
The international sports scene after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict! Football, F1, skiers refuse to participate, how to finish

Recently, with the further intensification of the development between Russia and Ukraine, the world sports world has been affected to varying degrees, especially the Qatar World Cup European Play-offs, F1, Champions League, cross-country skiing and other events originally planned in Russia and Ukraine, and have to be forced to adjust and re-plan. Even sports athletes from some other countries have expressed their position that they will not support the occurrence of this invasion war and will not go to Russia and Ukraine to compete. Although sports and politics have nothing to do with each other, when political contradictions continue to simmer and eventually intensify, sports seem so fragile and small in comparison.

The international sports scene after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict! Football, F1, skiers refuse to participate, how to finish

Given the current tensions in Russia and Ukraine, the Polish, Swedish and Czech football federations have all said they are certain not to travel to Russia for next month's Qatar World Cup qualifiers. And the football associations of the three countries have jointly submitted a joint statement asking FIFA and UEFA not to play in Russia until the World Cup play-offs in March. At the same time, it is reported that UEFA has decided to convene a special meeting of the Executive Committee to assess the current situation in Russia and Ukraine, and then make corresponding emergency plans.

The international sports scene after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict! Football, F1, skiers refuse to participate, how to finish

Previously, St. Petersburg, Russia, was the venue for the 2022 Champions League final, and after the situation in Russia and Ukraine deteriorated further, UEFA also had to find another venue to host the Champions League final. Judging from the current outside voice, UEFA is likely to arrange this season's Champions League final at Wembley Stadium. In addition to football, the Canadian cross-country ski team also does not support the ski world cup competition to be held in Russia. Even in their statements, they cite three time periods six days after the conclusion of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

The international sports scene after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict! Football, F1, skiers refuse to participate, how to finish

Question Russia's political invocation of disputes abroad. Not surprisingly, the ice and snow events originally planned for Russia will also be suspended or replaced. The F1 Russian Grand Prix will also be on the agenda, but several of the world's biggest names have made it clear in interviews that they will not travel to Russia to participate in the competition even if the competition is not cancelled. Vettel said bluntly, "The F1 Russian Grand Prix in Sochi will not appear in its own figure."

The international sports scene after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict! Football, F1, skiers refuse to participate, how to finish

Last season's year-end overall champion Verstappen also believed that when a country is in a time of war, it is unacceptable to play there. Ferrari team leader Matthia also revealed to foreigners that several teams in the Formula 1 event will hold an emergency meeting to discuss the environment and surrounding situation of the Russian Grand Prix. In addition to these sporting events, Russian and Ukrainian athletes will not choose to participate in any international events for a short period of time, and the safety of their families makes it difficult for them to train with peace of mind. For developments in Russia and Ukraine, sports events around the world may be devastating.

(Luo Treasurer)

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