
Absorb the wisdom of party history and concentrate on cultivating people with virtue

author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily, February 23 (Correspondent Li Jinjin, Fu Xuan, All-media reporter Liu Zhendong, Huang Jing) illuminated the way forward and stimulated the strength to forge ahead. The Party Committee of Hunan Railway Science and Technology Vocational and Technical College set up a leading group for party history study and education, and integrated party history study and education into all aspects and the whole process of Lide shuren. In 2021, Hunan Tieke Vocational College was successively rated as a demonstration unit for the creation of "Advanced Party School of Colleges and Universities in the Province" and "Ingenious Party Building", and made a typical speech at the Zhuzhou Party History Learning and Education Experience Exchange Conference as the only representative of colleges and universities.

Absorb the wisdom of party history and concentrate on cultivating people with virtue

Multiple Measures To Make Concerted Efforts to Study History, Reason, and Strengthen Party Spirit

Party history is the most vivid and convincing textbook. With a high degree of political judgment, comprehension and execution, the party committee of the school adheres to the combination of online and offline, and promotes the study and education of party history into the mind. "Ear to", listen to the history of the Party in the red radio waves. The campus radio station has set up special columns such as "Centennial Years of Party History" and "Party History Youth Says", carried out the special morning reading activity of "Reading Party History Every Day for a Hundred Years", actively participated in the online song activity of "singing a red song to the party", sang the red melody, and made the party history "endless". "Eye to eye" to understand the history of the Party in the theme activities. Innovatively carry out the "@ Everyone Party History Knowledge Comes to You" learning activity, and place 1,000 cards printed with Party history knowledge topics in all corners of the campus to form an interesting class on Party history knowledge. Regularly hold theoretical study meetings, party history knowledge contests, speech contests and other activities, so that party history study becomes the action consciousness of teachers and students. "Heart to heart", feel the history of the party on the red map. Organize party members and cadres to visit and study red education bases such as the old house of zuojia and the old site of "half a quilt" to feel the original mission of Chinese communists on the ground; organize the "Re-walk the Long March" activity in the school to integrate red genes into the blood of teachers and students.

Absorb the wisdom of party history and concentrate on cultivating people with virtue

Studying the "Four Histories" and Gathering Strength Studying history increases faith and builds faith

If you want to know the road, you must first be history. Only if you have faith in your heart can you go far. The members of the party committee of the school take the history of the party as the main line, integrate the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, and hold seminars and exchange meetings, special reading classes to talk about the "four histories" and talk about experience. All party branches have carried out more than 30 party lessons to create a strong learning atmosphere of "being educated at all times and listening to party lessons everywhere"; comprehensively promoting the "four histories" education into classrooms and dormitories, giving play to the functions of the Youth Ideological and Political Research Association, the College Students' Current Politics Study Society, and other organizations, so that teachers and students can build up their faith in "study, thinking, and discussion", and consciously enhance their self-confidence in the road, theory, system, and culture. In 2021, the school's party committee developed 600 teachers, students and party members, a substantial increase over previous years.

Tao Qingcao Ti Shi De Xue Shi Chongde Bao True Color

The foundation of the establishment of colleges and universities lies in the Lide tree people. The school subtly infiltrates loyalty by carrying out the "Locomotive" party building brand creation activities; condenses the cultural concept of "iron shoulder shoulders and shoulders the road, the road is far away" to create a good atmosphere of clean and healthy atmosphere; builds the "locomotive" party building cultural theme park, so that the whole campus becomes a garden infiltrated with red genes; carries out the creation of "one department, one characteristic, one college and one brand", and deeply integrates the study and education of party history with the three all-round education, school-enterprise cooperation, and internal governance; in all party members and cadres, Among the teaching staff, we will continue to promote the construction of moral cultivation and teacher morality and teaching style, enhance the ideological consciousness and action consciousness of lizheng morality, Ming Dade, public morality, and strict private morality, and effectively transform the nourishment of party history into vivid practice of promoting the high-quality development of the school.

Absorb the wisdom of party history and concentrate on cultivating people with virtue

Fu Action Strives to Be a Pioneer In studying history and carrying out the mission

Study history and practice the original intention, and concentrate on doing practical things. The party committee of the school adheres to the problem orientation, focuses on the urgent difficulties and anxieties of teachers and students, formulates a list of practical projects, and hangs up a map for combat. As of December 2021, the school's party members and leading cadres at or above the deputy department level have done 45 practical things for teachers and students, continuously improving the happiness and sense of gain of teachers and students.

Steadily promote mergers and acquisitions. Hunan Tieke Vocational College conscientiously implements the decision of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee on the merger and transfer of the Hunan University of Technology Science and Technology College, The Hunan Railway Vocational College and the university to establish a vocational education undergraduate, steadily promote the merger and transfer; and strive to improve the quality and excellence. Successfully established the national "Curriculum Ideological Politics Demonstration Course", "Excellent Online Open Course", "Virtual Simulation Demonstration Training Base", "Vocational Education Teacher Teaching Innovation Team" and other projects, and the number of projects approved ranks first in the province. Do a good job of employment with high quality. Through the "2+1" directional training with 18 railway bureaus across the country and the "order" training with 37 subway companies, the initial employment rate of graduates in 2021 has reached 95.77%, the employment rate of graduates in Lika has reached 100%, and more than 1500 graduates of the class of 2022 have achieved pre-employment in various railway bureaus.

New to history, and then compose a magnificent chapter. Standing at a new historical starting point, Hunan Railway Science and Technology Vocational Institute will shoulder the glorious mission of educating people for the party and the country, and continue to show greater "iron responsibility" in the process of fully implementing the strategic positioning and mission of "three highs and four new" and cultivating "manufacturing famous cities and building a happy Zhuzhou".