
From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

author:Akika Dai Uncle

| Author: Uncle Akiba

Yesterday, the whole network was paying attention to the war situation in Ukraine and Russia, ready to witness history, I was brushing the latest news all noon, this matter is big, the third world war is about to begin.

The situation changed so quickly that I did not catch up with Putin's announcement of troops, nor did I catch up with the destruction of the Ukrainian National Guard Command, or even whether the Russian army had occupied kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

But the incident made Ukraine's president, Zelenskiy, the world's most focused president right now, albeit humiliatingly.

Zelenskiy's story is better than the TV series, and he can become president without a day in power.

This is probably the first real event in the world adapted from a TV series: because he played the president of Ukraine, he actually ran to become the president of Ukraine.

Zelenskiy was born into a Jewish family to intellectual parents.

Dad was an economics professor, mom was a senior engineer, and in this privileged family environment, Zelenskiy had a smooth ride, did not suffer any hardships, played whatever he wanted, and had a strong interest in art at a very young age.

From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

Good family education, cultivated the emotional intelligence and IQ of Zelenskiy, after graduating from high school, directly entered the Kyiv University of Economics Law School where his father taught, in his spare time behind his family's back, dreaming of showbiz.

Because of his ability to speak and has extraordinary humor cells, in an off-campus performance, he was noticed by the well-known Ukrainian entertainment program team, and then founded his own team, similar to the current talk show comedy variety show, sought after by countless fans, and became a well-known comedian in Ukraine.

I thought that his life would be devoted to the comedy art, and there would be no magic stories behind him.

The major change in Zelenskiy's life took place in 2015, when the TV series "Servant of the People" starring him was a hit in Ukraine, and the streets were crowded.

This TV series has a score of 9.0 on Douban, because of the recent national tensions, it has become hot again.

From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

The TV series tells the story of an ordinary history teacher who was enthusiastically pursued by the Ukrainian people after a video of the general rule of the country and determination to fight corruption was uploaded to the Internet by students, and finally accidentally became the president of Ukraine.

The plot development already looks very magical, but I didn't expect that reality is even more magical than the TV series.

With its super popularity, even if he has no experience in governing, he defeated the former president in the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election and was elected as the youngest president in Ukraine's history with a record 73.3% approval rating.

From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

How good is this result? That's more than his 67 percent presidential vote in the TV series.

We always say that art comes from life, but the legend of the Ukrainian president may not even be written by the best screenwriters. Thanks to the popularity of the TV series, Zelenskiy has created an image of an upright and kind president, and it can be said that he has also exerted the energy of his OWN IP to the extreme.

What is more interesting is that the TV series "Servant of the People" has been filmed for a total of 3 seasons, and the 3 seasons have not been filmed before they have finished, the reason is because the lead actor has gone to become president and has no time to shoot.

After becoming president, Zelenskiy formed a party called the "Servant of the People" party, and his election team was also the crew that originally filmed this TV series, and the election funds came from the investors of "Servant of the People".

Ordinary Ukrainians hate these politicians on stage so much that many would rather vote for him than for the traditional politicians. Although he is not a politician, everyone takes the artistic image he creates and the good president in the TV series seriously.

From playing the president in a TV series to becoming a real president, Zelenskiy took less than half a year. But reality has left the president in trouble.

People can become presidents with superb acting skills, but they can't be a good president with their acting skills.

From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

In his three-year ruling career, it can be described as internal and external difficulties.

Internally, it has not been able to deliver on the promises of the campaign, the people's money bags are still empty, and Ukraine's GDP has always been the lowest in Europe.

Externally, Zelenskiy encountered a number of political challenges in succession, and was defeated in "long-distance and close-range attacks" again and again.

Zelenskiy chose to hold the Americans in his lap, but it was clear that the Americans had taken advantage of him, and the Americans only wanted to mess up the situation and let the dollar harvest The european funds, not really help Ukraine.

Too confident that the West will accept Zelenskiy of Ukraine, including this time in dealing with the situation between Russia and Ukraine, Zelenskiy is obviously "completely unprepared", watching the Russian artillery fire, he is waiting for only the condemnation of western society, and no country will send troops for him.

From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

The public was also very dissatisfied with the president, and the support rate suddenly fell to 26%. The integrity that was once established collapsed in an instant.

At that time, the Ukrainian people saw Zelenskiy as the hope of national change, but in the end they could not wait for the political environment to change, but waited for the crisis of national survival.

From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil
From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

"I swear, I will never let you down. As Ukrainians, look at us, anything is possible! Zelenskiy said in his speech after the victory.

Anything is possible again, but not necessarily a comedy, but a tragedy, and Ukraine does not rule out the destruction of the country at the hands of Zelenskiy.

Because his opponent is Putin, a real big devil, an extremely cold-blooded political calculation animal, if you make a mistake, you may be ruthlessly hunted by him.

As Putin said of Zelenskiy: He was a genius comedian, but he turned his country into a tragedy.

Perhaps in Putin's heart, he feels that the actor's acting skills are not as good as his own.

From comedian to president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy's magical life met the real Great Devil

Of course, from another point of view, Zelenskiy's presidency was entirely due to his personal brand influence.

With his good presidential personality in the TV series and good reputation and influence, the love of the national television audience has become the vote for the president, which is equivalent to creating a national champion event.

There are really not many people who can be a good actor and a good president.

Zelenskiy was not Reagan, and he was too young, and as a result, he was tricked by politicians in Western countries, and a blank cheque to let you join NATO made a country take the initiative to make cannon fodder, and by the way, the wealth of the country was harvested.

It's not enough to have individual super influence, to be the president of a country, you first have to have the ability to match.

Now it seems that Zelenskiy was blinded by his own personal influence as president, and he wanted to be a hero who saved the country, and ended up being a sinner who ruined the country.

Did you pay attention to the Russo-Ukrainian war? For the outcome of this matter, what predictions do you have, welcome to leave a message in the comment area.