
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"

author:Photo art sharing

#芹那##Photo# しるし#美图# This photo of hers is very interesting [hug]

#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"
#芹納##Photo# しるし#美图# Her photo is very interesting "Hug"

The following is 300 limited text, no photo pictures, please ignore, thank you for watching.

Forty is not confused, the food eaten is also quietly changing, from the previous "hard dish", slowly softened, soft is a synaesthesia, rather than simple texture soft.

When young and hungry, they always pursue "hard dishes", eat meat and drink wine, and solve their desires must be hot and hot. But when we are tired, old, tired, no longer sensitive and persistent, even numb to the point where hunger is not too obvious, we will all think of those "soft" foods. And soft, exactly what it is, who asks this question, will have a different answer. And this answer is only a sign of the softest part of everyone's heart, itself.

Wang Shuo said in "Talking to Our Daughter" that when he was young, he grew up in the restaurant, and when he was old, he would go home one day, not learning a few dishes that were convenient for his appetite, and he was too lonely for the next twenty years.

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