
Document No. 1 launched a tough battle against the sky-high bride price, and the national chess game activated 219,000 old communities

author:Big data on house prices

In 2022, two major events began to enter the "battle", one is the sky-high bride price, and the other is the old community.

The sky-high bride price is related to public order and good customs, and the old community is related to the quality of life.

These two things seem to be small things, but they are actually major events in people's lives.

What is very different from the past is that this year's No. 1 document of the Central Committee proposes to "carry out special governance of prominent problems in key areas such as high-priced bride price and large-scale operation and large-scale operation" when talking about rural revitalization.

This is the first time it has been mentioned in document I, and it is clear that the significance is extraordinary.

On February 22, the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Key Work of Rural Revitalization in 2022 was officially released, that is, the "Central Document No. 1" in 2022 was officially released.

Document No. 1 launched a tough battle against the sky-high bride price, and the national chess game activated 219,000 old communities

In article (27) of the document, it is clearly stated in "Innovative Rural Spiritual Civilization Construction Effective Platform Carrier".

Effectively give play to the role of village rules and regulations and family tutors, promote the pilot reform of rural marriage customs and the reform of funeral customs, and carry out special governance of prominent problems in key areas such as high-priced bride price and large-scale operations.

The bride price refers to the money and goods paid by one of the parties to the marriage relationship (mainly the man) and his relatives to the other party (mainly the woman) and his relatives in accordance with customs. In the past, the original intention of the bride price was to provide a kind of economic compensation for the woman and the old-age security of the woman's parents, which had the practical significance of its existence. Because, in the traditional concept, especially in rural areas, after the daughter gets married, she is generally not responsible for the old-age care of her parents. Therefore, it is also true that the appropriate bride price should be given.

The "bride price" originally originated in the Zhou Dynasty, and the "six rites" are recorded in the "Ritual Rites", namely: Na Cai, Qing Ming, Na Ji, Na Zheng, Please Period, and Kiss and Greet. Among them, "Na Zheng" is now called "bride price".

Document No. 1 launched a tough battle against the sky-high bride price, and the national chess game activated 219,000 old communities

But the high-priced bride price in the Internet era is completely different from the high-priced bride price in the traditional sense. The form and role of the bride price is also constantly evolving, the trend of competition is prevalent, and news related to high-priced bride price is constantly in the news. The bride price has also changed more and more, and in some areas, because the woman has proposed a high bride price, the man does not agree or cannot pay, this marriage cannot be done, and it also destroys the love of many young people.

A national bride price ranking circulating on the Internet shows that Jiangxi and Fujian rank in the top two, reaching more than 300,000. It was followed by Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Liaoning and Henan, reaching the threshold of 200,000. Guangxi, Guangdong and Yunnan have the lowest bride price, and even have to be pasted upside down.

Document No. 1 launched a tough battle against the sky-high bride price, and the national chess game activated 219,000 old communities

Of course, in many places, the bride price is often returned to the new family in various forms, and to a large extent it is just a "formality". Some people describe it as a reorganization between companies or a partnership to open a new company, and the two parties jointly invest and jointly appoint directors to make the new company develop better.

Rural areas are dominated by acquaintance societies, which are often the hardest hit areas for high-priced dowries, and the amount of dowries will form a "demonstration effect" and continue to form a spiral of comparison. The No. 1 document of the Central Committee proposes to rectify the sky-high bride price and return the significance of the bride price to the "ceremony"

Before launching a "tough battle" to the sky-high bride price, another offensive action has begun for the residents of the city.

It is the "transformation of old residential areas" in urban renewal actions.

This is coordinated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the whole country is considered to fully activate the old community and improve the quality of living.

On January 20, when the National Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Work Conference studied and deployed the work in 2022, it once again emphasized the "implementation of urban renewal actions" in the eight key tasks in 2022.

Document No. 1 launched a tough battle against the sky-high bride price, and the national chess game activated 219,000 old communities

The meeting showed that in 2021, urban renewal pilots will be carried out in 21 cities, and 55,600 old urban communities will actually be newly started nationwide.

The meeting stressed that in 2022, we should focus on eight aspects of work. The third of these is the Urban Renewal Initiative. Guide all localities to formulate and implement urban renewal plans, and promote various tasks in a planned and step-by-step manner.

According to the outline of the "14th Five-Year Plan", during the 14th Five-Year Plan, it is planned to complete the transformation of 219,000 old urban communities built before the end of 2000, basically complete the transformation of old factories and areas in large cities, transform a number of large old blocks, and transform a number of urban villages according to local conditions.

Of course, urban renewal must not be demolished and built.

According to the Notice on Preventing Large-scale Demolition and Construction in the Implementation of Urban Renewal Actions issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

Document No. 1 launched a tough battle against the sky-high bride price, and the national chess game activated 219,000 old communities

1. Strictly control large-scale demolition. In principle, the demolition floor area of urban renewal units (precincts) or projects should not be greater than 20% of the current total construction area.

2. Strictly control large-scale construction. In principle, the proportion of urban renewal units (precincts) or demolition and construction in the project should not be greater than 2.

3. Strictly control large-scale relocation. Improve living conditions, maintain neighborhood relations and social structure, and the resettlement rate should not be less than 50%.

Of course, there are also requirements for preserving urban memory and continuing urban characteristics.

In fact, the transformation of 219,000 old urban communities during the 14th Five-Year Plan period is also a "difficult battle".

This "difficult battle" is like the sky-high bride price of rectification, this year is a key year to break the situation, and its purpose is to make everyone's life better.