
Do you know what the relationship between high turn and high speed is?

author:Wildebeest Consulting

High-tech enterprise is the abbreviation of high-tech enterprises, and the transformation project of high-tech achievements is high-turn. The two have similar names, and many companies also mix the two projects together, but they are related and there are some differences.

Do you know what the relationship between high turn and high speed is?
Do you know what the relationship between high turn and high speed is?
Do you know what the relationship between high turn and high speed is?
Do you know what the relationship between high turn and high speed is?
Do you know what the relationship between high turn and high speed is?

High turn and high enterprise are easy to confuse knowledge points:

1. If the enterprise does not have a high-transition project certificate, does it affect the annual average achievement transformation ability identified by the high enterprise?

The average annual achievement transformation ability recognized by high enterprises:

(1) Scientific and technological achievements refer to all kinds of intellectual property rights obtained by enterprises, such as patents, copyrights, integrated circuit layout designs, etc.;

(2) The ability to transform achievements refers to the transformation of various types of intellectual property rights owned by enterprises into products or services;

(3) How to prove the ability to convert: For those who have not formed sales, product prototypes or test reports can be provided. Where sales have been formed, provide sales invoices, contracts, user reports, etc.

Therefore, the ability to transform the achievements identified by the enterprise does not refer to the number of high-turning projects (high-transit project certificate) that the enterprise has passed the certification.

2. In the support policy of high-transition projects, the 30% support for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises that have been filed is related to the deduction of R&D expenses?

The additional support for high-transition projects can be understood as basically multiplying the approved support amount of the project by 1.3 times;

The R&D expense deduction is a preferential tax policy, not limited to technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises, but is filled in by the enterprise when the foreign exchange is settled, and the filing system is adopted, but the enterprise retains the relevant information for reference.

That is, there is no correlation between the two.

3. Other aspects:

For high-end projects, if they have not passed the certification in the current year, they can reapply in the following years;

If the high-transfer project is not approved for the first time, it cannot be applied for again.

Based on the sustainable growth of enterprises, the Wildebeest INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Science and Technology Project Team provides scientific and technological project consulting, planning and agency work according to the stage of enterprise development, and helps technological innovation enterprises obtain financial support or enjoy preferential tax policies.

(Part of the article information source @ Kexin Consulting)