
Only 28 years old! After 41 hours of rescue, he died tragically

author:Search in China

After rescue, Mr. Wu, a 28-year-old employee of ByteDance, unfortunately passed away. Both the ByteDance intranet article and Mr. Wu's mother, Ms. Zhang, confirmed this sad news.

Ms. Zhang told Red Star News that she is still in the Third Hospital of Peking University and has a lot of things to do, and the whole family feels particularly devastated by the sudden death of her son. Mr. Wu was in the gym on the afternoon of February 21, and Ms. Zhang rushed to Beijing from her hometown in Ganzhou, Jiangxi at 2 o'clock at noon on the 22nd, "The specific cause of death is still under investigation, and there is no conclusion." ”

Only 28 years old! After 41 hours of rescue, he died tragically

Some netizens left a message under the video number of Mr. Wu's wife, Ms. Li

In response to the sudden death of Mr. Wu, ByteDance publicized the incident on the Internet and sent an intranet article to Red Star News to formally reply to the matter. The article shows that at 13:43 noon on February 23, ByteDance learned from the hospital that after 41 hours of rescue, Wu Classmate (that is, Mr. Wu) unfortunately passed away.

Only 28 years old! After 41 hours of rescue, he died tragically

ByteDance intranet article

ByteDance said in the article, "From 19:31 to 20:15 on February 21, during the arrival of 120 emergency personnel at the scene for rescue, we called to inform Wu's wife, who rushed to the company and sent Wu to the Beijing Third Hospital with two colleagues from the company." Wu's other family members came from other places one after another, and the hospital used ECMO for rescue according to the requirements of the family. ”

For the above text of ByteDance, Ms. Zhang said that she has seen it, but it is not convenient to express it now, and she does not know whether it is true. "The specific treatment process is not clear, it is no longer there, we will talk about it later."

Only 28 years old! After 41 hours of rescue, he died tragically

Ms. Li spoke out in the WeChat group on the evening of February 22

Mr. Wu's wife, Ms. Li, posted a message on the WeChat group, saying, "Yesterday my husband died of sudden death at ByteDance, only 28 years old, and I myself am 28 years old, and I am currently 2 months pregnant. Ms. Li said that at present, there is a mortgage of 21,000 yuan per month, the sudden death of the lover makes it unable to bear the mortgage, and is still in Beijing, and will return to her hometown in Jiangxi after the matter is completed, live with her mother in a small county, and will conceive children and raise adults.

It is understood that in early October 2019, Ms. Li and Mr. Wu held a wedding. Ms. Li also revealed in the WeChat group that her husband, Mr. Wu, is an image algorithm engineer in byteDance's video architecture department, and he usually works a lot of overtime and is under great pressure, almost four years.

For the byteDance treatment process, Ms. Li said that her husband was uncomfortable in the gym, and did not deal with it at the first time after reporting to the staff, but let him find a doctor by himself. "Then he started spitting acid."

After Ms. Li's WeChat group voice, ByteDance made a situation statement on the intranet: At 18:00 on February 21, Wu went to zhongweitong gym to exercise. At 18:56, Wu developed dizziness after about 1 hour of exercise and entered the pantry to rest. The gym instructor noticed that he was behaving abnormally and came forward to inquire. Wu reported that he may be hypoglycemic, and the coach immediately poured a cup of sugar water for him and notified the administrative front desk to start the SOS duty number.

According to the ByteDance intranet article, at about 19:30 after Mr. Wu's dizziness for half an hour, 120 emergency personnel came to the scene for treatment and sent Mr. Wu to an ambulance. During this period, Mr. Wu vomited, and the security manager and another security guard on the scene performed CPR first aid on Mr. Wu.

Source: Red Star News

Editor: Gao Yin

Proofreader: Su Wen

Executive Producer: Liu Feng

Only 28 years old! After 41 hours of rescue, he died tragically
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