
Academic headlines: New technologies make vaccines unnecessary to refrigerate, and eating vegetables does not prevent heart disease, and the mystery of hot Jupiter is revealed for the first time

author:Qianzhan Network
Academic headlines: New technologies make vaccines unnecessary to refrigerate, and eating vegetables does not prevent heart disease, and the mystery of hot Jupiter is revealed for the first time

One year after contracting COVID-19, they still face a higher risk of depression

Patients who have been infected with the new crown virus may still face different symptoms related to the new crown after recovery, even if the original new crown symptoms are not serious. This long-term sequelae is not unique, and its effects have attracted sustained attention from the scientific community. Recently, a large-scale study involving up to 150,000 people with new crown infection showed that new crown infection was associated with an increased risk of various mental health disorders in the following year, including depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol abuse, sleep disorders, cognitive decline, etc.

The world's smallest battery can power a computer the size of a grain of dust

Computers are getting smaller, and the trend continues. Smart dust applications (microelectronic devices), such as biocompatible sensor systems implanted in the human body, require computers and batteries that are smaller than dust, but so far have been hampered by a number of factors, such as the lack of on-chip power sources that can operate anytime, anywhere. Now, scientists have made this dust-sized microcomputer possible. In their latest study, they discuss how battery-powered smart dust applications can be implemented at submillimeter scales and demonstrate the world's smallest battery to date as an application-oriented prototype.

The mystery of the dark side of hot Jupiter is revealed for the first time

Recently, astronomers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States obtained the sharpest image of the permanent dark side of an exoplanet with a star "tidally locked". The planet is the hot Jupiter WASP-121b, a giant gas giant that is almost twice the size of Jupiter. Their observations and measurements of the planet provide the first detailed view of the exoplanet's global atmosphere.

Plastic consumer goods can lead to obesity

Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology found in the study that plastic consumer products contain potent metabolic disorder chemicals (MDCs), and after exposure to MDC, pre-3T3-L1 fat cells in mice will differentiate into fat cells and accumulate triglycerides, and eventually form similar to mature white fat cells; considering that humans are often exposed to a large number of plastic products, the researchers concluded that plastic chemicals may contribute to the formation of obesity in humans.

The Sino-European cooperation "Smile Project" satellite magnetometer extension rod test was a complete success

It was learned from the National Space Science Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that as a large-scale space cooperation project between China and Europe, the pilot special project of space science (Phase II) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences - solar wind magnetosphere interaction panoramic imaging satellite (English abbreviation SMILE, Chinese translated as "Smile Plan") has recently successfully implemented the load magnetometer rod to carry out experiments in Europe, and the test has been a complete success.

The Tianjin Natural History Museum excavated and sorted out the hand-drawn route map of the Yellow River Basin scientific expedition a hundred years ago

After two years of hard work, the Tianjin Museum of Natural History recently organized the publication of the "Ten Years of Field Investigation of the Yellow River Basin (1914-1923)" Hand-drawn Road Map Research (volume I), which is the most important research result of the data excavation and collation of the Northern Xinjiang Museum in recent years.

Eating vegetables does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Some studies believe that eating more vegetables helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). This theory seems reasonable at first glance, because vegetables contain ingredients such as carotenoids and vitamin E that can prevent cardiovascular disease. However, a new study published in Frontiers in Nutrition suggests that eating vegetables may have little effect on preventing cardiovascular disease, whether eaten raw or cooked.

The new technology promises to make vaccines no longer need to be refrigerated

Australia's Federal Scientific and Industrial Research Organization issued a communiqué on the 22nd, saying that a breakthrough technology developed by the organization's researchers allows vaccines to be stored at room temperature, thereby facilitating the transportation of vaccines to remote areas that lack refrigerated supply chains. They encapsulate a number of live viral vaccines with a soluble crystalline material called "metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)" and found that the crystalline material protected vaccine integrity for up to 12 weeks at temperatures of 37 degrees Celsius. In the past, under non-refrigerated conditions, these vaccines could only be stored for a few days.

Russia developed a brain activity recorder suitable for human-machine interface

Recently, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology in Moscow, South Ural State University and other research centers have collaborated to develop a new device for recording brain activity. The new device not only provides high-quality signals, but is also small in size and low cost, and can be used in researchers' laboratories or brain-computer interface enthusiasts. The research results were recently published in the journal Experimental Brain Research.

A new progress in the preparation of graphene: the microfluidic reaction is achieved for graphite oxidation for 2 minutes

It was learned from the University of Science and Technology of China that professor Zhu Yanwu's team cooperated with the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Study of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changzhou Sixth Element Materials Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Jiao Tong University to adopt a microchann reactor with 100-micron size and continuous flow characteristics, making full use of the characteristics of efficient mass and heat transfer in the microchannel to achieve an efficient and intrinsically safe graphite oxidation process. The research results have been published in the international journal Advanced Materials.

Scientists have found birds with teeth in the Cretaceous

In the past 20 years, a large number of bird fossils have been excavated in the Changma Basin of Gansu, China, but most of these fossils are incompletely preserved, and they have been deformed and broken by compression, which has brought great difficulties to related research. Recently, in a study published in the Journal of Systematics and Evolution, the research team examined 6 of the fossils and identified 2 new genera and species, named Meemannavis ductrix and Brevidentavis zhangi. Both species of birds belong to the present bird type, a large group of birds in the Mesozoic Era, in which all living birds evolved. Meemannavis ductrix has no teeth, Brevidentavis zhangi has tiny tapered teeth and anterior tooth bone at the front of the lower jaw.

The Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has studied the universal physical laws of exotic metals and high-temperature superconductivity

Recently, the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Beijing National Research Center for Condensed Matter Physics have obtained a universal law between the scattering of exotic metals and the transition temperature of high-temperature superconductivity. For a key high-temperature superconducting system La2-xCexCuO4 (LCCO), the researchers accumulated a sufficient amount of reliable data over several months and observed for the first time a quantification law between the superconducting transition temperature Tc, the relative doped component (x-xc) and the singular metal scattering rate A1 0.5 ~ A10.5. More importantly, the laws obtained from LCCO can be generalized to unconventional superconducting systems such as hollow copper oxides, iron-based superconductors, and organic superconductors, which are universal, indicating that the exotic metal state and the unconventional superconducting state have common drivers. The study was published in Nature.

Researchers use bacteria to ferment carbon dioxide to produce organic matter

Microbial fermentation is widely used in the food industry to make yogurt, beer and various other products. The vast majority of microorganisms use sugar as a raw material and emit large amounts of greenhouse gases during production. Recently, in a new study published in Nature Biotechnology, scientists have modified an excellent industrial strain to convert gases such as CO2 into more complex organic molecules.

Qin Daoming is the party secretary of Jianghan University

On the morning of February 21, Jianghan University held a meeting of cadres and teachers. Comrade Wang Fayue, member of the Organization Department of the Provincial CPC Committee, announced the decision of the provincial party committee: Comrade Qin Daoming was appointed secretary of the party committee of Jianghan University. Qin Daoming, male, Tujia family, Hubei Changyang people, born in November 1966, on-the-job doctoral degree, doctor of law, joined the work in July 1988. Since December 2018, he has successively served as the director of the research office of the Hubei Provincial People's Government, the deputy secretary-general of the Hubei Provincial Government, and the director of the counselor's office.

Hainan Medical College once again sprinted to change its name to Medical University

According to the Hainan Provincial Department of Education, on February 16, the 2022 Hainan Provincial Education Work Conference and the "Capacity Improvement construction year" mobilization and deployment meeting were held in Haikou. The conference deployed that in 2022, Hainan's education system will vigorously strengthen and improve its education security capabilities and other seven major aspects. In the above-mentioned deployment of Hainan, in terms of "optimizing the layout of universities and disciplines", it is mentioned that Hainan Medical College will be renamed Hainan Medical University and built into a "high-level medical university with distinctive tropical medical characteristics". This news means that Hainan Medical College has once again launched an impact on the goal of renaming it "Medical University".

He Qingtang, a famous forester and former president of Beijing Forestry University, died at the age of 85

According to the website of Beijing Forestry University, Comrade He Qingtang, an outstanding member of the Communist Party of China, a famous forestry scientist, forest ecology and forest climatologist, and former president of Beijing Forestry University, died in Beijing at the age of 85 due to illness at 5 o'clock on February 21, 2022. Born in March 1937 in Xiantao, Hubei Province, He Qingtang graduated from Beijing Forestry College (now Beijing Forestry University) in 1960 and worked in Beijing Forestry University, and was the president of Beijing Forestry University from July 1993 to January 2000. According to public information, He Qingtang edited the national forestry college common textbook "Meteorology", and won the second prize at the ministerial level twice. He has long been engaged in the research of the relationship between forests and the environment and forest productivity, and has published more than 100 papers and more than 10 monographs.

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