
Do you know how many people applied to Waseda University in fiscal 2022?


As one of Japan's top private universities, Waseda University has always been an ideal institution for many students. Whether it is a student in Japan or abroad, the enthusiasm for applying to Waseda University continues unabated.

Recently, Waseda University announced the number of volunteers for the 2022 General Selection and Common Examination, so let's take a look!

Do you know how many people applied to Waseda University in fiscal 2022?
Do you know how many people applied to Waseda University in fiscal 2022?
Do you know how many people applied to Waseda University in fiscal 2022?

According to the data, in fiscal 2022, a total of 5,045 students are planned to enroll in the 13 faculties of Waseda University, and the number of applicants is as high as 93,843. Among them, the number of applicants for the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Commerce, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Cultural Conception, and the Faculty of Literature have exceeded 10,000.

In Japan, the volunteer multiplier rate (the ratio of the number of applicants to the number of admitted students) is often used to indicate the difficulty of admission to this department, and the higher the multiplier, the greater the difficulty of admission.

From the data of Waseda University in fiscal 2022. The top five with the highest volunteer rates are:

01 Faculty of Literature: Volunteer multiplier - 28.54 times

Waseda University's Faculty of Literature has a long history, dating back to 1890 and 132 years ago. The Faculty of Letters offers students a course of study consisting of philosophical, literary and historical studies. Later, expression media such as theater and film were added as new research directions.

02 Faculty of Education: Volunteer rate - 25.91 times

The Faculty of Education of Waseda University was established in 1903. In 1949, Waseda University was transformed into a new university, and its Faculty of Education became the first faculty of education in Japan to be privately held. Unlike other faculties of education that emphasize teacher training, Waseda University attaches greater importance to the individual development and academic freedom of its students.

03 Faculty of Cultural Conception: Volunteer multiplier - 25.14 times

Students may be unfamiliar with this department. The Faculty of Cultural Conception mainly conducts research on diverse and complex cultures, tries to get close to the essence of human beings and society, and conceives a culture that is consistent with the new era.

04 Faculty of Commerce: Volunteer rate - 22.01 times

Since its establishment in 1904, the Faculty of Commerce at Waseda University has been dedicated to cultivating "learned businessmen." At the beginning of its establishment, the business school believed that "many learned people lack practical knowledge, and many people with practical work ability lack knowledge." Therefore, the cultivation of academically minded businessmen can truly reflect the breadth and depth of business research.

05 Department of Social Sciences: Volunteer multiplier - 20.60 times

The Faculty of Social Sciences at Waseda University was founded in 1966. At first, the faculty offered only nightly courses, but gradually began to offer daytime courses. This is a discipline that wants to analyze the problems in life from a global perspective and seek solutions, with a greater emphasis on practical research.

Do you know how many people applied to Waseda University in fiscal 2022?

The general selection and common examinations are mainly for Japanese students who want to study at Waseda University, and students can think more about English programs and foreign students.

At present, waseda University offers the following Programs: Faculty of Political Economy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Faculty of Cultural Conception, Faculty of Basic Science and Engineering, Faculty of Creative Science and Engineering, and Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering. The admissions in recent years are as follows:

Do you know how many people applied to Waseda University in fiscal 2022?

Judging from the data, both the number of applicants and the number of admissions are on the rise. Taking the data of 2021 as an example, the reports of each faculty are as follows: 40.54% of the Faculty of Political Science and Economics; 19.52% of the Faculty of Social Sciences; 39.63% of the Faculty of International Correctional Education; 35.35% of the Faculty of Cultural Conception; and 43.50% of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (Foundation/Creation/Advanced).

Do you know how many people applied to Waseda University in fiscal 2022?

That's all for today.