
"The whole series of plant kingdoms" dicotyledonous plants - mountain longan

author:The Human History of the Linjian

Dicotyledonous plants — Mountain Diplodocus

Eukaryotic domain

Plant kingdom

Angiosperm phylum

Dicotyledonous plants

Mountain Dragon Eye

"The whole series of plant kingdoms" dicotyledonous plants - mountain longan
The order Longan is a group of flowering plants. Plants include the lotus flower, the monarch flower of Africa, the Australian honeysuckle in Australia, and the French plane tree in Eurasia.

1. Morphological characteristics

Shrubs or trees, small and solitary flowers, often densely packed in bunches are very beautiful. The flowers are indistinguishable 4 , deeply lobed ; stamens 4 , born in the flower indumentum Hakea laurina , a species of the genus Huckles. Tip, sometimes without filigree. The leaves are all green and multi-split, typically alternate, and the surface is covered with thick fur or thick cuticles to avoid water loss. These plants are suitable for growing in areas with longer dry seasons. The main genera of the family Hake Hakea laurina (Hake Hakea laurina) are the main genera of the family Grevillea, Protea, and Hakehae(Hakea laurina). a), Helicia, Leucadendron, Persoonia.

2. Main value

Some mountain longans in warmer regions are planted as ornamental plants, such as the Leucadendron argenteum with silky hairs, and the Banksia plant with gorgeous dense spike-like inflorescences, the Australian honeysuckle; the fire tree (Embothrium plant); and the Huckle tree of the Huckle genus. Grevillea robusta is native to Australia and is widely cultivated in warmer regions. Macadamia integrifolia, also known as MacAdam's wood, is edible in seeds.

3. Classification

The 1981 Cronquist taxonomy included it in the rosaceae suborder, which included two families: The Family P. and the Family Pyrothaceae; the 1998 APG Classification reclassified it into true dicotyledonous plants, with three families: Lotus, Planewood, and Mountain Dragon's Eye; the 2003 APG II Taxonomy Revision Suggested that the two families of The Mountain Dragon's Eye and the Plane Tree Family could optionally merge; in 2009 APG III maintained a division into three families; and in 2016 APG IV placed the Qingfeng Vine family under the Order of The Mountain Dragon's Eye.

莲科 Nelumbonaceae A.Rich. (1827), name. Cons.

Proteaceae Juss. (1789), nom. cons.

Platanaceae T.Lestib. (1826), nom. cons.

Sabiaceae Blume, nom. cons.

In addition, various other taxonomies consider the order " Longan " as a separate order.

Subordinate Sections:



Plane family Platanaceae

Family Sabiaceae

4. Qingfeng family

The plants of the Family Brevienidae (scientific name: Sabiaceae) are native to the tropical or warm temperate regions of South Asia and the Americas. There are about 160 species in three genera, all of which are woody plants, the genus Qingfeng vine is generally vine, the bubble tree and the snake heart tree are trees or shrubs distributed in the tropical regions of Asia and the Americas, and some species are widely distributed in the temperate regions of eastern Asia. There are 2 genera, 45 species, 5 subspecies, and 9 varieties in mainland China, distributed in the southwest through the south-central to Taiwan.

(1) History of botany

The Cronqvist taxonomy divides the Family Brevicephalus into the order Ranunculaceae, some taxonomists divide it into the Order Officinalis, other taxonologies separately classify the genus Bulbophyllum and the genus Serpentine into a family of Bulbophyllaceae, and the 2003 APG II Taxonomy lists it as an undecided family in the true dicotyledonous branch based on genetic information, and its order classification is not determined until 2016, when the APG IV taxonomy officially placed it in the order Ofanosaurus.

(2) Properties

Trees, shrubs or vines; alternating leaves, single-leaf or pinnate compound leaves, no support leaves; flowers are hermaphroditic or heterogeneous, small, arranged in axillary or apical polyumps or conical inflorescences; calyx 4-5 lobes, unequal lobes, tile-clad arrangement; petals 4-5, tile-covered arrangement, 2 inner surfaces are often far small; stamens 5, opposite to the petals, sometimes only 2 anthers; ovary superior, 2-3 chambers, often with a flower disc at the base, 1-2 ovules in each chamber, how many flower pillars are combined; the fruit is a stone fruit.

(3) Usage

Qingfeng vine plants such as Qingfeng vine and Sichuan Qingfeng vine contain a variety of alkaloids such as Qingfeng vine alkali A for medicinal purposes. Bubble tree plants are common tree species in the southwest to southeast and eastern forests of the continent, some tree species such as narrow-leaved bubble trees, fine material structure, easy to process, suitable for tables, chairs, stools, boxes, cabinets, wooden beds and other ordinary furniture, some tree species such as light leaf bubble trees, red firewood branches, solid and slightly heavy materials, can be used as vehicles, axe handles, but also as building materials. The bark of this family tree, such as mountain green wood and pen luozi, contains tannin and can be lifted, many kinds of seed oil can be used as paint and soap raw materials and lubricating oil, and some species such as the bark of the bark tree can be used for medicinal purposes. Some tree species can be used as sidewalk trees.

(4) Bubble tree genus

The genus Meliosma (scientific name: Meliosma) is a genus of shrubs or trees in the family Breviceae. There are about 90 species in the genus, distributed in temperate Asia and the Americas.

"The whole series of plant kingdoms" dicotyledonous plants - mountain longan

(1) Morphological characteristics

Evergreen or deciduous, tree or shrub, usually covered with hair; buds are bare and covered with brown villi. The leaves are single-lobed or odd-pinnate compound leaves with near-pair leaflets, with full margins or somewhat serrated leaves. The flowers are small, 1-3 mm in diameter, amphoteric, symmetrical on both sides, with short stems or no stems, forming apical or axillary, multi-flowered conical inflorescences; sepals 4-5 pieces, tile-like arrangement, the lower part of which often has immediate bracts; 5 petals, extremely unequal in size, 3 larger on the outside, usually nearly round or kidney-shaped, concave, tile-like arrangement; the inner surface of 2 pieces is far smaller than the outside, 2 lobes or no splitting, sometimes 3 lobes, and the middle lobes are extremely small, more or less attached to the base of the filament of the developing stamens, and the buds are all enclosed by the outer petals; 5 stamens , 2 of the developmental stamens are opposite to the inner petals, the filament is short and flattened; the drug septum expands into a cup-like body, the buds are tilted inward due to the bending of the top of the filament, and the flowers are straightened and turned outward when they bloom; the medicine chamber 2, spherical or oval, transversely lobed; the other 3 vestigial stamens are opposite to the outer petals, attached to the base of the petals, broad, irregular in shape, the pharmacy is empty; the flower disc cup-shaped or shallow cup-shaped, usually with 5 small teeth; the ovary is sessile, usually 2 chambers, rarely 3 chambers, the top contraction has 1 unbranched or sparsely split 2-lobed flower pillar, the stigma is small, 2 ovules per chamber, half-upside down, somewhat overlapping and born next door. The drupes are small, nearly spherical, pear-shaped, fleshy in the middle peel, bony or chic in the kernel (inner peel), 1 chamber. The embryo has a long, curved radicle and folded cotyledon, without endosperm.

(2) Distribution of origin

There are about 50 species distributed in southeast asia and central and southern America. There are about 29 and 7 varieties on the mainland, which are widely spread in the southwest through the south-central to the northeast, but are rare in the north. Genus model species M. simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp。

(3) Single-leaf bubble tree

Meliosma simplicifolia is a species of bubble tree in the family Breviceae. Single-leaf bubble trees grow mainly in evergreen broad-leaved forests at altitudes of 1200-2000 m. It is found from southeastern Tibet to southwestern Yunnan in China; it is also found in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar, Thailand, and northern Laos.

(4) Warm wood

Warm wood ( scientific name : Meliosma veitchiorum ) is a species of tree in the family Brevienidae . Trees, up to 20 m tall, have grey bark and stout twigs with coarse nearly round leaf marks. The leaf axis is cylindrical, the base is expanded; the leaf is papery, the leaf is ovate or ovate, there are often soft hairs on both sides of the veins, the veins are axillary without hairs, the conical inflorescence is apical, upright, the flowers are white, the peduncle is brown fine and soft hairs; the sepals are oval or ovate, the lobes are round at the tip, with marginal hairs; the drupes are nearly spherical, about 1 cm in diameter; the nucleus is nearly hemispherical, smooth or inconspicuous, with significant bulging midribs, flowering in May, and fruiting in August-September.

It is found in northern Yunnan, northeastern Guizhou, Sichuan, southern Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, southern Anhui and northern Zhejiang. It grows at an altitude of 1000–3000 m in wet dense or sparse forests.

Warm wood trunk is upright, the tree shape is dignified; when the flowers are in bloom, their conical inflorescences are shaped like white pearls, and the aroma is fragrant, which is a precious ornamental tree species for landscaping; the wood is strong and light, which can be used for construction, furniture, etc.; the young leaves and branches of spring hair are edible.

(5) Konan tree

The Konan tree ( Scientific name : Meliosma beaniana ) is a species of tree in the family Brevienidae . It grows at altitudes of 1000–2500 m in dense or sparse forests in wet mountainous areas. It is produced in northern Yunnan, northwestern Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other provinces. It is also found in northern Myanmar. The type specimen is from Xuanchang, Hubei Province. Wood is an excellent furniture material.

(6) Yamaaoki

Aoki Yamasaki (scientific name: Meliosma kirkii) is a plant species in the genus Bulbophyllum in the family Breezystem. Deciduous trees. It is up to 16 m tall and has grey bark, shallow longitudinal lobes, pale reddish branches, flattened straight hairs, and oval dotted skin holes. The leaves are pinnate compound leaves, 12–50 cm long with stalks, papery leaflets, 7–15 pieces, ovate in the lower part, narrow ovate or narrow oblong in the middle, a narrow oval at the apex, 4–15 cm long, 1.5–4.5 cm wide, tapering apex, broad and rounded at the base, edges with pointed serrations protruding from the lateral veins, dark green leaf surface, glabrous except for the midrib and lateral veins covered with fine soft hairs, gray-green leaf dorsal, flattened long soft hairs on the veins; 6-15 lateral veins on each side, slightly curved arched to the leaf margin 3-5 mm split mesh knot, the veins have hairs on the axillary.

This tree is distributed at an altitude of 1300-1800 meters in this area, and is extremely common in the forests of Leibo Walnut Ping, Ebian Yanjing Creek, cocoon gang and so on. In addition, mount Emei (600-1200 meters above sea level), the foot of Mount Wawu (1200 meters above sea level), Baoxing and Nanchuan (1600 meters above sea level) are also found. Slightly tolerant of shade, after growing up requires a certain amount of light, in the thunder wave is often born in the silk chestnut, wood lotus mixed forest window, often mixed with the birch, quercus and several kinds of subtraction trees. The growth is relatively rapid, but there is often a decentralization, which affects the yield rate.

The distribution area is Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi and Hunan, Pingbian (Pingbian) Malutang, MiyangZhai and Longtanmen. The bark contains tannin and can be used to make quercetin.

(7) Pen Luozi

Meliosma rigida is a plant species in the genus Bulbophyllum in the family Breviceae. It grows on hillsides , streams , edges of forests or broad-leaved mixed forests and in shrublands. It is found in southern Yunnan, Guangxi, Guizhou, southwestern Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Taiwan. It grows in broad-leaved forests below 1500 m above sea level. It is also found in Japan. Distributed in Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan and other places. The wood is pale red and hard, which can be used as handles, poles, canes, etc., and the bark and leaves contain tannin, which can be used to make quercetin. The seeds can be pressed for oil.

(5) Qingfeng vine genus

The genus Sabia (scientific name: Sabia) is a genus of deciduous or evergreen, vine-like shrubs or large vines in the family Breviceaceae. There are about 63 species in the genus, distributed in India, Malaysia to Japan, and south to Irian Island. There are 25 species on the mainland, most of which are produced in the southwest, Yunnan, and a few in the northwest and east.

"The whole series of plant kingdoms" dicotyledonous plants - mountain longan

Deciduous or evergreen, vine-like shrubs or large vines; alternating leaves, single-leaf, full margin, no support leaves; flowers arranged in a total or conical inflorescence polyumbelt; sepals 5-4; petals usually 5-4, opposite to sepals, rare 6; stamens are the same number as and opposite to them; upper ovary, 2 chambers, 2 ovules per chamber, surrounded by a cup-shaped disc at the base; nucleothes.

(2) Breeze vine

The Qingfeng vine (scientific name: Sabia japonica), also known as the wind vine, is a species of the genus Qingfeng vine in the family Qingfeng vine family. Deciduous climbing woody vines; young branches are green, covered with fine soft hairs, and old branches are purple-brown with a white wax layer. The buds are broadly ovate and have marginal hairs. The leaves are nearly papery, ovate oval, ovate, or broadly ovate. The flowers are open first, solitary in the leaf axils, with 4 bracts at the base, the bracts are inverted ovate, 2–4 mm long. The pectoralis are nearly round or kidney-shaped , about 5 mm in diameter ; the nucleus has a pronounced midrib , a honeycomb-like pit on both sides , and a flat abdomen. The flowering period is from February to March, and the fruit period is from April to July.

It is found in Japan and China; in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi. It grows in valleys and forest edge shrubs below 800 m above sea level. Prefers a cool, humid climate. Under conditions of abundant rainfall, clouds and high soil and air humidity, the plant grows robustly. It is appropriate to grow sandy loam soils with many humus and fertile soils. Prefers a sunny environment, but also tolerant of semi-shade; likes warmth, is not hardy, grows well in the temperature range of 18-28 ° C, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ° C.

The name of the Qingfeng vine is first found in the "Materia Medica", "The Qingfeng vine is born in the Tiantai Mountain, and its seedlings spread on the wood, and there are often four times, and the natives take its leaves into medicine, which is effective in curing the wind." Qingfeng vine leaves, roots, stems can be used in medicine, because of its good effect of dispelling wind, ancient times often used to treat rheumatic paralysis such as crane knee wind. In the "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded that "Qingfeng vine cures rheumatism flow injection, calendar crane knees, paralysis and itching, injury sores and swelling, and is used in medicinal liquor". Modern researchers extract a variety of plant bases from it, and found that it has obvious anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, antiviral, anti-blood pressure, anti-heart rate disorders, antitussive and sedative effects, etc., and made it into tablets (such as Zhengqingfeng pain tablets), injections (such as Qingtengine hydrochloride injection) and other preparations applied to the clinic, and achieved significant results in various rheumatism, inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and even heroin addiction and other diseases.

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