
Why did more than twenty ironclad testimonies fail to defeat three directors?

author:The sea sailed by the helmsman 678

In 2003, there was such an actress who angrily exposed many scandals in the entertainment circle, involving more than 30 directors, but Zhang Yu was also pulled into the "blacklist" by various directors because of this incident, so that there was no drama to shoot, while the powerful director was still as usual, without any loss of interest, and the speech was also suppressed. Zhang Yu, in a fit of rage, sued three of the directors in court, and also handed over "20 video tapes of more than 30 directors" and "4 guarantees", and the cover of the videotape was also marked with information such as time, place, and people. It is said that human evidence and physical evidence are all there, Zhang Yu won this lawsuit should be a matter of certainty, surprisingly this lawsuit Zhang Yu actually lost, the court thought that the three directors based on ordinary social ethics to stop the evaluation of this matter, does not constitute infringement, even if Zhang Yu appealed again The result was rejected. In this way, Zhang Yu was pulled into the "blacklist" by Yongshi, and had to quit the entertainment circle, because of this incident, she was wrongfully sunk under the sea, and returning to her hometown was also met with the cold eyes of her relatives, when the depressed Zhang Yu once had the idea of suicide. It is precisely because of Zhang Yu's encounter that people experienced the powerful power of the entertainment industry star bigwigs, and later many women who were violated by the entertainment industry director stars chose to be silent, until Du Meizhu exposed Wu Yifan, many people began to have no great hope for this, thinking that Du Meizhu would be "harmonious" with Zhang Yu, what was not expected was that this time the weak side actually won, which gave a lot of women who were violated with courage and hope, and also gave courage and strength to the righteous people who knew very much about the dirty entertainment circle and were very disgusted. So there have been a number of entertainment industry people have been reported, I think the Wu Yifan incident is just the beginning, in the future there will be more people to stand up and expose and report the bad elements of the rice circle, the dark curtain of the entertainment industry will be gradually unveiled, He Jiajin recently on the Internet a comment triggered a piece of applause from netizens: "I don't believe look up, who has the sky spared!" "The ancients said it well: good and evil will eventually be rewarded, only to fight early and late, the day of liquidation of the bad elements in the rice circle is coming, the good drama will continue to play, everyone wait to see it!

Why did more than twenty ironclad testimonies fail to defeat three directors?
Why did more than twenty ironclad testimonies fail to defeat three directors?
Why did more than twenty ironclad testimonies fail to defeat three directors?