
Balzac's adaptation of Disillusionment led the César Award

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Cheng Xiaojun

On the evening of February 25, local time, the 47th French Film César Awards held an award ceremony in Paris. The film of the same name, based on Balzac's novel Disillusionment, became the biggest winner of the night, winning seven awards including Best Picture.

Balzac's original novel "Disillusionment", set in the French Restoration Dynasty, uses two clues to present the different aspirations and life trajectories of two young people from other provinces. French director Xavier Gianolli's adaptation is one of them, telling the story of the ambitious young poet Lucien who, after coming to Paris, step-by-step into the high society of drunken fans with the identity of a journalist, and finally ends up in a situation of no return.

Balzac's adaptation of Disillusionment led the César Award

Disillusionment poster

Previously, the César Award nomination list was announced, and "Disillusionment" received 15 nominations out of 24 awards, leading all the finalists. However, in the end, it won the Best Picture Award, which is somewhat unexpected. Because 2021 is a big year for French cinema, "Titanium" and "Happening" have won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival and the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, which was also shortlisted for the Best Film at this year's César Awards.

Balzac's adaptation of Disillusionment led the César Award

Vincent Lacoste won Best Supporting Actor in Disillusionment. IC diagram

Disillusionment' biggest competitor, though, seems to have been Annette, which won Leo Carax for best director at the Cannes Film Festival. The film received 11 César Award nominations and eventually won five awards, including Best Director. Leo Carax did not attend the awards ceremony, but the film's lead actor Adam Dreiffer traveled thousands of miles from the United States, but unfortunately lost the best actor competition to Benoy Magimmel, a native actor who played a terminal cancer patient in De Son vivant. The best actress was won by Valérie Le Messier, the star of Celine Dion's biopic Irene.

Balzac's adaptation of Disillusionment led the César Award

Annette poster

In addition, this year's Best Original Score Award is particularly competitive. In the end, the Creators of the song and dance film Annette, the Sparks Mel Brothers, defeated Rone ("Olympia Block"), Warren Ellis and Nick Cave ("Snow Leopard Queen") to win the award.

This year's French César Awards Honors awarded to Australian actor Kate Blanchett. In her speech, she attended the award ceremony and expressed her concern about the current situation in Ukraine and her love for French cinema in her speech.

Balzac's adaptation of Disillusionment led the César Award

Kate Blanchett at the awards ceremony. IC diagram

【47th César Awards Winners】

Best Picture: "Illusions perdues"

Best Director: Leos Carax, "Annette"

Best Actress: Valérie Lemercier, "Irene"

Best Actor: Benoît Magimel, "In His Life"

Best Supporting Actress: Aïssatou Diallo Sagna, "Broken"

Best Supporting Actor: Vincent Lacoste, Disillusionment

Best Newcomer Actress: Anamaria Vartolomei, "Happening"

Best Newcomer Actor: Benjamin Voisin, Disillusionment

Best Original Screenplay: Arthur Harari/ Vincent Poymiro, "The Jungle Nights in Onoda"

Best Adapted Screenplay: Xavier Giannoli/ Jacques Fieschi, Disillusionment

Best Foreign Language Film: "The Father Trapped in Time"

Best Debut: "Attraction" (Les Magnétiques)

Best Documentary: La Panthère des Neiges

Best Original Score: Ron & Russell Mael, "Annette"

Best Sound: Erwan Kerzanet / Katia Boutin / Maxence Dussère / Paul Heymans / Thomas Gauder, "Annette"

Best Editing: Nelly Quettier, "Annette"

Best Art Direction: Riton Dupire-Clémént, Disillusionment

Best Cinematography: Christophe Beaucarne, Disillusionment

Best Visual Effects: Guillaume Pondard, "Annette"

Best Costume: Pierre-Jean Laroque, "Disillusionment"

Best Short Film: Les Mauvais Garçons

Best Animated Feature: Le Sommet des Dieux (Mountains of the Gods)

Best Animated Short Film: "Light Madness, Enduring Madness" (Folie douce, folie dure)

Best Documentary Short Film: "Meerbeek Station" (Maalbeek)

Responsible Editor: Cheng Yu Photo Editor: Shen Ke

Proofreader: Zhang Liangliang