
"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

author:First-class Annan

Hello everyone, I am An Nan, the community launch project ORANGE yesterday successfully launched Pancakeswap, the current stage of the large environmental impact, the market and the individual currency online situation is not ideal, we are patiently waiting, the meta-universe NFT overall plate will have a new outlet this year, the community will also focus on the screening of popular outlet plate projects.

Today I bring you a high-quality project in the NFT section YOUR is the Sorana ecological chain product content of Wikipedia. The project is the first product content NFT market to be built for physical and digital meta-boundary products. Powered by Solana, Solarium (the largest IDO platform on the SOL chain) will be launched soon.

For the market, YOUR future market is relatively large, and currently Amazon, AliExpress, Decentraland, Sandbox and other companies need extensive product information to promote their products. This will make YourNetwork a pre-preferred project, which will greatly increase the consensus of YOUR.

Next, I will give you a detailed introduction to the PROJECT OF YOUR

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR


YOUR is a Wikipedia for product content.

In the e-commerce and virtual world, product content is critical. As a result, YOUR is building the first product content NFT marketplace that includes both physical and digital products. With YOUR, everyone around the world can create content and make money.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

YOUR is a Wikipedia for product content. We're building the first product content NFT marketplace that allows people to:

1. Create: You authorize people to create product content NFTs

2. Ownership: Ownership of the created content will be registered in the smart contract on Solana

3. Earn: Earn direct and future revenue based on NFT-based content usage and referral commissions.

Create product content

YOUR enables people to create content for both physical and digital (metaverse) products. This can be an image, a comment, a description, a video, or a specification. Content created by multiple people is stored in the NFT as a full product profile.

Own the product content

The creator of the specific product content will be registered on the blockchain of the smart contract. An NFT can have multiple owners based on all the content created below. Owners can store, bundle, or transfer ownership through yourContent platform.

Earn tokens through content

NFTs will benefit the owners involved in creating NFTs. Owners earn commissions on each product purchased on YourBuy and Metaverse and e-commerce organizations that pay for the use of NFTs on their websites.


In the e-commerce and virtual world, product content is critical. Companies such as Amazon, AliExpress, Decentraland, Sandbox, and others need extensive product literature to promote their products. Research shows that the broader the profile, the higher the conversion rate.

How is it

YOUR is building a network that enables individuals and organizations to create and sell physical and digital assets.

Investors and partners

With the support of many prominent figures in the blockchain industry, YOUR successfully completed his private placement financing.

Throughout 2021, your product has been based on the product content Wikipedia. Together with our fast-growing team, supporters and strategic partners, we want to realize our vision.

We are very grateful for the support and inspiration of our community, investors and strategic partners. Our investment and strategic partners are selected based on strategic compatibility and the ability to contribute to your long-term success. We are proud to announce the following investors and strategic partners:

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Token Economics

Token information

Type: Solana token

Code: YOUR

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 YOUR (Fixed)

Initial circulating supply: 27,500,000 YOUR

Presale Price: $0.006 - $0.008 USD

Public Offering Price: $0.010 USD

Our pre-seed and seed sales rounds are distributed across many different participants. By distributing our pre-seed, seed, and public sale, we try to create the fairest distribution of tokens at launch, with no single entity holding a large supply.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Token distribution

Tokens are distributed across 8 main pools. These are private sale tokens (pre-seeds and seeds), public sale tokens, team tokens, advisor tokens, network tokens, reserve tokens, and marketing tokens.

All tokens are issued over a 10-year period. The preceding graph shows how different pools grew over time.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Token utility

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

YOUR will run its own utility token, called your token, where all product content is extracted and used. YOUR will have several utilities, which are:

Your content revenue

Contributors will make money through YourContent from two sources: basic income and revenue-sharing income:

  • Basic income contributors will earn income based on the amount and type of content they create.
  • Revenue Sharing Proceeds The proceeds from the use of the extractor and yourBuy's 1% commission will be shared among the contributors. YourContent will be fully sustainable from its revenue, which may be achieved through community-created content.

Both revenue streams will be assigned to YourContent contributors. The payout will consist of two parts: X Number of StableCoins X Number of your tokens, multiplier based on their stake. By buying back its YES tokens, you will create demand, which will lead to an increase in the token price.

Yourbuy token payments

YourBuy accepts payments for your tokens and other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.


Your token holders can deposit their tokens into YourWallet, which will earn x percentages based on the pledge period and the multiplier of the tokens you earn through content contributions.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Community governance

Your token holders can exercise voting rights over key elements of your ecosystem, such as new features.

P2P trading

Send and receive your tokens between your relationships instantly for free.


Through the total supply and buybacks we set, based on the revenue from content usage, we create a scarcity of YOUR tokens.

How to buy tokens

Buy tokens on the launchpad

YOUR is pleased to announce the launch of its own token (YOUR) on Waggle, Infinity Pad and Solanium. In the first quarter, a public offering IDO will be launched where you, as an investor, can participate and buy tokens. You can also participate in private placement rounds through the community to get chips at a lower price.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

By participating in IDO, users can actively participate in the development of YOUR, benefit from limited-time offers, and get interesting investment opportunities as the company grows in size.


"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

About Waggle: Waggle is a decentralized market that enables retail investors to diversify their investments into the primary market. As an investor, you can invest in your investors during the Waggle Pre-IDO. Here's more information about Pre-IDO:

  • Website:
  • IDO dates: January 26 to 29
  • Guidelines:
  • Whitelist: https ://


"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

About Solanium: Solanium is the platform of choice for the Solana blockchain. Solanium is a decentralized platform for fundraising and trading on the Solana blockchain. The platform includes a DEX UI, staking, wallet management, governance, and launchpads. Users can pledge SLIM tokens to receive xSLIM.

As an investor, you can invest your assets during the Solanium IDO. More information about IDO is as follows:

  • Website:
  • Release Date: ://
  • Guide: Coming soon
  • Whitelist: Coming soon

Infinity Pad (DAO Manufacturer)

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

About Infinity Pad (DAO Maker): Infinity Pad is a joint effort of major blockchain KOLs to highlight and fund the most innovative startups on binance's smart chain. Infinity Pad is built on DAO Maker's Chainmaker Kit, which makes their existing accounts already available on iPads.

As an investor, you can invest during the Infinity Pad IDO. More information about IDO is as follows:

  • Website:
  • Release Date: (To be determined)

Buy and sell tokens on exchanges

Your tokens will be listed on multiple exchanges. We are currently discussing listings and partnerships with a number of large exchanges. We will announce this as soon as possible.

road map

Product development roadmap

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Throughout 2021, the development of project teams and users is moving at a very fast pace. The project has successfully completed a private sales round with great supporters and strategic partners to achieve global growth in users. Product development plans are prioritized on the roadmap:

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR
"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

YOUR content

Product Wikipedia

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

In the e-commerce and virtual world, product content is critical. The current situation is to provide limited content about the supply of products for online and meta-border shoppers. This will have a negative impact on the decision-making process. YourContent aims to address this difference by building a network of product content built and maintained by its community. Wikipedia for product content.

Product content is the backbone of all ecommerce and virtual world stores. This content landscape is dominated by several big data providers. These vendors have limited data and are slow to market. By building product content on Wikipedia, we empower the community to create product content. With community user-generated content, product profiles will become richer and faster to market.

Community motivation

Motivations for creating and curating content are based on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. Intrinsic community- and leaderboard-based credit. Externally based on the direct and future benefits of their contribution.


To build an extensive database of product content created and maintained by its community, blockchain technology is essential. In order to make it a fully community-driven network, it needs to be a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). A community-led entity with no central authority. It is completely autonomous and transparent: smart contracts set the basic rules, execute agreed decisions, and at any time, proposals, votes, and even the code itself can be publicly audited.

NFT 2.0

All contributions from the community will be recorded in the smart contract. Ownership of all created and curated content will be registered in the smart contract.

Each unique product will become an NFT (Non Fungible Token) with multiple owners. This will be achieved by NFT fractionation.


YourContent will enable people to:

  • Curate the creation of the product NFT
  • Create a product NFT
  • Own the created content through smart contracts
  • Bundle your product NFT into a collection
  • Earn based on your ownership of the product NFT
"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Contribute and earn


Make money by contributing to the network. Everyone can contribute to the network by:

  • create
  • Curation
  • Scoring
  • compute


YourContent has two income types:

  • Network token supply
  • Product NFT usage

To incentivize contributors to start creating product NFTs, you have distributed network tokens. This will provide a secure income base for contributors. The total network provisioning is divided into two pools:

  • Base pool
  • Start the pool

The gradual release of Base Pool, with reference to the number of NFT products, will help stabilize the price of YOUR tokens and provide appropriate returns to contributors.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

X-as years

Y-as 代币 * 1m

To encourage early adoption, YourContent allocates a startup pool. This amount of tokens will be used as a reward for the first contributors on the network.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

The product NFT is used

The use of the product NFT database will generate revenue. The use of proceeds can be divided into two elements:

  • YourBuy 1% commission
  • Product NFT download

Marketplace YourBuy has a 1% commission model, which means that sellers are required to pay 1% of the price of the product to the Marketplace. Depending on the specific product NFT used for that product, a 1% commission will be distributed to the registered owner.

Organizations or individuals can download product NFTs through export features or APIs. For each product NFT download, the downloader pays a commission. This commission will be distributed to the registered owner. Download organization type:

  • Metaverse Market
  • E-commerce marketplace
  • Market researcher

Distribution of proceeds

To make DAO a reality, different types of contributions and representative income distributions are required. The proceeds of the network token offering and product NFT downloads will be distributed to all contributors. A specific percentage of the distribution for each type of income.

The proceeds are distributed to contributors, nodes, and network development. Contributors include two types; content creation and content management. Each branch and the weight of that branch depends on the degree of effort and necessity. Nodes are processing and storage providers. They will be paid for uptime and storage usage. Network development includes the development power to create, optimize and maintain networks.

Network token gains

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Product NFT download proceeds

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Product NFT

Product NFTs are profiles for physical and digital assets. An example of a digital asset is the Metaverse Marketplace product.

The content type

Product content includes:

  • Image
  • description
  • attribute
  • Video
  • comments
  • handbook
  • experience
  • Tips and tricks

Content scoring

The revenue for the product NFT is distributed to the owner based on the value score of the content type. The content score is based on the following factors:

  • Degree of effort
  • Demand level
  • Quality grade
  • Feedback scoring

Product NFT example

Digital assets

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Digital Metaverse Product NFT

Physical assets

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

Physical productS NFT

NFT segmentation

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

With the latest NFT technology, we can integrate a co-ownership model into our NFT structure. This is done by dividing an irreplaceable token into multiple parts in the form of Fungible tokens. All of this is facilitated by the Solana blockchain.

The NFT 2.0 protocol will allow the following:

  • Multiple contributors to an NFT
  • A small contribution to an NFT
  • Rent or sell part of the NFT
  • Build collections with different scores
  • NFT proceeds are shared among all owners

Our new specification for non-fungible tokens is named your NFT 2.0.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR



Physical and digital product markets

YourBuy is notable by a 1% commission model for sellers, compared to 10-15% for YourBuy competitors. A total of 1% will be used for YourContent, which is then specific to that product NFT used on yourBuy's product page.

The mechanism will act as a flywheel for YourContent and YourBuy. For YourContent, it will generate more revenue based on a 1% commission model. For YourBuy, this will mean an extensive referral program. NFT owners will promote their products on YourBuy because they will directly profit from the sales generated.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

YourBuy will accept payments from YOUR tokens, USDT and other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. As such, YourBuy is a blockchain-powered marketplace that believes cryptocurrencies will be part of our normal payment methods in the future. YourBuy wants to be a pioneer in achieving this future.

"Departure pre-selection" Solana product content Wikipedia, product content NFT market - YOUR

We will organize the primary market IDO LBP IEO frontier consulting and project reviews from time to time, if you are also interested in the primary market and the soaring coin premium, welcome to join us to exchange and discuss. Share different quality information every day.