
The final outcome of dwarf wealth and high white beauty

author:Sycamore falls halfway through the courtyard

How to say it, this high white beauty may not have a bad heart, but talking and acting is really too willful, arrogant, short and rich and dignified, isn't it?

The final outcome of dwarf wealth and high white beauty

I kicked you away thousands of miles away and you never come back!!

It's finally over, last night was the last straw that crushed the camel, I exploded! Beat her up, in fact, I was also caught by her with a face of blood, I guessed, broken...

Nima, in the past three years, I have lived worse than the sex slaves in Luoyang, all stockholm, will not resist!! I was also taught by My Father and Mother, do you really think you are a B in hand, the world I have ah!?

Perennial chaos in the world, know that there are all kinds of women in the gossip, just post here as proof, and cut her off!

Now think about it, still angry, depressed, and sleepy this morning. Yesterday's events were like a dream.

It should be that the brain was kicked by a donkey last night, and then clipped by the laptop, and now it hurts, it may be a stupid clip, and the thinking will be a little confused.

Ex-girlfriend J is my high school classmate, college classmate, she was high white beauty, at that time was a goddess-level figure, good study, has been the class leader, singing well, campus top ten won awards, will dance folk dance, I have been looking up to her, some time ago in the theater to watch "Those Years", other men are sentimental, I am sad, I should not have chased Shen Jiayi, should let her live in my heart.

I, I don't know how to say, short and rich, short, is really short, 175, or wear shoes, rich, can also be regarded as the second ancestor of your mouth, the family in the first-tier cities to do business, a little money, aunt and uncle eat imperial food, a little power. Frustrated, really frustrated, rich and not well-packaged, what brand of clothes, I can wear Taobao style. It's like blending into the crowd and never being able to find it again.

I have a very gentle personality, very feminine... (I also want to grandpa, practiced taekwondo for a few years, the more practice the more mother) may be that I am the only son in the family, since I was a child, my mother took too good care of me, and I did things very poorly.

I saw her in high school, with a high ponytail, bright eyes and teeth, and a pale pink skirt. I felt like I had been struck by the Nine Heavens Xuanwu Thunder! That feeling, anyway, you all know, and then I started chasing her wildly, she didn't bird me at all, high school I chased her for three years, she didn't pay any attention to me, (PS: she has 1.67) with a male dick in our school, double-staying and double-flying, well, I watched more NC dramas since I was a child, and Japanese girlish manga has read a little more.

The class held a graduation party, and I learned to roar at her by getting drunk (actually not drunk, my brain was very clear) and pulling her roar in Qiong Yao's drama: Yin Frost! Looking back now, I want to slap myself to death, and then she went to a heavy book, I wanted to go to the same university with him, the score was not enough, I rebelled against my parents for the first time, I didn't go to school, I had to make up for it!! I'm going to get into her college!

The days of tuition were really hard, and I regretted it a little after a while. I hung her photo on the wall of my room, forethought, looking at her I have motivation, and then I was thrilling to press the line, although it is a very unpopular profession, but it is a heavy book, my parents were all kinds of happy at the time, I felt that the face was doubled, a mouthful of a baby son, mainly for my parents and friends' children are specialized in three books or the like, at that time it was really flat thunder! Anyway, during that time I was really beautiful.

Then I called her and started qiong yao again, saying that I was admitted to the university you studied at, and I must catch up with you! blablabla...... Then she said she could give me a chance, but it would depend on how I would perform in the future.

Then, in September, my uncles, aunts, aunts, and grandparents went on a huge line, on the pretext of sending me to school, but in fact, they wanted to go on a trip, sent me to school, and picked up my senior sister with a shocked and contemptuous face!

Looking back on that year, how young, leaving my parents, there was a feeling of carp entering the river, free. College time is particularly abundant, many courses do not matter if you do not go, electives must escape, compulsory courses to choose to escape. All of his spare time was spent pursuing her.

Her dormitory is on the sixth floor, there are heavyweight things to move, a phone call, I hit the chicken blood like rushing over, poor me a fat student, carrying 80 pounds of suitcases, go up to the sixth floor in one breath, and have to pretend to be very relaxed, otherwise she has a look of disdain T.T Sometimes she is in the college building, it rains, a phone call, I rushed from the dormitory to pick her up, anyway, I can do, do, do, hard to support, also to do!

We were together at Christmas, and then she was the president of their academy, and she said that she wanted to buy apples for her members, and I rushed to buy a box of snake fruits and wrapping paper, wrapped them one by one, and handed them to her.

After the exchange, I learned that her family's economic conditions are very difficult, there is a sister and a younger brother in the family, the mother is not very good, I felt that she was a strong, optimistic and positive goddess, her monthly living expenses are only 500 ~ 600, I am 3000 +, at that time very painful her, think she is too bitter, I swore to take good care of her.

Then, the evil landlord extended his evil hands to his father and mother, and I began to cry to my father and mother, saying that there should be social activities, entertainment activities, cultural activities in college... I asked for money, and then My dad increased his living expenses to 4500, and sometimes Grandma secretly stuffed me with a little.

Then, her living expenses are not used, it is used by mine. Freshman year, after Christmas, because it was really cold, she didn't have many clothes, I bought her two down jackets, I also bought a BlackBerry phone, I changed an apple for her in my senior year, and then we ate together, sometimes we ate outside the school, and then bought her some fruit snacks, small gifts or something, yes, once she was brainwashed by her classmates, bought 1800 Mary Kay, and threw it away when it was not used up... The day before yesterday, I saw a post by a sister on Tianya, saying that Mary Kay was brainwashed, and suddenly remembered her again! All kinds of depression came to mind.

In fact, I have always been a person who spends a lot of money, my money at that time, mainly spent on playing Warcraft, buying equipment, buying comics around, but then after the two people spent money, all kinds of feelings that the money was not enough to spend, I finally changed to play Plants vs Zombies. Another time, the money that I had promised to buy her a dress was taken by me to buy the periphery of One Piece, and she was half dead, and I apologized for all kinds!

Every time I give her something, she is happy, and then when I see her happy, I can't help but be happy, really have that feeling, you are happy I am happy.

In fact, we have also been beautiful, sophomore may one, we two go to Changsha to play together, when in the orange island, I am very literary with the bottle of some Yangtze River water, she asked me what to do, I said I want the water in two exquisite small bottles, wear on the body, I hope that our love, can be like the water of the Yangtze River, long and long... Looking back now, I... I felt so uncomfortable, and all kinds of feelings came to my heart. In the winter of my sophomore year, she also knitted scarves for me, and I was so moved to death.

Every time I have Valentine's Day, Christmas, Girls' Day, she has a birthday, I must send chocolate, and then she went to graduate school, lived in my house, and I also cooked every day, because I darkly thought: I must raise her to be as fat as me, and no one will chase her, that is, I drip...

But the beauty is short-lived, it didn't take long for each other's shortcomings to be exposed, my masochistic and masochistic life began, she usually talked to anyone kindly, laughed very brightly, very generous a girl, and then to me all kinds of unhappiness, tantrums, and then I thought, is it that I have done something wrong again, and it is a self-examination.

Later, she often forwarded some talk and articles in space, you all know, that is, the kind of sour and slippery, but it was very popular a few years ago. There is one that impressed me! That is: I will yell at you, lose my temper, make unreasonable trouble, that should be for me to know, no matter what, you will never leave me, is my eternal dependence...

What a mess... I was like the Celestial Spirit Cover was suddenly opened, and I leaned on! I was so moved! There is a wood, I am fucking a scumbag, a bastard! People rely on me and trust me so much, I am so ignorant of good villains! From then on, I rushed forward for love like I had taken an invincible potion!

And now Li Jiuzhe's mind echoes again: I think too much, you always say this...