
Copywriting I Unfortunately, the world is too insincere, everyone is ignorant of conscience, playing tricks, and finally it has become a taste

author:Always positive and optimistic Xiao Wan

You ask me how much I like you, I can't say it, but I know in my heart that I'd rather argue with you than leave you.

I thought about many ways, but the rain left this way

Copywriting I Unfortunately, the world is too insincere, everyone is ignorant of conscience, playing tricks, and finally it has become a taste

The man I fell in love with was unfortunately he had a family and friends all advised me to give up, to no avail, but none of them asked me why I loved him

It's a pity that the world is so insincere, everybody is ignorant of their conscience, playing tricks, and finally they all change their taste

The little friend who was afraid of the dark was left behind by the person who said he would protect her, and she got up from the ground, patted the ash, and walked into the dark road alone

Copywriting I Unfortunately, the world is too insincere, everyone is ignorant of conscience, playing tricks, and finally it has become a taste

He said he didn't like her, do you really believe it? You should be honest with your heart, he loves you, you won't have her, he loves her, he won't have you, he loves himself the most, you don't have to hate that girl, you're both so pitiful, I want you to be happy, I wish you all the best in the future, love yourself well

It took a week with my boyfriend to learn that he had an object of conversation for a year, and he told me that I was very calm, and I said that we broke up directly, and of course I was afraid that he would do this to me in the afternoon when he sent me home at five or six o'clock, and I changed my mind, it was too painful, and I went to talk to him again in the evening, and I learned that his girlfriend was a month pregnant, and the three of us were the three of us, and the most innocent thing was that she couldn't do an abortion

Copywriting I Unfortunately, the world is too insincere, everyone is ignorant of conscience, playing tricks, and finally it has become a taste