
It is a cruel fact that most "problem children" are caused by improper education

author:Books and roaming
It is a cruel fact that most "problem children" are caused by improper education

On the Oicho Line in Tokyo, a mother took her young daughter by the hand and got off the train. The little girl looked childish, and the experience of riding the tram for the first time made her feel full of joy, and she told her mother about her future dreams without hesitation along the way. In contrast, my mother seemed worried and could not answer. That's because the little girl's mischief at school affected other classmates and was then dissuaded by the school authorities. At this time, the mother was on her way to another school with her daughter for an interview.

The girl, who thinks wildly and mischievously, is nicknamed Tetsuko Kuroyanagi — and when she grew up, she became a household tv artist in Japan. At that time, Tetsuko, who was just in the first grade, probably did not expect that the school she was going to interview for would affect her entire childhood life.

It is a cruel fact that most "problem children" are caused by improper education

Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, Japan's first female television artist, hosted the longevity show Tetsuko's Room, which was selected as the Guinness World Record for the largest number of television episodes

The school that received Tetsuko was called Ba Gakuen, and the founder was the principal, Mr. Sosaku Kobayashi. Principal Kobayashi's educational philosophy has made Ba Gakuen a free, open, and "non-mainstream" school that teaches according to one's aptitude.

When she grew up, Tetsuko recalled in the book "The Little Bean by the Window" that the classroom of Ba Gakuen was an abandoned tram carriage, and every day students could freely choose their seats and choose their favorite subjects. In such an environment, children are freed from restraint, the teacher's teaching can be targeted, and the classroom is full of excitement.

The educational logic behind it is to discover and preserve the uniqueness of each child. On the contrary, in traditional education, the indoctrination of knowledge is like cramming, which is a kind of indelible for children's personality development.

The "window side" in "The Little Bean by the Window" in Japanese refers to those employees who are not valued in the workplace, because of the lifelong employment system, the company can not fire them at will, so they have to arrange to sit in a corner by the window, and finally excluded from the group work, becoming a "window family", not welcomed by others. And the childhood of Chezi is the "problem child" outside the mainstream education system.

In the book "Little Bean by the Window", Tetsuko's childhood memories in Ba Gakuen can give people a glimpse of some children who are not accepted by the mainstream, and when treated correctly, they can also create their own life trajectory.

It is a cruel fact that most "problem children" are caused by improper education

Book covers

In the face of those "problem students" like Tetsuko, Principal Kobayashi first gave unconditional respect.

Unlike ordinary schools, when her mother took Tetsuko to Ba Gakuen for an interview, Principal Kobayashi did not ask Tetsuko too many questions, but became a listener. Principal Kobayashi asked Tetsuko to open her heart to describe everything she saw around her, even if it was just some illogical fairy tales, Principal Kobayashi was still focused on this, which was the first time in Tetsuko's life that she had met someone who listened to herself so carefully and patiently.

This respect that transcends age boundaries is to treat children as a complete person, but also to believe that they actually have human imagination and great wisdom in their hearts. As the educator Comenius said, children should be honored as God is respected.

Respect and trust for children also shapes their self-confidence. The famous psychologist Bandura once pointed out that whether a person has the confidence to complete a certain goal, there is a very important factor called "behavioral achievement", that is, when a person encounters things, the experience and experience of success in the past can increase their expectations when solving problems.

Ba Gakuen has a student who can never grow taller due to a physical defect, and at the campus sports meeting, President Kobayashi specially set up a sports program for him, and finally let this student win the crown. The principal's aim was to hope that the child would not forget the confidence he had gained when he won the championship, until he developed a physical inferiority complex.

It is a cruel fact that most "problem children" are caused by improper education

Ba Gakuen accepts many students who do not seem to be "excellent", and the most difficult and valuable thing about Principal Kobayashi's educational philosophy is to keep the children's spiritual world protected at all times.

At that time, the outbreak of the Pacific War, the relationship between the United States and Japan was at its lowest point, the people of the two countries were also infected by the hostility of the war, and English was considered the language of the enemy country, which caused most schools in Japan to stop teaching English. In contrast, Ba Gakuen not only did not cancel English classes, but also accepted a Japanese student born and raised in the United States.

In the book, Tetsuko recalls that when the war was raging and hatred filled the country, the students of Ba Gakuen were able to read English words in unison and establish friendships with students who returned from the United States. Ba Gakuen's tram classroom is like a solid wall, blocking the hatred and cruelty that comes with the struggle of the adult world.

There is a bridge in the cartoon "My Mother and Me" where McDougall wants a camera as a Christmas gift, but her mother Mai is too shy and has already done her best for life, obviously, the camera is out of reach. But Mai Tai took a different approach, and she hugged Mai Du to the window and said: Your eyes are the lens.

Mai Tai gave Mai Du a "human flesh camera", and at the same time, he also sent a more precious thing to Mai Du's life - imagination. The hardships of adults are borne by Mai Taidu one by one, and Mai Du has not touched the social reality because of the difficult living environment, and the purity of the inner world has been retained.

It is a cruel fact that most "problem children" are caused by improper education

Cartoon "McDougal and My Mom"

When the rigid values of traditional education flatten the child's growth space, it means that the child is increasingly losing the ability to imagine, and Mr. Kobayashi's love for the child's spiritual world and the guidance of Mai Tai's imagination can provide more possibilities for the child's future life.

The task of education is to preserve the pure and immaculate nature of children and, at the same time, to stimulate their inner potential. Tetsuko visited her former classmates at Ba Gakuen, most of whom already had decent jobs and were able to integrate well into society. They do not feel inferior because of physical or psychological defects, but on the contrary, they are more able to put themselves in the shoes of others to appreciate the situation of others.

In the end, Ba Gakuen was destroyed in 1945, and until the death of Principal Kobayashi in 1963, he was unable to establish a child-oriented college like Ba Gakuen, which was a lifelong dream of Mr. Kobayashi Munaku, and in the end it could only become a thought for Tetsuko when she wrote her book.

At the end of the day, no matter how "imperfect" children are in the eyes of adults, they have the opportunity to find their own ways of contributing to the world if they can be paired with appropriate educational methods. This requires that education is not only the transmission of knowledge and moral education, but also the diversity that educators must understand in a person, and it also means that modern education needs to innovate the definition of talents.

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