
Don't reminisce, don't be soft-hearted

author:You can pick the stars by hand

Today saw a micro-headline, the girlfriend's boyfriend cheated, so he went to the girlfriend boyfriend to want to return the debt, for the girlfriend to vent, the result of the girlfriend also blamed her in turn, and asked her to go to the group to apologize.

Girlfriends are puzzled, in fact, most people are confused.

But in life, there are indeed many women who will forgive men who cheat, but they are not so tolerant of women who cheat. Of course, whoever cheats is not worthy of forgiveness.

Why do so many people still choose to forgive?

To be precise, it is a woman, because women's natural thinking patterns are different from men's, if men's thinking routes are straight lines, then women may be eighteen bends in the mountain road.

For a man to meet cheating, sad or hateful or even feel humiliated – break up, woman: sad – he doesn't love me – no, he loves me – good memories – sad – break up – break up? – Do I still love him – think of the pain of betrayal – break up? forgive?

I would like to say that if they are all cheating, no matter how beautiful they were, no matter how much they fell in love, it was only once, maybe when you struggle to break up, you will remember the scene when he held your cold hand and slowly covered the heat that winter. Maybe you will also think of the days you imagined under the stars and facing the sky in the future, or you may also think of the moment when he suddenly appeared to surprise you on a day that had been separated for a long time. Or maybe you'll remember the day you climbed the mountain together, and he sweated profusely but carried you down the mountain.

Those beautiful, like clouds like fog, linger around you, lingering, like a dream, carved into the heart.

Always in the moment to make a decision, those memories that were once intoxicating are shaking themselves, in fact, many times we are reluctant to let go of the do not know whether it is that relationship, or that memory.

In fact, as early as the moment you find out about the infidelity, you can't go back, even if you forgive, the rift will always be there, and the seed of doubt will take root in the bottom of your heart.

Maybe one day in later life, he will look at the smile of the phone and you will think of betrayal,

You will also be suspicious when he doesn't answer the phone and says a meeting.

Then in every bit of life, you are looking for clues of betrayal, living as a detective, torturing yourself, so make a decision the moment you find out about cheating.

Don't reminisce, don't be soft-hearted.

In fact, when the story of two people has more than one person, it is no longer worth looking forward to.

He wasn't worth it.

When he did something like this, it was time for everything to end.

Special recommendation, I have seen Ye Nianchen's cruel love trilogy "Very Love", "Exclusive Trial Love", "My Favorite", some of the long-ago titles are also a bit deceitful, really cruel but really realistic, he will let you see that deception is everywhere, see all the embarrassing plots in life, once I thought that was the movie, and now I know that it is the reality!

Although the reality is cruel, but the years are long, it is still worth looking forward to, when you encounter bad ones, don't look back, there will always be good on the road.

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