
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

author:Fuzhou decoration design fan
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

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The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

Interviewee | Liu Guobang

Written by | Design van

Column Type | Interviews with people

Pencils fluttered on the white paper with his fingertips, and in front of the workbench late at night, he wielded inspiration like a fountain. He is a professional designer who has been in the industry for fourteen years and has forged countless design legends; he is also a miscellaneous artist who can talk about music and calligraphy. For him, design is not only design, but also a fusion of multiple elements. This is the designer of "bold and careful, diversified integration to create design Fanghua" - Liu Guobang.

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

Dare to try years of hard work to interpret design

After graduating in 2008, he came to Fuzhou alone and has been deeply involved in the design industry for 14 years. Over the past fourteen years, he has focused on interior design while also trying to do commercial design. In his opinion, the two have similarities and differences. "Home decoration pays attention to people-oriented, needs to have a specific sense of beauty, must be combined with the actual situation and needs of the owner, so as to control the entire space." Commercial decoration is more inclined to the aura of large space, and the points to be considered are also different. "The perspective of design belongs to the combination of technology and art, which cannot be copied and has no standards. The core of design lies in the precipitation of technology, art and profession, which is a comprehensive systematic learning.

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

When it comes to design and space, most people will talk about the style and creative methods of design, but for him, a practitioner of interior design, design should be space-oriented, based on functional needs, implant artistic installations in the designed works, and pay attention to the improvement of overall aesthetics. Style and technique are nothing more than a tool to achieve the design goals. "Just like people eat every day, some use spoons, some use forks, these are actually one way. In my opinion, the coordination of design and space is like the relationship between fish and water, water surrounds fish, and fish cannot do without water. You have me, I have you. Seeking the best design and space tipping point, integrating design into space art, so as not to be prominent, but also to serve the user.

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

Integrate and apply design in different fields

In addition to his design work, he also dabbled in different industries, exposing himself to different aesthetic ideas and applying them to the design field. For example, music creation, calligraphy, etc., in the existing work, they try to cross-border exchanges, so as to achieve a fusion between the design world and the art world. Seek more design inspiration to improve the artistry of the space or decorate the space from an artistic point of view.

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

As a designer, you not only need to learn the most basic professional knowledge, but also be good at communication. The design itself is a multi-communication system engineering, from the perspective of home design, it is necessary to understand the customer's height and age, family structure, religious beliefs, etc., and make the most suitable design scheme for the user. For the finished product that the customer wants, it is realized through professional skills. Some customers are not good at words, and designers can observe in detail and capture what customers like from their habitual movements. In addition, designers need to know all kinds of new materials and special processes so that they can be applied to their works. Design is a miscellaneous science, from various fields of continuous excavation, to cultivate their own aesthetic awareness, the learning of what to integrate, in different fields of application of design.

Perseverance, love pilot dream design

When it comes to the hardships of design, Liu Guobang never thought of giving up. "When I was in the design industry for 5 years, I was in a period of exhaustion. Or rather, there is a bottleneck at the psychological and technical level. I felt like I was doing the same thing every day, but nothing had changed, as if I was just a porter of drawings. During that time, you will feel that your understanding of design has reached a certain level, but it is difficult to make a breakthrough, and you want to do better, but your ability does not match. If we don't have a strong heart to break through, it is easy to get into trouble, not knowing what the significance of our industry is in this industry.

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

And the reason he persevered is very simple, that is, he loves the industry and loves design. As he said, in a design, I was troubled by the plan for a long time, and I was thinking about it in my dreams. Immediately wake up after solving in the dream and draw the plan. It takes a lot of love of design to be so engaged.

"It's hard to stick to without design. Designers are like a nightcrawler, when you have not yet bloomed, you can only precipitate down, do a good job of meticulousness, so as to achieve sublimation.

Learning helps, repeated practice to break through bottlenecks

Every industry will face a bottleneck period when it reaches a certain level of deep cultivation, especially in the design industry. So how do you break through? In this regard, the answer given by Liu Guobang is: the most important thing is to learn and communicate across borders and integrate different things into the design. Visualize, realize, and land abstract things. "Designers are walking designers, to go out, to continue to learn to see, to learn more cutting-edge, fashionable materials."

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

In order to improve his design skills, he often participates in various trainings and academic exchanges, and travels. "The sublimation of the understanding of a thing must be summed up through continuous trial and error and reflection. Only through continuous sorting, you will know where your problems are, so that you can improve yourself. ”

Down-to-earth, precipitated thinking to move on

In addition to design, he is also an athlete. In his spare time, he also enjoys traveling and outdoor sports. For him, outdoor sports and travel are a great way to decompress. When encountering design pressure and work pressure, through these ways to empty yourself, so as to recover good energy, better into the design work.

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey
The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

Design brings him nothing more than the cultivation of beauty. Integrate what you have learned and learned in life, and display the design results through systematic learning precipitation. That is, to become a disseminator of aesthetics.

For the future, Liu Guobang hopes to be down-to-earth and continue to move forward while doing a good job in the present. Better to achieve a variety of elements integration, to be a own art exhibition hall, to do what you want to do. Not only to do design, or to play design, but also to enjoy design!

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey

Liu Guobang

Fujian Fuda Architectural Design Co., Ltd

Design Director, Interior Design Institute, Fuda Architectural Design Company

Founder and design director of Fuzhou Beiyi Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd

He is a registered member of CIID Interior Design Branch of China Architectural Association

Honorary Awards

The 3rd China Decoration Association "Create Space" Excellent Design Work Gold Award

The 10th China Decoration Association 2014-2015 China Interior Design Top 100 Figures

CBDA 2018 China Design Person of the Year Elite Designer

The 2019-2020 International Environmental Art Innovative Design Works Competition won the Gold Award in the "Clubhouse Space" category

The star horizon × design paradigm | Liu Guobang: Bold and careful, diversified integration casting design of a new journey