
Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

author:Clove regimen

In daily life, many people have had such experiences:

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Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?
Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?
Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

Countless nights, the indistinct purring sounds so cheerful and varied, but the most infuriating thing is that it can always make the whole world lose sleep, but it can't wake up the snoring person.

A normal purr is between 50 and 70 decibels[1], which is equivalent to:

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

In a world record, the voice of a cyclist also soared to 93 decibels,[2] equivalent to ambient noise in a bar.

With such a loud sound, why can't the caller wake up himself?

Why the caller

Won't wake you up?

Don't be in a hurry to blame the snoring friends, there is a reason for this!

As we all know, snoring is a common name for snoring and is the most common sleep phenomenon. When we fall asleep, the somatic sensory cells throughout the body enter a relaxed state, and we become less sensitive to external stimuli [3].

So the snorer himself is like wearing noise-canceling headphones, so naturally it is not easy to be woken up by his own snoring.

However, there are a few friends who may have been "woken up" briefly by themselves. However, due to the short time, even the brain did not have time to form a memory, and when I woke up tomorrow morning, I forgot about this trouble.

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

Don't underestimate snoring

Its harm is really not small

Many people will use snoring as a sign of good sleep. But the truth is just the opposite, which not only affects the sleep quality of the pillow person, but also may cause serious harm to their own health.

During normal breathing, airflow flows from the mouth and nose and enters the trachea through the mouth, nasal cavity, pharynx, throat and other parts. If the road is unobstructed, naturally there will be no sound.

However, when the airway becomes narrow, the airflow causes the soft tissues to vibrate and the snoring follows [4].

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

In other words, every time you snore, the body is making an effort to breathe.

If you are always snoring when you are tired, drunk, inflamed with tonsils, and the snoring rhythm is even and steady, and you don't feel tired after waking up, then don't worry too much.

In addition to being very "disturbing the neighbor", occasional simple snoring has little impact on health.

But assuming the following situation, things are complicated -

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

In simple terms, during the period when the snoring pauses, the breathing also stops, and the body is in a state of lack of oxygen.

If you repeat this process all night, you have to think about the possibility of sleep apnea syndrome.

If not paid attention to and corrected, the mild will feel extreme sleepiness during the day, fatigue, memory loss; in the long run, it may also cause symptoms such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, and even the risk of sudden death at night.

Therefore, snoring is not a sound sleep, but it may be a real disease.

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

If you find that your friends or family members around you will make this "desperate" snoring sound, don't kick him again, scold him, or let him go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible

How to effectively improve simple snoring?

If there is a symptom of "pathological snoring" on appeal, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination, and then cooperate with the corresponding treatment plan after the diagnosis.

However, assuming that simple snoring is caused by overwork, obesity, tobacco and alcohol, you can try to adjust your living habits and schedule.

Weight loss can reduce the fat in the nasal cavity and throat, and quitting smoking and alcohol can reduce the risk of muscle relaxation in the throat, both of which have the effect of making the respiratory tract more smooth.

However, this all depends on long-term persistence, which is difficult. In addition to this, there is another, simpler way, and that is to sleep on your side.

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

When sleeping on your side, you can significantly reduce the chance of upper airway collapse and obstruction, and can make the upper airway smoother, thereby improving the effect of snoring [5].

If the snorer is accustomed to sleeping on his back and it is difficult to completely change the sleeping position of the entire body, then a slight sideways turn of his head can also make the upper airway unobstructed, thereby improving the snoring.

But sleep is an unconscious act, is there any way to make us do the very accidental action of turning our heads sideways without disturbing our dreams?


The nitetronic Sleep Smart Snoring Pillow is a pillow that guides us to turn our heads slightly sideways during sleep, thereby widening the airways and playing an effect similar to physical snoring in side sleep.

If you are a moderate to mild snorer who is used to sleeping on your back, then this product is the perfect choice.

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

Image source: Provided by the brand

Built-in snoring sensor

6 flexible airbags are zoned independently

Guide the head position sideways

When snoring, the nitetronic sleep smart anti-snoring pillow can continuously capture the snoring of pillow users through snoring sensors, and filter out the sounds emitted by the partner or surrounding environment through intelligent algorithms.

Once the snoring is detected, the 6 flexible air bags inside the pillow come into work.

Through the recognition of the position of the head, the nearest side of the airbag is automatically inflated, and without disturbing the use of sleep quality, gently push the head sideways, so that the upper airway is smoother and plays an improved snoring effect.

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

Because the 6-piece flexible airbag adopts a separate partition design, no matter which area of the pillow you sleep in, the nitetronic sleep smart anti-snoring pillow can help you achieve left and right side rotation, thereby alleviating head discomfort.

Equipped with your own app

Not only data visualization is achieved

You can also set the sensitivity

It is worth praising that the nitetronic sleep smart anti-snoring pillow is also equipped with its own app.

In addition to seeing changes in the length and intensity of their snoring, users can also visualize feedback on the effectiveness of snoring interventions through the visualization of product data.

Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

Not only that, but we can also make this pillow better serve with personalized adjustments.

Friends who snore more severely can set a moderate degree; if it is not so severe, they can set a mild degree.

In the same way, because the weight of people's heads is not the same, thinner people can also be set to mild; while fatter people can be set to moderate.

A function like this that sets the sensitivity is not only very intimate, but also helps us to improve snoring more precisely, so that the anti-snoring pillow can play a better effect.

All considerations are for better sleep. Whether it is a moderately mild snorer or a pillow person who is deeply troubled by snoring, you can arrange the nitetronic sleep smart anti-snoring pillow.

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Angry! Why don't those who snore and snore wake up by themselves?

Cooperative expert Wu Xiaosheng

Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Respiratory Medicine, The Third Hospital of Nanchang

Scientific review Cai Xiaolei

Master of Internal Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Physician of Fuzhou Public Top 3 Hospital


[1] Wilson K, Stoohs RA, Mulrooney TF, et al. The snoring spectrum: acoustic assessment of snoring sound intensity in 1,139 individuals undergoing polysomnography[J]. Chest. 1999;115(3):762-770.

[2]guinnessworldrecords.loudest-snoring[A/OL]. (2022-02-11)

Zhao Zhongxin. Sleep Medicine[M].People's Medical Publishing House, 2017.16-17

Zhong Nanshan,Liu Youning. Respiratory Diseases 2nd Edition[M].People's Medical Publishing House, 2020.756-766

Zhao Zhongxin. Sleep Medicine[M].People's Medical Publishing House, 2017.120

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Illustration / Cover image source Lao Sa