
Tian Xiangxia, winner of the Eighth National Moral Model Nomination Award: It is better to urge people to do it than to lead the mother's family of residents and the enthusiastic people of the community

author:Lightning News

Qilu Network Lightning News, February 23 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Eighth National Moral Model Symposium and the Eighth Provincial Moral Model Commendation Meeting, strengthen the construction of virtue in Shandong in the new era, enhance the image of "Virtue Shandong people in The Virtue of Qiludi", and further form a strong atmosphere of advocating virtue and benevolence, seeing the wise and thinking together, and practicing virtue in the world, on the afternoon of February 23, the Propaganda Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee held a press conference to invite 5 representatives of moral models from the whole country and the province to meet and exchange views with reporters, telling them about helping others for fun. See the touching deeds of righteousness and courage, honesty and trustworthiness, dedication, filial piety and love for the elderly, and the stories behind them.

Tian Xiangxia, winner of the Eighth National Moral Model Nomination Award: It is better to urge people to do it than to lead the mother's family of residents and the enthusiastic people of the community

"In 1983, I was admitted to the Six-House Neighborhood Committee of Nancun Street in Tianqiao District, when I was only 21 years old, which was 39 years. I have witnessed with my own eyes that the old community with poor infrastructure and large floating population has now become a national civilized and harmonious community demonstration community where the masses live happily. Tian Xiangxia, winner of the 8th National Moral Model Nomination Award, secretary of the West District Joint Party Committee of Nancun Street, Workers' New Village, Tianqiao District, Jinan City, and secretary of the Party Committee of the West District Community, talked about her past work with great emotion.

In the 1990s, the West End community was still a typical open community, with complex personnel and chaotic management. In 1983, the 21-year-old Tian Xiangxia was admitted to the community neighborhood committee, and now 39 years later, Tian Xiangxia has grown from an ordinary community worker to a "universal secretary" trusted by residents.

Tian Xiangxia, winner of the Eighth National Moral Model Nomination Award: It is better to urge people to do it than to lead the mother's family of residents and the enthusiastic people of the community

"As a community secretary, all my work revolves around the needs of the people in the community." Tian Xiangxia said. Some residents proposed that they "want to learn to recite", so she immediately "recruited soldiers and bought horses" and set up a reading team; if the residents wanted to "sharpen their knives", she went to buy electric grinding wheels, changed benches, and set up a sharpening team; when residents proposed that "they wanted to learn to blow gourd silk", she tried to invite teachers and set up a "gourd silk class"... In this way, driven by Tian Xiangxia, community residents spontaneously set up a waist drum team, a song team, a choir team, as well as a volunteer grandmother school nursing team, a flower scissors haircut team, a volunteer patrol team, a volunteer publicity team, etc., and the number of community volunteer service teams reached 25, and more and more residents found suitable positions in the community and became an important force in the construction of a harmonious community.

Over the years, all the bonuses of Tian Xiangxia and the condolence money of the superior leaders have been donated to set up a community love fund, which is used to visit the difficult groups in the community and care for those who need help. These things are seen in the eyes of the residents and remembered in their hearts. Li Shizhong and Lu Xiuying, veteran party members of the community, also donated the reward money they received to the community, took the initiative to buy study books for the party members in the community, and led the party members to visit the sick people. Community residents also spontaneously set up a neighborhood five-person mutual aid group, neighborhood watch association and other support organizations, and the mutual help and mutual assistance team has expanded year by year.

Tian Xiangxia, winner of the Eighth National Moral Model Nomination Award: It is better to urge people to do it than to lead the mother's family of residents and the enthusiastic people of the community

Not only are the residents of the community influenced by Tian Xiangxia, but so are her family. In previous years, whenever it was rainy, residents in low-lying areas of the community always had water in their homes, and at this time, Tian Xiangxia took her lover to the residents' homes to help drain the water. During the creation of the civilized city, climbing the wall and cleaning up the small advertisements, the back streets and alleys to clean up the garbage, there were not enough people, Tian Xiangxia called her son to help. "They are used to serving the community with the secretary, and as a member of the West End community, they are very willing to contribute, as long as it is a rest day at home, they are always on call, always online." Tian Xiangxia said.

In 39 years of work, Tian Xiangxia has been entering the grid, buildings and families day and night, walking the streets to ask for needs, classifying them in detail, building archives, initiating the establishment of the province's first "Neighborhood Watch Association", building a green channel for the community's vulnerable groups to help solve difficulties, and has never been absent during the anti-epidemic and city creation.

Tian Xiangxia, winner of the Eighth National Moral Model Nomination Award: It is better to urge people to do it than to lead the mother's family of residents and the enthusiastic people of the community

In the long-term frontline service of grass-roots communities, Tian Xiangxia summed up a unique set of "Xiangxia community mass work methods" of "three relying on three and four in place", which was listed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs as one of the 100 outstanding community mass work methods promoted nationwide. The "Xiangxia Studio" named after Tian Xiangxia regularly imparts excellent community work experience, takes the lead in carrying out regionalized party building work in the city, explores the "245" consultative democracy mechanism, establishes a "1 + N" community governance service system, and leads the fine management of old communities to always be in the forefront.

There are no "big projects" in community service work, and they are engaged in the "small business" of mothers-in-law. Tian Xiangxia said: "In my eyes, the core of all work is the word "masses", and my original intention has always been the residents' families, the enthusiastic people in the community, and the intimate people of the masses. ”

Lightning News reporter Zhang Cong Runqi reported