
The high-priced dowry in rural areas should return to the "courtesy", and this year's No. 1 document mentioned that it should be strictly rectified

author:Edong Sannong

With the development of the economy in the rural areas, the peasant population has lived a well-off life, every household has built a decent small Western-style villa, and there are cars for travel, and the living standard is no longer as low as in the past, and there is a great improvement and improvement.

In this way, rural marriage customs have also undergone great changes with the development and prosperity of the economy. Rural marriage customs are more developed in the direction of luxury, and the dowry for young people to marry is no longer as good as the past "a few pounds of noodles, a few bags of sugar and a few pieces of meat", but a high-priced dowry.

This strange and distorted dowry scene makes some families with relatively weak rural economic conditions unable to come up with the high dowry money demanded by the woman, but can only give up marrying their daughter-in-law and beating bare sticks. This is a helpless choice for some families in rural areas whose economic situation is not good.

The high-priced dowry in rural areas should return to the "courtesy", and this year's No. 1 document mentioned that it should be strictly rectified

In the past, the rural wedding dowry, under normal circumstances, there were a few hundred or thousand yuan of dowry and physical objects, you can get married in a beautiful scenery. Now when young people in rural areas get married, under normal circumstances, they are tens of thousands of yuan and hundreds of thousands of yuan, some are millions of yuan, and some rich families even have a dowry of tens of millions of yuan.

The wedding dowry of rural people is a traditional marriage custom and cultural custom, which has a very long history and has formed a historical habit, which is a cultural custom that cannot be abolished. However, this kind of traditional cultural practice should maintain its own historical and cultural significance, and it must not be distorted and deformed, and it should be transformed into an "economic" behavior, and the way used by the woman's family to excavate wealth will make the cultural significance of the bride price taste bad, which is very undesirable.

Here, it should be explained that the dowry of rural marriage customs is a must, a traditional cultural custom, and should be passed on. However, it must not be distorted and deformed to make the bride price deteriorate and taste. Because, the main meaning of the bride price is in the "gift", not in the huge amount of "money".

The high-priced dowry in rural areas should return to the "courtesy", and this year's No. 1 document mentioned that it should be strictly rectified

The rural bride price should be determined according to the economic situation of the local popular family, and it should also be determined by the basic economic situation of the family concerned, and it should be adapted to local conditions, according to the family conditions, and because of the conditions of the parties, we must not compare, follow the trend, talk about face, or talk about pomp and circumstance, we must not arbitrarily raise the basic standards of the bride price, and we must not make the bride price lose its original historical and cultural significance.

Now, in the customs of marriage in the rural areas everywhere, people always like to be linked to the economy, because the peasants are rich, have deposits, and have money in their hands, so they can do whatever they want, for the sake of marriage, greatly grinning at each other to ask for a huge dowry, generously sending each other a high dowry.

This will form a benchmarking example for those who marry later, bring a negative impact on the pure traditional marriage customs, tarnish this pure marriage customs, destroy the folk customs, bring bad marriage customs, and become the object of people's imitation.

The high-priced dowry in rural areas should return to the "courtesy", and this year's No. 1 document mentioned that it should be strictly rectified

In the past, in order to maintain this traditional marriage custom and cultural customs, various localities formulated many different forms of township rules and civil covenants and local marriage customs and dowry standards, but many places in the rural areas still went their own way and ignored them, so that this unhealthy marriage customs now continue, affecting the social atmosphere.

This year, in response to this persistent disease, the official has been included in the No. 1 document as a key rectification project for this year's rural work. In particular, the first document of this year mentions that it is necessary to "promote the pilot reform of rural marriage customs and the reform of funeral customs, and carry out special governance of prominent problems in key areas such as high-priced bride price and large-scale operations."

Therefore, from this year onwards, the phenomenon of high dowry in rural marriage customs will have a very big change, which will make the "bride price" truly return to its original meaning, correct the phenomenon of dowry that has been distorted and deformed, and truly inherit the traditional marriage customs and cultural habits.

[The above is my point of view, if there is something inappropriate, please leave your valuable comments in the message area, and actively participate in the comments, specially invite everyone to pay attention to the three rural areas in eastern Hubei, discuss the three rural issues together, picture source network, infringement and deletion. 】