
There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

author:Zero distance from the line of sight

She is a wonderful flower on the grassland, enduring silence, just for the wonderful bloom of this moment;

She is a tender green grass in the wilderness, and the wildfire cannot be burned, just to grow silently in your heart.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

In July 2016, a video of a yurt singing "Song in Flight" went viral overnight in every corner of the river. "Song in Flight", Sule Yaqige and her beautiful body language quickly occupied the heart of every fan, and since then, every move of Sule Yaqige has touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, and even the rumor that she was "hurt by the tiger" has caused a "monstrous wave" among the fans.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

For a time, commercial performances and film appointments continued, and tv stations recorded programs in a hurry. This song "Song in Flight" and its singer Sule Yaqige dumped countless fans who "went down to just walk, up to ninety-nine". Many people think that Sule Yaqige is an overnight celebrity, and some people search for Sule yaqige on the Internet. It turns out that there are more than a hundred Sule Yaqige songs sung on the Internet, such as "Love Slave", "Lhasa Night Rain", "True Love Let Go", "Dream Back to the Prairie", "Wandering Wrangler", "Waiting for Me in the Grassland" and so on are all familiar works. People also know that she is an original singer who has been in the song world for more than ten years and has been compared to "Zhang Huimei in the mainland"...


"The sword blade comes out of the grinding, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold." This verse is the most appropriate way to describe the way Sule Yaqige's song is interpreted.

Sule Yaqige was born in Damaoqi, Inner Mongolia, her mother is an Ulan pastoral actor, and her father is also an avid lover of literature and art, so he named her Su yaleqige (Chinese meaning the flower of culture), and she did not live up to her parents' expectations, and she was able to sing and dance from an early age.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

When she was young, her father died suddenly due to a small illness, she and her mother lived alone on the grassland, whenever the night fell and the cold wind whistled, she would curl up in her mother's arms, constantly let her mother tell stories, sing, and really couldn't stay up before sleeping. Slowly, she is no longer afraid of the night, no longer afraid of loneliness, but also for her mother's courage. It was this experience that enabled her to develop a courageous and resolute character that has benefited her to this day.

Su YaleQige followed his mother to Liangcheng County, Inner Mongolia at the age of six, and when he settled down, due to the negligence of the household registration police, He wrote Su Yale Qiqige as Sule Yaqige, and at that time, the family did not pay attention, and when it was time to go to school, they found that it was wrong because of mistakes. Don't underestimate that this is just the inversion of two words, the meaning is very different - "flower of culture" has become "crazy flower", and it is often ridiculed by Mongolian friends.

The misfortunes of childhood and the tribulations of adolescence strengthened Sule Yaqige's determination to pursue a career in singing. In order to realize his musical dreams and share the financial burden of his family, Sule Yaqige, who was less than twenty years old, began to go to society alone. She traveled south and north, turned countless "fields", and tasted unimaginable hardships. Mother would often worry about her and often ask her how she was doing outside. Is your body healthy? Is it good to eat? Is the stay good? She always reported good news and no worries, cut back on food and clothing, and sent as much money as possible to her family. Once, when my mother suddenly visited, she saw a courtyard full of waist-length deep artemisia grass, a semi-basement-like "cool house", a roof where stars could be seen, and a ventilated wall on all sides. Her mother advised her not to suffer this sin anymore, to go home, life is good or bad, she can be with her family... Sule Yaqige shook his head firmly and said, "Mom! Since you gave me such a talent, let me have a good voice and a unique typhoon that is born on the stage without fear, can perfectly integrate body language and songs, and I have won a lot of praise on the stage, I can't give up! No matter what kind of blows I experience, how much suffering I suffer, how much I suffer, I don't care. I must persevere, please believe, I will succeed.


People are like songs, songs are like people.

Every song is a clear spring flowing in the heart;

Every song is a sonorous vow;

Every song is a call from the depths of the soul;

Every song carries a deep thought.

At a chance gathering, Sule Yaqige met the "true son of heaven" in his life, his lover Qu Sheng. As a result, the trajectory of her singing career was changed, transforming her from a cover singer to an original singer.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

I still remember that in that year, Teacher Qu gave her a thick bunch of song sheet music and asked her to choose left and right. Teacher Qu told her that there is no way out of being a cover singer, and you must leave your own unique traces on the way to singing.

Singing original songs – it's every singer's dream! This dream, Sule Yaqige, I don't know how many times in the dream! Looking at this sheet of music, Sule Yaqige was excited! She herself did not know the score, Teacher Qu held the guitar, played and sang for her one song after another - "Lover's Umbrella", "You and I Are Talking", "Direction"... It feels good, but it seems to lack a popular element. Teacher Qu tentatively said: You have traveled south and north, you have had a variety of experiences, and you have sung so many songs, you can try to compose your own compositions! It's not the end of the game, you can hum the melody and record it!

Sule Yaqig did not believe that he had this ability. One day, Teacher Qu excitedly took a sheet music sheet and said to Sule Yaqige: I wrote a song "Charming Grassland" for Inner Mongolia, you come to listen. Sule Yaqige listened and listened, feeling that the lyrics were very good, but the melody really did not dare to compliment, and she spoke quickly and bluntly! Teacher Qu pretended to be annoyed, "indignant" and said: I have the ability to come by myself! Turn your head and go.

After many days, Sule Yaqige heard a beautiful melody on the road, suddenly inspired, rushed home, found the lyrics of "Charming Prairie", turned the mobile phone to the recording state, and did it in one go. Her first original song was born. She danced happily and told Mr. Qu, who had just entered the house. Mr. Qu smiled slightly: "I just know, you can do it."


Sule yaqige's madness is manifested in many ways.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

The first is the madness on stage

She can enter the "play" at any time, and sing with the "play (the mood of the lyrics)", as if the whole stage can not hold her enthusiasm, and every audience is the object of her talk. I remember that at the "Love Charity Concert" on August 4, 2016, she sang passionately and selflessly, and she sang thirteen songs by herself throughout the party, changed into five sets of performance clothes, each set of performance clothes was soaked with sweat, and her weight dropped from 108 pounds before the performance to 101 pounds after the performance.

The second is the madness of creation

Momentary inspiration is often used to record eternity. One weekend, the couple watched the Italian version of Wuthering Heights on CCTV 6, and saw Catherine calling for Heathcliff before she died, and Heathcliff held Catherine's body and shouted: You are finally mine. At this time, the two people were moved to "howl and cry", and "Love Slave" was born in an instant. Once, Sule Yaqige was forced by friends to drink a glass of red wine, "drunk", inspiration suddenly appeared, humming in one breath "Don't let love traffic", "Season of Love", "The Sky is Like a Song", "Heart With" and other songs from most of the albums. Sule Yaqige most of the time in the creation of a crazy energy, once, on the way to Toxian looking at the mobile phone, saw people are sending "mainly temperament" photos, so he grinded the qu teacher who was still driving, let him write a lyrics. The two people exchanged seats, and within five minutes, Teacher Qu made an errand; after changing seats, the song "Mainly looking at temperament" began to take shape five minutes later. In a hurry, the tune and lyrics were immediately sent to the arranger. A few hours later, Suleatchig appeared in the studio... The entire song took less than 24 hours from idea to finished product.

The third is the madness of recording

Don't look at Sule Yaqige usually grinning, but when recording, he is meticulous, and that serious strength is crazy enough. Once, when recording songs in Beijing, it was always impossible to meet the requirements of the prison teacher, and Sule Yaqige adjusted the state in various ways, constantly recording over and over again for eleven hours. At first, I was still wearing shoes, recording, feeling uncomfortable wearing shoes, and took them off. When the record was satisfied, I found that the shoes with swollen feet were "not heeled".

The fourth is the madness of rushing the field

Sometimes the show is so strange, busy every day, sometimes I don't know one! Before the Spring Festival in 2017, unable to resist the hospitality of the organizers, Sule Yaqige received the Spring Festival Gala of twelve TV stations in one breath, at least one a day, and at most three places a day. Recalling that time, Sule Yaqig said: Only two or three hours a day in bed, the rest of the time is not at the scene of the performance, or on the way to the scene; before I was afraid of taking a plane, now, as long as I get on the plane, I can fall asleep immediately, and every time the flight attendant calls to wake up.


Thank you for every piece of grass, which is the source of my happiness;

Thank you for every bay of clear springs, the dojo of my soul;

Thank you for every white cloud, the stage of my dreams;

Thank you for every ray of sunshine, which is the wings of my hope.

Thanks to dear family, give silent wishes;

Thanks to the beloved teacher for pointing out the direction of growth;

Thank you dear friends for giving me the strength to move forward;

Thank you to the people who helped me and feel kind and strong.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

These are a few words from The Third Solo Album of Sule Yaqige, and are a true portrayal of Sule Yaqige's gratitude. Her songs are rooted in the grassland, singing the green grass, green mountains, white clouds, blue sky, sunshine, and clear springs here, singing the simple folk customs, heroes passed down from generation to generation, moving legends, singing the family, love, and friendship here. Grateful for the grassland, grateful for the hometown, turn the love in the heart into a note, spread in all directions. Therefore, there is "Fall in Love with Ulanqab", bathe in "Daiga Naoer", listen to "Myth of the Wind and Clouds", meet "Poplar in Dreams", praise "My Mongolian King", sing "Plateau Love Song", call "Distant Friends Please Come", "Wait for Me in the Grassland", tell "Grassland Love", let "Dream Flying" accompany you "Dream Back to the Steppe", "Because I love you", dance "My Mongolian Dance", meet you in "The Most Beautiful Grassland", live together in "The Most Beautiful Great China", and be called "Grassland Love" by farmers and herdsmen. Manai Ulan Pastoral Riding Manai HuHe De"... This moving melody, each capital is full of affection and love.

Relatives have given Sule Yaqi the most blessings and love: the mother has been helping to take care of her son and care for her weak body; the lover has been silently doing behind-the-scenes work, composing lyrics, collecting works, contacting arrangements, recording, supervising production, post-production, promotion and publicity... Sule Yaqige always said: the encouragement and support of relatives is their strongest backing, and home is a harbor where they can dock at any time.

Many teachers, friends, and colleagues escortEd by Sule Yaqige. It was Wang Xiaohong of the Inner Mongolia Music Association who discovered the original talent of Sule Yaqige and pushed her to the national stage, without the wisdom of teacher Wang Xiaohong, there would be no song "Love Slave" that stood out; it was Xiao Lanying, director of the Joint Department of the Inner Mongolia Federation of Literature and Art, vice chairman and secretary general of the Inner Mongolia Literary and Art Volunteer Association, who took Sule Yaqige to the grassroots level and volunteered again and again, so that more ordinary people knew Sule Yaqige, and also let Sule Yaqige have close contact with well-known literary and art teachers in the country It was Miao Na of the Hohhot Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature who appreciated Sule Yaqige's ability and recommended her to the relevant departments again and again, so that she had many opportunities to "show her face"; it was the trust of songwriters Hou Ge, Aru Khan, Glacier Flying Fox, Wang Xiaohong, Lin Yan, Zhang Jinlong, Cui Fu, Shi Yan, Wang Junjie, Qi Feng, Lu Xinqiao, Jiang Caisheng, Liu Fengge, Qingyun Wangyue, Han Xiao, Haas, Tara, He Ling'an, Li Yong, Jin Million and many other teachers who continued to be born; it was Zhang Xiaojun, Sun Tao, and Guo Yanyue who gave birth to moving songs The hard work of teachers such as Li Zhaojue, Baoligao, Zhou Xiaoming, Hulqinfu, Wang Dong, hasru, etc., will have one song after another inserted into the arrangement, recording and post-mixing wings flying to the side of each listener; it is the strong support of the Liangcheng County Party Committee and Government that makes Sule Yaqige not only hold a number of thanksgiving hometown concerts in Liangcheng County, but also make Sule Yaqige not limited to Liangcheng County, helping her to go to the whole country; it is the full help and recommendation of friends that has the opportunity to sule Yaqige to appear on various stages again and again ......

It was with this support that we have today's Sule Yaqi character. Sule Yaqige said: I have nothing in return, I can only produce more grounded and well-circulated works, singing for my hometown and for all those who have helped me.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige


The fans of Sule yaqige are crazy and the biggest motivation for Suleyakichige to stand on the stage with enthusiasm.

On August 4, 2016, the "Sulechige Personal Concert for The Love and Welfare of Sule Yaqige" was an open-air square performance, and what was unexpected was that the day was almost empty, and people sang and danced with the music of Sule Yaqige, and the fans came from all over the country. There are fans who have driven thousands of kilometers, flown thousands of kilometers by plane, and the fans of the surrounding ten miles and eight villages are excited. Thousands of donated albums were snapped up, and hundreds of specially designed T-shirts were shared by fans minute by minute. After the concert, the fans gathered together for a long time and did not want to leave.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

Fans' knowledge of Sule yachi's personality was really unexpected. How many clothes does Sule Yaqige have, what cosmetics do you like, what flavors you like, what hobbies you have... Everybody knows, everybody knows. One fan saved all the photos, videos, and text reports that could be collected, and often shared them in the circle of friends and fan groups. Xiaowei, a fan in Yantai, Shandong Province, will use the photos of Sule Yaqige to make various blessing expressions every holiday to send blessings to fans for Sule Yaqige; Xiaowei also uses The video of Sule Yaqige to make short videos from time to time, and publicizes Sule Yaqige in various channels. Jiahao, a fan of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, has contracted for nearly two years for free the promotion of the WeChat platform of Sule Yaqige, and many of the pictures and texts with strong voices are from the hands of his own Hao. Han Yu, a disabled fan friend of Anda City, Heilongjiang, is also particularly enthusiastic, often paying attention to Sule Yaqige's every move, and always full of enthusiasm to wave the flag for Sule Yaqige. More friends: such as gentle rain, breeze and so on to help manage the WeChat fan base, many friends have been standing behind Sule Yaqige silently support her...

The imagination of the fans is the most memorable. Out of love, some fans changed "Song in Flight" into countless versions: first "Khan in Flight", which told the difficulty of peasant brothers, advocating that everyone save grain and respect farmers and migrant workers; then "Money is Flying", satirizing the ugly phenomenon that the second generation of the rich and the second generation of officials are spending money like soil and squandering; then "Corn Flying" is for farmers, hoping to increase the price of agricultural products; and "Tears in Flight" is to describe the meager income of migrant workers and hope that bosses will improve the treatment of migrant workers; "Snow in Flight" is a warning of slippery snowy roads. Pay attention to traffic safety... For a time, all kinds of "flying" appeared in an endless stream, making people happy at the same time, warning the society, and intriguing and evocative.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

Some people say that The "lethality" of Sule yaqige to fans is amazing, not false at all. In 2011, we went to Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, and local friends said: Sule Yaqige's "Love Slave" is a must-order song for our KTV here. We didn't believe it, and our friends took us all on the street KTV casually walking around, and it was really everywhere that "I was poisoned by you." Friends in Yunnan said that we were all "poisoned" by Sule Yaqige. In July 2016, after the "Song in Flight" was on fire, "hearts flying, dreams flying" could be heard everywhere in the streets and alleys, and overseas Chinese from the United States, Japan, France, and Myanmar told us that this song had also become "Street Fighter" in their place! Sule Yaqige's fans often passed her videos of fans singing "Song in Flight", and there were several who were more impressed: a one-year-old child held the cradle rhythmically twisting his ass while listening to "Song in Flight"; a three-year-old girl sitting in the car and singing "Song in Flight"; a very old grandmother holding a wheelchair and twisting her waist with "Song in Flight"...

Once, in a CCTV performance, a fan of Linyi, Shandong Province, took a car and took a train, through various relationships, just to meet with Teacher Su, and sang a song "Song in Flight" to Teacher Su in person; after many performances, even if he was tired, Sule Yaqige had to take a group photo with fans for nearly two hours... Sule Yaqige said: This is all I can do for my fans, you can't refuse their likes, you can't let them down.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

In the past year or two, Sule yaqige has begun to broadcast live on some self-media platforms. Often, her fans would "Lian Mai" with her to listen to her sing familiar songs such as "Song in Flight", "Lhasa Night Rain", "Love Slave" or sing these songs to Sule Yaqige. Sule yaqige always listens patiently, enthusiastically encourages, and gives pertinent advice. The fans laughed with her, cried with her, and immersed themselves in the ocean of songs with her.

Public interest

Doing public welfare is a good deed that Sule Yaqige will never stop, as long as she has the ability and time, she will be obligated and duty-bound.

Sule Yaqige, who is currently a Chinese literary and art volunteer, a member of the Chinese Musicians Association, an image ambassador of the Public Charity Promotion Committee of the China Charity Federation, a public welfare ambassador of the China Social Welfare Foundation, a member of the Inner Mongolia Musicians Association, a vice chairman of the Inner Mongolia Network Writers Association, a member of the Standing Committee of the Hohhot Youth Federation, and a soloist of Ulan Pastoral Riding in Liangcheng County, Wulanchabu City, Inner Mongolia, still does not forget his original intention, is enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings, and makes contributions to his hometown.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

Because he has experienced hardships since childhood, Sule Yaqige has to do his best to often give away learning and daily necessities to left-behind children in poor areas, visit disabled friends, and help young people with musical dreams. In cooperation with the Public Charity Promotion Committee of the China Charity Federation, 22 "Sule Yaqige Love Book Houses" were established across the country, and together with the famous calligrapher Cai Yinhu, the painter Jiang Tao, the psychological counselors Duo Lan and Hao Shuling, etc. opened the "Love Music Classroom", "Love Calligraphy and Painting Classroom" and "Love Psychological Counseling Room" in the Kiln Primary School of Liangcheng County for many years, and made free image endorsements for the enterprises in their hometowns. He has been hired by various public welfare associations and organizations as "public welfare image ambassador", "love to help education ambassador" and other honorary titles.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

The most touching one was in August 2014, When Sule Yaqige held a concert of her personal works of "Hometown Love - Dream of Helping Students" in Liangcheng County, her second hometown, and for this concert, she did not shed tears. At that time, she traveled back and forth between Hohhot and Liangcheng County many times, driving, eating, and sleeping before calling for sponsoring companies. Some entrepreneurs may eat a meal for thousands of dollars, but they are not active in donating to college students to fund public welfare activities. Therefore, Qu Sheng persuaded her to continue to insist, and if she really couldn't do it, she would post her own money. Later, with the help of his friend Wang Lijian, he provided cost-effective lighting and dance, the duo performance artist Wu Liping provided a full set of audio for the concert, and the Liangcheng County Cultural Bureau, the Education Bureau and the Radio and Television Bureau also provided special support, solved the problems of stage and publicity, screened the difficult students, and some entrepreneurs in local and surrounding cities anonymously donated funds for the concert. But funding is still a big problem. Sule Yaqige said that on August 13, the performance began, and on August 11, the donation of funds to fund the education was still 40,000 yuan in place. Until the day before the performance, an entrepreneur friend in my hometown suddenly called and said, "I will help you for the doll."

Such a public welfare concert, 10,000 people empty alleys, more than 200,000 people in the small county, there are more than 30,000 people gathered in the square to watch the performance, more and more donors on the spot. At the concert, she sang 12 songs in one breath, and her costumes were soaked with sweat, but seeing the joy of the 12 children holding large red envelopes in their hands, thinking that they could realize their college dreams, for Sule Yaqige, all the efforts were worth it.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

At the beginning of 2020, the new coronavirus was raging. Sule Yaqige, Qu Sheng and Zhang Jinlong created the public welfare song "We Are Together", and the good friend director Wang Tianyue specially edited the MV to do their meager efforts to fight the epidemic.

Sule Yaqige also used singers and musicians from all over the country to create and perform the public welfare song "The Transmission of Love" composed by Chang Huiyuan and composed by Xiang Rong in the form of "cloud chorus". At present, the melancholy epidemic cannot be gathered, and the grassland musicians communicate through the network from planning, recording, arranging and even post-production audio and video, and then, respectively, they use mobile phones to record and record at home, complete the recording in the way of "cloud chorus", and then upload it back through the network cloud, and finally form the song and MV of "Transmission of Love" through the producer's home production. Although everyone has different equipment, the recording and shooting effects may not be the best, but through the innovative way of the network, everyone's love will be transmitted with music. It is a new attempt at music creation.

Accumulate less into more, set armpits into qiu. Sule yaqige has participated in dozens of public welfare performances of all sizes over the years, generously donating to public welfare activities and taking positive actions.

Sule Yaqige Charity Walk - always on the road!

The plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold

"The sword blade comes out of the grinding, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from the bitter cold." Sule Yaqige loves music, loves the stage, after years of persistence, more than ten years of struggle, this "crazy" "flower of culture" has borne fruitful fruits: the work "Love Slave" won the first National Pop Song Composition Contest North China Division of excellent works and shortlisted for the national finals, the works "Love Slave", "Love Ulanchabu", "Dream Without Regret", "Second Sister Has Changed Now", "Charming Grassland", "The Most Beautiful Grassland Meets You", "Manai Ulan Pastoral Horse Manehu And De" Many other works have won the "Five Ones" Project Award for the Construction of Municipal Spiritual Civilization.

There is a "crazy flower" on the prairie - remembering the prairie new singer Sule Yaqige

Sule Yaqige used his ability to play an exemplary role as a literary and artistic leader. Ten years of grinding a sword, her more than a hundred original songs, four genuine albums, countless honors are step by step, down-to-earth! She is enthusiastic about public welfare, adheres to public welfare performances all year round, contributes generously to public welfare, and actively shouts. In 2016, a song "Song in Flight" is a fan of "second kill" without age difference, and the song spread throughout the country and became famous at home and abroad. In 2019, a song "Lhasa Night Rain" once again spread throughout Shenzhou. After becoming famous, Sule Yaqige did not stop moving forward: a song "China Speed" cheered for the motherland, a song "The Most Beautiful China" praised the motherland, a song "The Most Dazzling Heavenly Tour" interpreted the northwest wind to the fullest, and a song "Manai Ulan Pastoral Riding ManaiHuhede" portrayed the relationship between Ulan Herding and farmers and herdsmen vividly.

The path of music in Sule yaqiqige – never stops


There seems to be a lot of unfinished business. Sule Yaqige is a simple, transparent person, she is outspoken and fast-talking, and she has nothing to hide. Over the years, she has participated in hundreds of concerts and program recordings, large and small, and the awards, certificates, and trophies she has received can fill several walls. She said: That's all in the past – look ahead!

Text: Suleya Culture Media

Reporter Yang Fan connected the interview and released it on the whole network

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