
(Original) Where is the hatred between Russia and Ukraine?

(Original) Where is the hatred between Russia and Ukraine?

In the former Soviet Union period, Russia and Ukraine are a republic of the Soviet Union, during the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Union fought against Germany more difficult, especially not enough food to eat, and this place in Ukraine due to the superior geographical environment, black land accounts for 1/4 of the world, grain production is very high, for Ukraine, there is no problem in eating enough, but after all, he wants to be led by the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union wants to coordinate the whole country, so although Ukraine produces a lot, but it is also famine, which makes Ukrainians very dissatisfied. Later, during the reign of Khrushchev, in order to facilitate management, Crimea, which originally belonged to Russia, was assigned to the jurisdiction of Ukraine, as a country, it was only equivalent to the administrative division of a province, but it did not matter, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military position of Crimea could not be replaced by other places, he was Russia's sea throat, and it was also the seat of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, if Crimea belonged to Ukraine, once Ukraine and Russia turned their faces, Russia would be blocked in the Sea of Azov. And Russia's Black Sea Fleet is homeless, so No matter how much risk Russia takes, it will take Crimea into its own hands, which is Russia's survival.

(Original) Where is the hatred between Russia and Ukraine?

Because of the above, Ukraine and Russia can be said to have a historical relationship.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine and Russia are relatively independent, but for these two countries, there are inextricable links, or have common interests, first of all, geographical location, Ukraine is located on the shore of the Black Sea, is Russia's only immovable port outlet. Ukraine has a lot of heavy industry, such as the Antonov Design Bureau, and a shipyard is the largest shipyard in the former Soviet Union, and the only shipyard that can manufacture aircraft carriers, and the design of aircraft carriers is in Russia, after the separation of the family, Russia can design, but there is no place to manufacture, Ukraine can manufacture, but there is no design department. Another point is that Russia, as a major energy exporter, its crude oil and natural gas exports are mainly imported to Europe through Ukraine, which also requires cooperation between the two countries. In addition, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine received 30% of the property of the former Soviet Union, possessed a large number of nuclear weapons and military equipment, and became the third military power at that time, all of which showed that Russia and Ukraine were inextricably linked, and these two countries could not contradict each other, otherwise it would not be good for anyone, as Ukraine should be united with Russia and complement each other's advantages, if so, the United States and Western countries could not look at them with tiger eyes, but Zelensky, who played comedy, did not do so. On the contrary, it is against Russia, abandoning its martial arts to join NATO, and wanting to put NATO's cannon on Russia's doorstep. Didn't you count the Number of The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in those years? It is said that Ukraine was beaten today, shouldn't it? I want to say it's really light.

(Original) Where is the hatred between Russia and Ukraine?

February 26, 2022