
100 anchors of the main station "sing mountain songs to the party"

author:CCTV network selection

In order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, 100 anchors of the Central Radio and Television Corporation gathered together to sing "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" and confessing to the party with deep affection. "Singing a mountain song to the party, I compare the party to my mother, my mother only gave birth to my body, the glory of the party shines on my heart..." The red classic singing expresses sincere feelings for the party, and the emotional singing is full of enthusiasm for struggle in the new era. Looking back at the road ahead, red radio waves came from the depths of history, accompanied by the CPC's wind and rain, and also witnessed the rapid development of New China, generation after generation of radio and television workers have always adhered to the position of news and public opinion, using sound to record a hundred years of history, and using images to interpret the original intention of the century. The centenary of the founding of the party is a milestone in the great journey, and it is also a new starting point for creating a miracle again, and hundreds of anchors sing the main theme of the times in their respective posts and praise the new journey of exaltation.

100 anchors of the main station "sing mountain songs to the party"

● Long Yang: Always maintain the spirit of "catching up with the exam"

Recording "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" has set off waves in Long Yang's heart for a long time. She said: "This recording feels like both an affectionate confession to the party and a solemn oath to the party flag! It also reminds me of when presiding over the "National Conference on Quiz on Party History Knowledge of College Students", studying party history together with outstanding college student representatives from 100 colleges and universities across the country, reliving the glorious course of the Chinese revolution, unforgettable Under the explanations of the guest teachers, we have left tears for the heroic sacrifices of revolutionary martyrs, cheered and applauded for the achievements made in the construction of the motherland again and again, heroically united the Chinese people again and again, and the strong and indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation, unforgettable sonorous vows issued by everyone, 'Youth to the party, continue to write brilliant'... ”

As a host with 7 years of party experience, Long Yang compared this singing to "a tribute through the century", and regarded it as an "oath and commitment to the future", "The road has just begun, I will always maintain the state and spirit of 'catching up with the examination', under the witness of the party flag, I will not forget the original intention of the communist party members, inherit the excellent character style of the general station, tell the Chinese story well, spread the Chinese voice, add luster to the golden signboard of the general station with practical actions, and contribute to the party's propaganda cause!" ”

● Ren Luyu: Learn from the older generation of Communists

Ren Luyu is a 10-year-old party member, this time participating in the recording of "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party", he felt glorious and proud, "The audience saw the shot of hundreds of hosts standing together, shooting on the day all the hosts rushed to the stage early, put on makeup and stood in line, waiting for the first ray of sunshine to appear." A few days ago, Ren Luyu served as the host of the special program "Song of Movies" to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Party, and he told reporters: "At the scene of the program, teacher Xie Fang, a performance artist, told me that when filming the movie "Song of Youth", all the main creators worked together to create a miracle that no shot needed to be remade. I am very touched, I think we young communists should learn from the older generation of communists, and still adhere to the high standards and strict requirements for ourselves in the new era! ”

● Li Zimeng: Express your love for the party with heart and affection

Talking about participating in the creation process of the MV of "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party", Li Zimeng said: "I think the most important thing about singing this song is not how beautiful the sound is, but to express loyalty, love and admiration for the party with heart and affection. As a party member, I am very proud to be born in this great era; as a media person, I feel very honored to be able to express my heart in this form at the historical moment of the centenary of the founding of the party. ”

Speaking of the shooting and recording process, Li Zimeng also expressed her admiration for the director team of this MV. "Their work is particularly attentive, from the design of the picture to the quality of the shooting to the editing, every frame, every detail is striving to be perfect, with a particularly high standard to complete the work, this kind of professionalism is worthy of our admiration." Li Zimeng told reporters: "We party members have the obligation and responsibility to do their work better, and use special enthusiasm and high standards of professional standards to show their blessings and love for the party." ”

● Hu Die: Full of gratitude and blessings to the party

As a 16-year-old party member, Hu Di is proud to be a member of the 95.148 million members of the Communist Party of China. "When I revisited the oath of joining the party in the study and education of party history, when I went to Minning Town, a 'national model for poverty alleviation', to see the rapid changes, when I sang 'Singing Mountain Songs to the Party' with a hundred colleagues of the General Taiwan Bureau, when I had the honor of participating in the special report of the 'July 1st Medal' awarding ceremony... Many times, my heart will be surging with a passion, full of gratitude and blessings to the party. ”

Hu Die said that as a party member, I deeply feel that the mission is on my shoulders. "I will continue the spiritual bloodline, inherit the red gene, and always believe in the party and love the party." I will keep in mind my original mission and enhance my ambition, backbone and confidence in being a Chinese. At the same time, as a journalist, I will adhere to the work spirit of striving for excellence, being meticulous, and pursuing perfection, as well as the work style of sacrificing myself and who dares to fight and win, and strive to be a 'news iron army' that is politically competent, highly skilled, realistic and innovative, and capable of winning battles, and live up to the times, Shaohua, and the ardent expectations of the party and the people! ”

● Chen Weihong: This is a baptism of the soul

In Chen Weihong's view, "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" is not only an old song with great power, but also a new song that has lasted for a long time. "I remember the first time my mother taught me to sing this song, I was not yet in elementary school, it has influenced generations of people and injected great strength into our hearts. The passage of time has not faded the memory of this song, it has endured under the grind of time, and it has sung the deep friendship between the Chinese people and the Chinese Communist Party. ”

This time, at the historical moment of the centenary of the founding of the party, Chen Weihong frankly said that he could sing this song as a party member with a party age of 25 years, and his heart was full of excitement. "It interweaves the glorious past of suffering, the ever-changing present and the grand and brilliant future into the main theme of the times, allowing everyone to relive the struggle process in the song and feel the original mission." Participating in singing is a baptism of the soul, a special look back at standing at a new starting point, and a new departure for the future. ”

● Sun Xiaomei: I was extremely excited to sing for the party

Since the beginning of this year, Sun Xiaomei has participated in the recording of many special programs celebrating the centenary of the founding of the party, such as "Pursuit - The Story Behind the Red Family Letter", "Extraordinary Centenary", "Tribute to the East and Red", etc., of which she participated in the recording of "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" made her very unforgettable. Sun Xiaomei said: "On the day that the hundred hosts gathered, my colleagues and I began to enter the dressing room at 4:30 a.m., turned on at 6:30 a.m., no one was late, and everyone sang for the party with great excitement. ”

Sun Xiaomei likes to paint on weekdays, and not long ago her painting "Gutian Xinhe" participated in the "Calligraphy and Painting Photography Exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China by the central and state organs", which is a great honor for her. Sun Xiaomei said excitedly: "I am touched by the efforts of my ancestors, cherish the happy life now, wish the motherland prosperity, the people's life is happy and healthy, and the wind and rain are smooth and the country is safe!" ”

● Zhang Zequn: Affectionate blessings of supreme glory

"'Sing a Mountain Song to the Party' is a song that we have been familiar with since childhood. When I sang it as a teenager, my heart was longing and cheerful. Now, as one of the hosts of the main station, when I sing this song again, my mood has been very different. Zhang Zequn said, "Sing a mountain song to the party, I compare the party to the mother", without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China, there would be no television career, the fate of each of us has long been closely linked to the party, so every lyric is an emotional expression and affectionate praise in practice, "At such an age, I can also dedicate my strength to the party's journalism cause at the post of host, and use my voice to send blessings to the party at this special moment, which is my supreme glory." ”

●Yu Jia: The meaning is very different

For a post-80s generation, there are not many who can sing model plays, and they can be familiar with the estimation of "Wise Tiger Mountain", "Red Lantern Record", "Sha Jiabang", "Cuckoo Mountain", etc. Yu Jia is not only one of the auspicious light film feathers, but also the songs in the musical and dance epic "Oriental Red" are also casually ordered by you, he can sing like a stream, and the red gene has long been deeply rooted in the blood. Speaking of the singing of "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party" this time, Yu Jia sighed: "In fact, this is not the first time I have participated in similar activities, but for me, the meaning of this time is particularly different. First of all, it has very important historical significance; in the centenary since the founding of the party, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong. Secondly, the Tokyo Olympics are just around the corner, and it inspires our athletes and our reporting teams to carry forward the spirit of tenacious struggle and live up to their mission. There is also great significance for me personally, entering the year of not being confused, just the 10th anniversary of joining the party, there is no reason not to strictly demand myself and not to work hard. ”

● Sha Tong: Re-sing this song more than 40 years later

Speaking of the song "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", Sha Tong used 6 words: "It is no more familiar." From the third and fourth grades of primary school to the stage to sing "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party", to now, more than 40 years have passed, and every word in the lyrics has long been burned in Sha Tong's mind, but with the passage of time, his own growth, Sha Tong has a deeper understanding of this song: "When I was a child, I could only say that it was performance singing, and as for the meaning of the lyrics, I didn't understand it very well. Now through the study of party history, bit by bit in the work, and then re-sing this song, from the bottom of the heart to feel the greatness of the Communist Party, under the leadership of the party, Beijing will become the first city in history to hold both the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympics, China has more say in the world; we also from the beginning of a sports department, to the official launch of the sports channel in 1995, and then to the current multi-channel coverage of sports events, while achieving one goal after another, constantly growing itself. Having hope and hope is a kind of happiness. ”

● Geng Chenchen: Able to sing and have honor

"Being honored to participate in this activity is also a very important and meaningful thing in my life!" As a party member with 8 years of party experience, Geng Chenchen was full of excitement when he mentioned participating in the chorus of "Singing Mountain Songs to the Party".

Geng Chenchen participated in the recording of the two sites of the main station, and what impressed him most was the scene when the chorus was recorded in the office area of Fuxing Road. "At 4:00 a.m., we began to prepare for the shooting, and when the shooting began at 6:00 a.m., I saw all the colleagues on the scene standing on the steps of the round building with full enthusiasm, singing "Singing a Mountain Song to the Party" at such a time, watching the rising sun in front of us in the east, and suddenly felt that it was like our great Communist Party of China, which was still full of vitality after a hundred years of vicissitudes, and led the Chinese people to stride forward on the road of rejuvenation in the new era. As party members, we should plunge ourselves into the great torrent of national rejuvenation with high morale. ”

"China Television News" reporters Ma Yuanyuan, Wang Jing, Shen Yu, Wang Jun, Wang Maohua, Cai Nan, And Wang Xue

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