
Here it comes! Light rod type "Long March 8" carrier rocket unveiled! This morning, the "Long March 8" Yao-2 carrier rocket carried out a vertical transfer activity, and the rocket was safely transferred to the launch tower. Will

author:Chen Beihang

Here it comes! Light rod type "Long March 8" carrier rocket unveiled!

This morning, the "Long March 8" Yao-2 carrier rocket carried out a vertical transfer activity, and the rocket was safely transferred to the launch tower. It will launch 22 satellites at 10:30 a.m. Beijing time on February 27.

The light rod type of "Long March 8" Yao-2 rocket is different from the previous "Long March 8" Yaoyi rocket. The Long March 8 Yao'er removed two boosters and replaced the fairing with a shorter length, which was close to the 4.2-meter diameter fairing of the "Long March No. 3 B". The second stage rocket has a diameter of 3 meters and is equipped with two double-pendulum YF75 hydrogen-oxygen engines with a single thrust of 8 tons.

Don't underestimate the light rod type of "Long March 8", its take-off mass of 201 tons, take-off thrust of 240 tons, its 700 km sun-synchronous orbit capacity of 3 tons, is the strongest existence among China's active single and secondary rockets. #Military Fun Science # #科普有料 #

Here it comes! Light rod type "Long March 8" carrier rocket unveiled! This morning, the "Long March 8" Yao-2 carrier rocket carried out a vertical transfer activity, and the rocket was safely transferred to the launch tower. Will
Here it comes! Light rod type "Long March 8" carrier rocket unveiled! This morning, the "Long March 8" Yao-2 carrier rocket carried out a vertical transfer activity, and the rocket was safely transferred to the launch tower. Will
Here it comes! Light rod type "Long March 8" carrier rocket unveiled! This morning, the "Long March 8" Yao-2 carrier rocket carried out a vertical transfer activity, and the rocket was safely transferred to the launch tower. Will

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