
Branch Text ‖ I love you

author:Chang'an 18 sons
Branch Text ‖ I love you

I love you

Text/Chang'an 18 sons

One of the most beautiful love words in the world

Bind me to you

Become an unbreakable whole

There are only three simple Chinese characters

But it contains too many meanings

Although I rarely say it to you easily

But I've said it countless times in my heart

Every time is full of warm and sincere affection

Each time with a blazing temperature

There is also a heavy responsibility

Branch Text ‖ I love you

These three words, just say them

It is the mountain alliance, it is the sea oath

It has been engraved in the heart and flowed in the blood

It is "willing to win the hearts of one person, and the white head is not separated"

Once spoken out, it will never change

Branch Text ‖ I love you

【Author's Profile】Chang'an 18 sons, telecommunications engineers, American writers, like poetry, prose and travel, hope to use the most simple words, to create the deepest poetry. It is not easy to write an original code word, welcome everyone to pay attention, support, like, and communicate!

I have always liked Su Shi's "rough cloth wrapping career, belly with poetry and bookish self-glorification", and also like Confucius's "there are friends from afar, not happy". I look forward to meeting, interacting, interacting, and communicating with people who are related to each other!