
Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

author:Jinjiang TV New Media Center

Recently, the traffic police detachment of the Quanzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau announced to the public the list of 3 drivers whose motor vehicle driver's licenses were revoked in February 2022 and banned from driving for life. Among them, 1 driver was banned from driving for life due to a traffic accident due to drunk driving of a motor vehicle, constituting a crime; 1 driver was banned from driving for life due to a traffic accident; 1 driver was banned from driving for life because he was involved in drunk driving and escaped after a traffic accident, constituting a crime.

Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...
The list is exposed

serial number name Birth month Quasi-driving type Lifelong driving ban
escape Involved in alcohol
1 Pan Binbin 1995.09 C1
2 Chen Qiwei 1976.09 C1E
3 Fei 1989.05 C1D

Quanzhou traffic police tips

According to the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China, the driver of a motor vehicle who has one of the following two kinds of illegal and criminal acts will be revoked from driving a motor vehicle driver's license and banned from driving for life: first, he escapes after a traffic accident and constitutes a crime; second, he or she drives a motor vehicle after drinking alcohol or driving a motor vehicle drunk, constituting a crime. Drivers should take this as a warning, put an end to drunk driving, drive safely and cautiously, and strictly prevent accidents. In the event of a traffic accident, legal obligations such as immediate parking, protection of the scene, rescue of the injured, prompt alarm, and waiting for treatment should be performed in accordance with the law, and it must be remembered that it is not allowed to escape by car, abandon the car to escape, or abscond and hide.

Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Of the three drivers who were banned from driving for life, 2 were banned from driving for life because an accident involving drunk driving constituted a crime. Since February, the public security traffic police departments in Quanzhou have carried out the "drunk driving daily inspection" rectification action with bars, hotels, KTV and other alcohol-related places as the key road sections, and extensively mobilized the masses to report and strictly investigate the illegal and criminal acts of drunk driving. Up to now, a total of 713 cases of drunk driving have been investigated and punished in the city.

Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Typical illegal exposure of drunk driving

Carp City

Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Illegal time: 6:02 a.m. on February 16

Illegal place: Licheng District Linzhangmen Roundabout Section

Offender: Li Mou

Vehicle type: Two-wheeled motorcycle

Alcohol content: 79.49mg/100ml

Violation: Meet the standard of drunk driving


Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Illegal time: 1:54 a.m. on February 16

Illegal place: Fengze District East-West Avenue section

Offender: Zhang Mou

Vehicle type: Small car

Alcohol content: 78mg/100ml

Stone Lion

Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Illegal time: February 15, 2022, 00:09

Illegal places: 87 Road and Maolin Road

Offender: Hong

Vehicle type: Small car

Alcohol content: 207mg/100ml

Violation: Meet the standard of drunk driving


Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Illegal time: 00:00 on February 18, 2022

Illegal place: Jinjiang City Heping Road bucket water section

Alcohol content: 215.20mg/100ml


Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Illegal time: February 14, 2022

Illegal place: Shitai Road, Dehua County

Offender: Zhang Moulie

Alcohol content: 142mg/100ml

Quanzhou traffic police remind the majority of drivers and friends, drunk driving harm, heavy consequences, for their own and others' life safety, family happiness, please consciously do "drive without drinking, drinking without driving", do not take chances, drunk driving.

Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

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Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...

Source | Quanzhou traffic police micro release

Edit | Li Yuling

Audit | Huang Changmu Zhang Zhenye Zhu Yawen

Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...
Latest Announcement! 713 people have been investigated and punished in Quanzhou! Jinjiang has...