box, a convenient mobile phone charging station, a self-service business handling all-in-one machine, a micro-office electric cloud service terminal, a sunshine information publicity and other convenient facilities, which is convenient for customers to handle business and enhance customers' sense of intelligent experience.

The power supply station built a new intelligent tool room, created a theoretical training room and a practical training training room that conformed to the actual situation of the power supply station, established a staff canteen, a staff book room, a cultural and sports activity room, etc., and built a "six one" distribution network emergency repair command room to improve the response speed and efficiency of emergency repair... The appearance of the power supply has undergone tremendous changes, beautifying the environment of the power supply station. At the same time, it also realizes office automation, marketing automation, process standardization, digital empowerment, continuously promotes the transformation of daily business operations from offline to online, realizes the digital coordinated operation of internal and external service classes, and greatly improves the comprehensive service efficiency of power supply stations.

The power supply institute normalizes the "electric actuary + Electric Housekeeper in Taiwan District" into the enterprise, safely uses electricity into the campus, regularly visits major customers and other activities, so as to take the pulse of the enterprise's electricity consultation, solve problems, and effectively be an "electric nanny" and "electric counselor". Differentiated services warm people's hearts, for small industry and commerce, education parks, community residents, rural customers, farmhouse inns, high-speed rail stations, etc. to develop differentiated special services, provide energy diagnosis, electric energy substitution, safe electricity inspection, smart home appliance promotion and other services, drive the development of rural characteristic industries, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation, help rural revitalization, and create a Sword Pavilion tourism city business card.

Five-star shining vitality "bright sword" service to benefit people's livelihood

The power supply institute conscientiously practices the enterprise tenet of "people's electricity industry for the people", continuously optimizes the power business environment, implements sunshine electricity services, does "subtraction" in the cost of electricity for customers to "save money", does "subtraction" method in power handling time for customers to "save time", does "subtraction" on power data for customers "saves effort", does "addition" in service means for customers to "save worry", and does "addition" in the disclosure of electricity information to achieve sunshine transparency, maximizing the convenience of customers "obtaining electricity" and service experience. Establish a customer return visit mechanism, so that customer problems "everything has an echo, every piece has been implemented", and strive to be a good customer's "intimate person" for electricity use, and enhance the customer's sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction with the power supply service. Achieve "zero" complaints about the quality service of power supply stations for three consecutive years.

"3+1" government-electricity linkage to serve rural revitalization

"The lights are on, the lights are on, thank you so much,......" Liang Zhaozong, the owner of the pig farm in Xiasi Town, Jiange County, said excitedly on February 15, holding the hand of Liang Chaozong, manager of the Taiwan District of the Xiasi Power Supply Station.

"Teacher Liu, there are two light bulbs in my pig house that suddenly stopped coming on, so help me see." Early in the morning of the same day, Boss Liang came to the community convenience service center and anxiously sought help from Liang Chaozong, who was serving at the station.

Liang Chaozong immediately rode a motorcycle to the pig farm of the wedge mill and inspected the electricity line of his pig house, and after inspection, it was found that the room line was seriously aging, and the insulation layer was damaged, resulting in poor contact. After treatment, the barn room returned to normal lighting, and only then did the opening scene have.

Since 2021, the Xiasi Power Supply Institute has transformed the results of party history study and education into practical actions to serve the masses, in accordance with the principle of "government leadership, enterprise promotion, reform and innovation, and service forward", deeply promoted the "village network co-construction", continued to improve the "3 + 1" rural electricity linkage management mechanism, built a stationed service system, and accelerated the transformation from "sitting and waiting for customers" to "active door-to-door", "wanting me to serve" to "I want to serve", from simple services to value-added services, from a single power supply service to an extension of integrated energy services. Let customers use electricity and save money.

Set up a special power supply service area in the township-level convenience service center in the power supply area, set up obvious power supply service identification and power publicity area in the village-level party and mass service center, solidly carry out the stationed service work, realize the township and town people, village (community) point, maximize the realization of power supply service convenience, for the people, and benefit the people, effectively promote the organic integration of power supply services and grass-roots government services, do in-depth and practical reform of the "second half of the article", to achieve "full response" to customer demands, power supply services "zero distance", "3 + 1" The government-electricity linkage effectively opens up the "last kilometer" of power supply services, builds a "bridge connecting hearts" for the people, and actively helps rural revitalization and development.

The "five diligence" work method has excellent performance indicators

With the work passion of "5 + 2" and "white + black", the team of the power supply station adheres to the line loss management policy of "accurate analysis, policy implementation according to Taiwan, time-limited rectification, and responsibility to people", adheres to the principle of "keeping every day, managing every Taiwan area, keeping an eye on every meter", "prescribing the right medicine" to improve weak links, and effectively plug the "loopholes" of line losses.

The power supply institute uses the data of the electricity information collection system and networked management methods, adopts the "five-diligence work method" of diligent screening, diligent analysis, diligent governance, diligent training, and diligent assessment, strengthens the control of key performance indicators such as the success rate of collection, line loss in the Taiwan area, online state grid promotion, and industry expansion, carries out line loss diagnosis and analysis in a targeted manner by category and sub-region, carefully evaluates the equipment energy consumption, power supply radius, customer characteristics, daily management, etc., finds the reasons for the high loss of some lines and the Taiwan area, and excavates the space for loss reduction and consumption reduction. In view of the problems or shortcomings found, "one line, one one policy" formulates management loss reduction measures, strengthens daily supervision and control, digs deep into potential, squeezes out "water", and promotes loss reduction and efficiency. Since 2021, the success rate of power supply collection and the pass rate of line loss management in Taiwan area have been in the forefront of the 40 power supply stations of the municipal company.

Five-star shining vitality "bright sword" service to benefit people's livelihood

The power supply station focuses on the three comprehensive energy service demonstration projects of "low-carbon agricultural tourism complex", "pig slaughterhouse" and "electric hot pot promotion" in the supply area, actively promotes electric energy substitution, and up to now, has successfully promoted the fully electrified pig slaughtering and cold chain project of Eagle Food Factory; 1 all-electric farm, 1 electric hot pot (fancy beautiful beef); construction of 2 electric vehicle charging stations, which has opened a new journey for empowering green and low-carbon and helping rural revitalization.

In the new era and new journey, xiasi power supply station will give full play to the typical demonstration and leading role of "five-star power supply station", always uphold the original intention, have ingenuity, keep in mind the enterprise purpose of "people's electricity industry for the people", strive to be the most beautiful "red flag pioneer", fully serve the "three rural areas", help rural revitalization, and contribute to the construction of happy and beautiful villages. (Tan Wanfang reporter Yang Wei)