
Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"

author:Re-report Urban Media
Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"
Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"
Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"

Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was tried for illegally accepting more than 979.5 million yuan

On February 22, the Intermediate People's Court of Jinan City, Shandong Province, held a public trial in the first instance to hear the bribery case of Sun Deshun, former deputy secretary of the party committee and governor of China CITIC Bank. The Jinan Municipal People's Procuratorate sent personnel to appear in court to support the public prosecution, and defendant Sun Deshun and his defender attended the court to participate in the proceedings.

The Jinan Municipal People's Procuratorate indicted and alleged: From 2003 to 2019, defendant Sun Deshun used the convenience of his position as vice president of the Beijing Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, president of the Beijing Branch of the Bank of Communications, vice president and president of the China CITIC Bank to provide assistance to relevant units in matters such as loan approval and obtaining credit lines, and illegally accepted property equivalent to more than RMB979.5 million.

During the trial, the public prosecution presented relevant evidence, the defendant Sun Deshun and his defender cross-examined the evidence, the prosecution and defense fully expressed their opinions under the auspices of the court, and Sun Deshun made a final statement and expressed his confession and repentance in court. In the end, the court adjourned the court and announced the verdict at a later date.

More than 30 people, including relatives of the defendants, people's congress deputies, members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and people from all walks of life, observed the trial.

According to the CCTV news client

Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"

"Financial tiger" Sun Deshun amassed nearly 1 billion yuan: he was missing for nearly half a year, calling himself "particularly remorseful"

Sun Deshun, president of China CITIC Bank, was tried!

On February 22, the Intermediate People's Court of Jinan City, Shandong Province, held a public trial of the bribery case of Sun Deshun, former deputy secretary of the party committee and president of China CITIC Bank.

According to prosecutors, Sun Deshun amassed nearly 1 billion yuan.

This amount is very rare among the "tigers" who have fallen from power.

Public information shows that Sun Deshun is the "old man" of the financial system.

From 1981 to 1984, he worked for Chinese Minmin Bank, and later worked in the Haidian District Office, Haidian District Branch, Beijing Branch, data center (Beijing) and other units of industrial and commercial bank of China.

Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"

In December 2005, Sun Deshun took office as Party Secretary and President of the Beijing Branch of the New Bank of Communications, and four years later, he became the Vice President of the Beijing Management Department of the Bank of Communications and the Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Beijing Branch of the Bank of Communications.

In October 2011, he went to China CITIC Bank as Deputy Party Secretary, soon becoming Vice President, Executive Vice President and President of China CITIC Bank in July 2016.

However, Sun Deshun left office after less than 3 years of working in the president's seat.

In February 2019, China CITIC Bank made a major personnel adjustment, and President Sun Deshun, who was born in 1958, retired at an old age, and Fang Heying, the first vice president, took the position of president.

Some financial media reported in 2019 that Sun Deshun disappeared in mid-September of that year.

After nearly half a year of disappearance, at 16:00 on March 20, 2020, the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission released the news that Sun Deshun, former deputy secretary of the party committee and president of China CITIC Bank Co., Ltd., was expelled from the party.

According to official disclosures, Sun Deshun was filed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission for examination and investigation. His first problem was "no sense of politics and the big picture."

The circular of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission mentioned that Sun Deshun "seriously violated the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee on the real economy of financial services, restricting and reducing manufacturing loans."

In addition, he was also accused of violating the spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee by illegally borrowing real estate from loan customers and having others pay expenses that should be borne by himself; failing to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and seeking benefits for others in violation of the law in the recruitment of workers; extremely distorted values, wanting to become an official and wanting to get rich, running businesses in violation of the law, and grabbing huge profits for himself and his relatives and friends; extremely inflating his greed, using the power to approve loans as a bargaining chip for seeking personal interests, colluding with illegal businessmen, engaging in power and money transactions, granting credit in loans, Examination and approval and other aspects of the use of the convenience of the position for the benefit of others, and illegal acceptance of huge amounts of money and goods.

The official circular mentioned that Sun Deshun "has all five poisons".

He was accused of seriously violating the party's political, organizational, honest, work, and life disciplines, constituting a serious violation of official duties and suspected of accepting bribes, and not relenting after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, which is a typical example of a particularly serious problem of corruption in the financial sector, a particularly bad nature, and a particularly huge amount, and should be dealt with severely.

Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"

In January 2022, in the fourth episode of the TV special "Zero Tolerance", "Systematic Governance", Sun Deshun appeared, "Some things are too inappropriate, really undeserved." ”

The above program mentioned that in recent years, the central government has repeatedly emphasized that finance should return to the origin of serving the real economy, increase support for the manufacturing industry, and prevent excessive concentration of credit funds in real estate.

Illegally accepted more than 979.5 million yuan Sun Deshun, former president of China CITIC Bank, was put on trial and claimed to be "particularly remorseful"

The staff said that he (Sun Deshun) is concerned about what makes money quickly and achieves results quickly.

"He tended to lend to real estate, and when he presided over the president's office meeting, he openly and directly demanded that the whole bank must stop the manufacturing loan for me immediately, even if you have 100% mortgage, that is not OK."

The staff also mentioned that Sun Deshun has a characteristic that he does not accept cash.

"He thinks that receiving cash is too low-end, too simple and rude. The way he cashed out his interests was very professional, and he did layers of cover-ups, that is, he set up a lot of firewalls, circled a lot of circles, and used unique financial means and products to cover up."

The Jinan Municipal People's Procuratorate indicted the following charges:

From 2003 to 2019, defendant Sun De shunli used the convenience of his position as vice president of the Beijing Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, president of the Beijing Branch of the Bank of Communications, vice president and president of China CITIC Bank to provide assistance to relevant units in matters such as loan approval and obtaining credit lines, and illegally accepted property equivalent to more than RMB979.5 million.

It is worth mentioning that the amount of wealth accumulated by nearly 1 billion is very rare.

Zheng Zhijun noted that after the Nineteenth National Congress, the "financial tiger" that was pulled out was not only Sun Deshun, but also Lai Xiaomin, secretary of the party committee and chairman of China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd., Zhao Jingwen, former member of the party committee and executive director of China CITIC Group Co., Ltd., and Hu Huaibang, former party secretary and chairman of the Board of Directors of China Development Bank.

Among them, Lai Xiaomin was sentenced to death in January 2021 in the Second Intermediate Court of Tianjin for bribery, embezzlement, and bigamy, and he amassed more than 1.7 billion yuan.

Speaking of Sun Deshun.

In the feature film "Zero Tolerance", in the face of the camera, Sun Deshun once confessed, "I still have greed, I am particularly remorseful, no matter how much regret there is no regret medicine." ”

According to the Beijing Youth Daily - political knowledge see WeChat public account

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