
50% of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people! Can ordinary people still counterattack? Why saving money is important

author:Take care of life

Is 80% of the world's wealth really owned by 20% of the population? In fact, the reality is far more cruel than imagined. Un Secretary-General Anton Guterres once said that half of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people, including the world's top richest people like Bill Gates, Warren, Buffett, Bezos and so on, and about 70% of the world's population lives in conditions of increasing inequality in income and wages. At the same time, you see that there are only 26 people in the world who are sitting on half the world's wealth. Guterres pointed out that the well-being of the inhabitants of the modern world is still determined by factors such as their gender, family, ethnicity, race, disability, etc., that is, by birth.

50% of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people! Can ordinary people still counterattack? Why saving money is important

Guterres also said that the lives of millions of people on Earth are largely determined by the moment they are born. So the gap between the rich and the poor is large, in fact, it has brought a series of common problems to the world, such as economic instability, the existence of corruption, financial crisis, and high crime rate, etc., then all of this will affect everyone's living environment or physical and mental health.

Guterres also said that food, water, health, and adequate social and sanitary conditions, decent work in education, and social security are inherent rights of everyone, not the prerogatives of a certain group of people.

In fact, on this issue, I think our country is still doing a good job, and you remember the common prosperity and the third distribution that we just proposed before, which reflects the fairness of resource allocation. Let's take a look at the 2021 China Charity List released by Forbes China, of which Alibaba Ma Yun donated 3.229 billion US dollars to rank first, Evergrande Group's Xu Jiayin donated 3.04 billion US dollars to rank second, and Tencent's Ma Huateng donated 2.6 billion US dollars to rank third, we see a total of 100 entrepreneurs on the list, they donated a total of 24.51 billion yuan, this donation amount can be compared to 17.91 billion yuan in 2020, and it will increase by 37%.

50% of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people! Can ordinary people still counterattack? Why saving money is important

So why is the amount of donations increasing so fast in 2021? We see that at the tenth meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Commission, in order to better achieve common prosperity, the state proposed a three-time distribution system arrangement, including encouraging these rich people to make charitable donations, thus playing a complementary role in improving the distribution structure.

We look at the main donation direction of the list, all are closely related to the people's livelihood, very grounded, of which the medical education and poverty alleviation field accounts for nearly 80% of the total donation amount, it can be seen that in this general direction of the country, China's entrepreneurs in charity really increased a considerable amount of efforts, it can be said that social responsibility is increasing, and some rich people in the United States are not the same, because a lot of rich people in the United States Donate money to a certain extent to avoid taxes, and the direction of its donation is often to its own fund , that is, from the left pocket to the right pocket.

So let's go back to the philanthropic behavior of China's rich, which to a certain extent can alleviate the wealth difference in our country. Of course, the third distribution is voluntary, not mandatory, and in the future, the state may also successively issue some preferential tax policies to encourage the rich to invest in some charitable undertakings or undertakings closely related to people's livelihood. So for most ordinary people, in fact, this part of the group does not need much social assistance, and we can't donate a lot of our wealth like these rich people to help the poor achieve a better material life.

50% of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people! Can ordinary people still counterattack? Why saving money is important

If these ordinary people also want to improve a level of wealth, but also like the rich to donate to these other people, if you want to do this, I think not only to make an effort, you also have to have a thinking cognition beyond ordinary people, you see we have been educated by teachers and parents from childhood to say that you have to study hard, study hard, work hard, the elders often say that success is 99% sweat plus 1% inspiration, but the second half of the sentence is ignored by everyone, that is, there is no 1% inspiration , 99% of your sweat, that is also in vain, and most people in this world do not have this kind of recognition that can counterattack wealth, so what does this wealth thinking refer to? It's actually leveraged thinking. You see in the era of rapid financial development, if a person wants to succeed, if he wants to obtain a lot of wealth, he borrows more than his own efforts, then the rich man knows that although everything may not be owned by me, it can be used by me, and through the leverage effect to leverage greater wealth.

So if ordinary people say that I want to achieve the counterattack of life wealth, but the mainland nationality is not big, I am an ordinary person, what should we do? In this way, we can only start to accumulate from small money, and we may not necessarily become as great as this rich man, but at least we can live a very good and prosperous life with our families. So when it comes to wealth accumulation, in fact, whether it is for the poor, the middle class or the rich are very important, ordinary people in this life from work to retirement, you think about how much time can make money in the middle? It was about 30 years, when I was young, everyone thought that I was living well, I was quite rich, I had enough to eat and drink, and I thought that I might get rich in the future, make a lot of money in the future, and live a good life in the future.

50% of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people! Can ordinary people still counterattack? Why saving money is important

However, there is a gap between the ideal and reality, most people will be defeated by reality, because you never know when life will give you a blow to the head, hit you off guard, so no matter what stage of life, you must remember to learn to save money, so that you talk and do things more confidently, and live more steadily, you don't have to worry about my own illness, accidents, not even money for treatment, not even the money to eat when the old man can't work, so saving money for yourself is equivalent to leaving a way back for yourself.

Although we can't live as dashing as the rich, we must at least have the calmness of ordinary people. You will find that in fact, even if some people make a lot of money, but if they can't save it, how much it spends, or even if it overdrafts, his life is not guaranteed. And some people, although he can't make too much money, but he can save a lot of he is satisfied, he also knows how to manage money, but he lives better than the people around him.

Old people often tell us that you have to be frugal, even if you are very profitable, you have to learn to save money, you also have to learn to manage your finances reasonably, give yourself a guarantee. So when it comes to saving money and financial management, then how ordinary people should save money more efficiently and save money more safely, I introduce three kinds of interest rates higher than bank savings, but also relatively safe and stable financial management methods, especially in this year 2022, the new regulations on asset management have officially taken effect, and wealth management products will no longer guarantee principal and interest.

50% of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people! Can ordinary people still counterattack? Why saving money is important

So you must polish your eyes when managing money, the first one I recommend to you is the national debt, the national debt is the bond issued by the National Treasury of the State, but the national credit is backed, the security is absolutely guaranteed, the interest rate is also very high, you see the savings treasury bond issued in August 2021, its 3-year and 5-year coupon rates can reach 3.4% and 3.57% respectively, while the interest rate of 3-year and 5-year bank deposits in the same period is less than 3%. Then it should be noted that the treasury bond needs to be issued on the specified issuance date, you go to the bank that underwrites the treasury bond to open an account to buy, that can also be purchased by the online bank, in short, it has a specified date and a specified amount.

Then let's talk about the second is the reverse repurchase of treasury bonds, treasury bonds reverse repurchase it is an ultra-short-term bond with treasury bonds as collateral, then it has the following characteristics, the first is low risk, good security, there is stock exchange supervision, you do not have any funds can not be returned. The second is that the yield is still quite high, especially at the end of the month and the end of the New Year's Holiday, when its funds are tight, it can reach a 6% return, of course, its specific return is what, you have to wait for the day of maturity before you can see. The third is that the threshold is low and the operation is convenient. You look at the reverse repurchase of treasury bonds, you open a securities account and everyone can trade. The fourth is good liquidity, the shortest day is only 128 days, when the funds arrive, it is automatically arrived, and the income is locked at any time.

50% of the world's wealth belongs to only 26 people! Can ordinary people still counterattack? Why saving money is important

Next, to introduce to you the third way of financial management is the pure debt fund, pure debt fund as the name suggests that is not a fund that has invested in bonds, so that its income is relatively stable, the risk is safe and controllable, but it is not risk-free. So about the pure bond fund, you must grasp the timing of the entry, if you enter the market well, its annualized yield may reach between 6% and 8%, so have you learned?