
Cai Bin should learn the lesson of the second pass of the last cycle! The second pass of high school is not omnipotent, and it is king to bring the old to the new!

The women's volleyball training camp is in full swing. Among them, a total of 10 second passes were selected, these team members include veteran team members Ding Xia, Diao Linyu, there are mesozoic Xu Xiaoting, Sun Haiping, there are also young Zhang Zihan and others, the author believes that Cai Bin guidance should learn the lessons of the previous cycle of second pass training: to choose the second pass instead of height, the strategy of taking the old with the new is the most secure!

Cai Bin should learn the lesson of the second pass of the last cycle! The second pass of high school is not omnipotent, and it is king to bring the old to the new!

Two-pass group

Moreover, the new women's volleyball team is late, immediately facing a big competition, the Asian Games can not be lost, so the second pass as the core of the team, must use the old man! Of course, it is also necessary to bring new people, some unimportant games, you can go to the new people to play, increase the experience of the new people's international competitions!

In addition, a point of view is worth everyone's vigilance, that is, the second generation of the old delays the growth of the newcomer, the author believes that this is not the case, the reason why Ding Xia can get on the position, it is from the substitute little by little, it is spelled out by yourself, you a newcomer If there is no place beyond the old man, what do you rely on to get on the position? Therefore, the second pass position of the national team should form a good competition mechanism, not only to give the newcomers a chance to stand out, but also not to promote the loss of time!

Also, the lessons of the last cycle are worth learning! Lang Dao always has a dream of a tall second pass, this dream may have originated from Feng Kun, two cycles from Shen Jingsi, Sun Yan to Mei Xiaohan, Lang Dao has not given up the efforts to cultivate the tall second pass! But all failed!

Cai Bin should learn the lesson of the second pass of the last cycle! The second pass of high school is not omnipotent, and it is king to bring the old to the new!

Ding Xia

Although Ding Xia is not tall and her ability to block the net is not strong, she can adapt to the needs of each position, make up for the ability and defensive ability that is not in place for one pass, and in combination, no second pass can surpass Ding Xia's strength so far! Of course, despite the dream, Lang Dao was still awake, and finally faced reality and chose Ding Xia!

Of course, there is one more thing that must be said, that is, Wei Qiuyue! At the beginning of the establishment of the team, Lang Dao did not plan to use the second pass Wei Qiuyue, but in the end, the fact still made Lang Dao bow his head and recall the experienced second pass Wei Qiuyue, which proved to be correct, Wei Qiuyue played a very good role in the Rio Brazilian War! People have their own ideas, which is nothing, but people who can face reality rationally are the great wisdom and the big winners! This is the dialectical relationship between ideas and reality!

Cai Bin should learn the lesson of the second pass of the last cycle! The second pass of high school is not omnipotent, and it is king to bring the old to the new!

Cai Bin

Cai Bin also has this lesson, the reason why he failed last time! It was his own ideas that were divorced from reality, and he was defeated and had to leave the national team! I hope that this time, Cai Bin can be more rational, realistic, steady and steady, slowly and slowly realize his ideals! From the beginning of the selection of the second pass, it is necessary to be down-to-earth: height is not the only criterion for judging the second pass, the comprehensive level of physical condition, passing technique, experience, defense, defense, etc. is!

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