
The Beijing Winter Olympics China snow sports won 5 gold medals, the first time to surpass the ice event Ice and snow "two-wheel drive" showed results

author:Beijing News Network

The nine gold medals placed the Chinese delegation third in the official medal table of the Beijing Winter Olympics, surpassing the previous Highest position of the Chinese delegation in the Winter Olympic Medal Table in 2010. Compared with the advantages achieved by the Chinese delegation in the ice project in the past, the snow project of the Chinese delegation at the Beijing Winter Olympics has made outstanding contributions. Among the 9 gold medals, 5 gold medals in snow sports and 4 gold medals in ice events, the number of gold medals in snow sports exceeded that in ice events for the first time.

The Beijing Winter Olympics China snow sports won 5 gold medals, the first time to surpass the ice event Ice and snow "two-wheel drive" showed results

Gu Ailing
The Beijing Winter Olympics China snow sports won 5 gold medals, the first time to surpass the ice event Ice and snow "two-wheel drive" showed results
Xu Mengtao
The Beijing Winter Olympics China snow sports won 5 gold medals, the first time to surpass the ice event Ice and snow "two-wheel drive" showed results
Qi Guangpu
The Beijing Winter Olympics China snow sports won 5 gold medals, the first time to surpass the ice event Ice and snow "two-wheel drive" showed results
Su Yiming

The situation of "ice is strong and snow is weak" has been completely reversed

Before the Beijing Winter Olympics, "ice is strong and snow is weak" has always been a label for China's ice and snow sports. At the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, China's first Winter Olympic gold medal was born on ice. Since then, before the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Chinese delegation has won a total of 13 gold medals in the five Winter Olympic Games, but only one gold medal in snow sports.

At the Beijing Winter Olympics, this situation was completely reversed. He has brought the first gold medal for the snow sports of the Winter Olympics to China, and has always been the freestyle skiing aerial skills of the Chinese delegation to the snow sports of the Winter Olympics, and this time contributed two gold medals in individual events. In addition, the Chinese delegation also won the women's U-shaped track skill of freestyle skiing, the two championships of the women's big jump and the championship of the men's big jump of snowboarding. It cannot be mentioned that three of the four silver medals won by the Chinese delegation at the Beijing Winter Olympics were also from snow sports, namely the mixed team of freestyle skiing aerial skills, the women's slope obstacle course and the snowboard slope obstacle course. Counting these 3 silver medals, the number of medals in China's snow sports also surpassed the ice event by 8 to 7, and the color of 5 gold and 3 silver was obviously higher than that of the ice project of 4 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze.

The medal table of the Chinese delegation reflects an important trend: the number of gold medals won by China's snow sports exceeds the number of gold medals won in ice sports, and the pattern of "ice strength and snow weakness" in mainland winter sports that has existed for many years has undergone major changes, and has shown a new feature of "snow is stronger than ice". However, "snow is stronger than ice" does not mean "snow is strong and ice is weak". China's snow projects are making great strides forward, while China's ice projects still maintain their original rhythm. The implementation of "two-wheel drive" in ice and snow sports has effectively promoted the development of winter sports in China.

The Chinese delegation jumped from 16th in the medal table of the last Winter Olympics to the third place in this year's olympic games, and the contribution of the ice event was also indispensable. Short-track speed skating, figure skating and speed skating are all events in which the Chinese delegation has won gold medals at the previous Winter Olympics, but all three events have won gold medals in a single Winter Olympics, and the Beijing Winter Olympics is the first time.

Multiple projects have made new breakthroughs at the same time

Since the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, the Chinese delegation has had gold medal breakthroughs in different events at each Winter Olympics. At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the Chinese delegation achieved gold medals or medal breakthroughs in many sports by virtue of the performance of core athletes. For example, in the freestyle ski women's aerial skills project, the Chinese delegation's previous record in the Winter Olympics event was 5 silver and 2 bronze, and it had never won a gold medal. She also joined hands with Jia Zongyang and Qi Guangpu to win the silver medal in the newly added event, the Aerial Skills Mixed Team, which was also a breakthrough. Each medal won by Gu Ailing and Su Yiming this year is a breakthrough for the Chinese delegation's Winter Olympics, including three gold medals in the women's U-shaped track technique of freestyle skiing, three gold medals in the women's big jump and the men's big jump in snowboarding, and two silver medals in the freestyle ski women's slope obstacle course and snowboard men's slope obstacle course. In addition, Gao Tingyu's speed skating men's 500m champion, Ren Ziwei's short track speed skating men's 1000m champion, and his teammates won the newly added mixed team relay championship, all of which have never won a gold medal at the Winter Olympics before the Chinese delegation. There is also Yan Wengang, whose bronze medal is the first medal won by the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics steel frame snowmobile event, which is also a high-value medal.

There is still work to be done compared to the world's snow sports

But we should also see that, as is customary, the Winter Olympic medal table is ranked by the number of gold medals for delegations. But if it is really calculated by the total number of medals, the Chinese delegation ranks 11th in this Winter Olympics. Compared with the 11th of 2002, the 11th of 2006, the 8th of 2010, the 11th of 2014 and the 14th of 2018, the strength of the Chinese delegation is still in the original range in the world. Therefore, although the number of gold medals and medals of the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics has improved tremendously compared with itself, we still have a lot of space to reclaim compared to the ever-evolving world ice and snow sports.

This newspaper's special correspondent group for the Winter Olympics

Source: Beijing Daily reporters Pan Zhiwang and Guan Xin Fang Fei

Process Edit: u060

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