
A few days after being "new year", "Alexander" turned his face with "Zhang Dala"

author:Cloth show talent
A few days after being "new year", "Alexander" turned his face with "Zhang Dala"

There is a pyramid in Egypt, and there is a movie star in South Korea named Jang Na-la. People gave the couple nicknames, one named Alexander and the other Zhang Dala.

They have names and surnames, the husband's surname is Li, and the daughter-in-law's surname is Zhang. This nickname is the ridicule of them by everyone, and it also contains people's deep sympathy and pity for this bitter couple.

They live in a flag town in Inner Mongolia, an eighteenth-tier city where it is not easy to make a living. There is no industry in small places, and life depends on self-determination. Jobs in the county that are both decent and easy to earn money are basically rolled up, and in the words of the locals, in addition to farming and sweeping the streets and picking up garbage, everything else depends on relationships.

The couple raised a farm car to pull goods for the town's three-way, nine-stream, all kinds of customers. Their cars have to run on the road day and night, this year's New Year if not the customers are on holiday, a family of old and small eyes looking forward to the reunion, they are not willing to spend the year, eager to new year without rest.

On the thirtieth day, they sold the last cart of charcoal, and it was almost dark before they collected the car. They had three children, four elderly people on both sides, adding up to nine families.

It has been five days since the fifteenth day of the first month, and I have not received a call from a customer. In previous years, they started from the first five days, that is, early in the morning of the fifth day of the first month, and this year they waited until the fourth five days and no one paid attention to them.

The car can go a month without work, but one cannot go a day without eating. There are so many mouths in the family waiting to eat, the two mouths are anxious, people have a big temper, and the couple quarrels fiercely when they get up early in the morning.

The cause of the incident is still the arrears that will never be returned all year round, and this one is just coming back, and the debt is again. It is said that there is an account for ten years is not afraid of rotting, but the year is that this account can rot and rot, and what can rot in one day will never drag on until two days. Bad debt tactics or playing missing with them: "Your phone call is unanswered, the other party is on the phone"; or look at you as a bully, just play a trick.

Zhang Dala was disgusted that Alexander was a nester, asked the boss for money, only promises, eager to call people daddy, always with a smiley face. People don't give, they admit it, they don't even dare to put a fart, it's like a man. Alexander scolded Zhang Dala for his long hair and short knowledge, and every day he knew that urging, urging, urging, offending customers, and people who had jobs did not look for us.

Both of them were angry, no one would let anyone, and the eight generations of each other's ancestors also scolded each other, and they saw that they were about to add fists and feet, when the phone suddenly rang. The call came from a boss who told him to get out of the car right away and have work to do! Alexander went downstairs like a whirlwind.

Her husband is the pillar of the family, she has been frightened by too many car crashes around her, and Alexander has rolled over three times in his car, once thrown out of the cab, once with a broken arm, and raised at home for more than half a year. Now as soon as Alexander got out of the car, Zhang Dala fidgeted and kept calling all day.

Was he on the road at this moment? Why don't you reply to the message for most of the day? Isn't it......? Zhang Dala can't count, his heart is up and down, and he can't help but call. Alexander, who was driving, would get angry and scold her, saying that she was a shit-stirring stick and calling him to death. Zhang Dala knew that he was in a loss, and the crying was over.

After the child was slightly older, Zhang Dala simply became a card sister-in-law, sitting on the car every day, staying by her husband's side, and saying in a beautiful name that this is called sharing with her husband's blessings and difficulties.

Although there was a quarrel today, Zhang Dala still got into the car with a key step and sat in the co-pilot's seat with a hippie smile.

There was a bed behind the cab of the car, the car carried a full set of cooking utensils, Alexander had eaten and lived in the car for many years, before Zhang Dala came, the mineral water bottles, instant noodle barrels, dirty clothes and oil gloves in the car were thrown everywhere, not as good as the rich family's kennel. After Zhang Dala came, the car became a warm home again. It's just that Zhang Dala is too good at living a life, even a mineral water bottle is reluctant to throw away, and every few days Zhang has to put on the car to the waste and put a woven bag to sell waste.

The husband got out of the car and couldn't get a full night's sleep a day. In order to avoid traffic police to check the car, often lie out day and night, black and white upside down, often unconsciously fall asleep when driving. Zhang Dala sat in the co-pilot's seat, staring at the road with one eye and her husband with the other. Afraid that he would fall asleep, as long as his eyelids were pulled down, Zhang Dala would use various methods to clean him up: light a cigarette, peel a chewing gum, and even let him chew red pepper! If it didn't matter if she continued to be confused, she simply ripped open her throat and sang to Alexander!

This trick is the most clever, as soon as she sings her husband, she quickly begs for forgiveness: don't sing, don't sing, people want money when they sing, and you sing for death. It turned out that Zhang Dala had been five tones incomplete since he was a child, and his singing was notoriously ugly, and every opening was the tone of the bottom of the pan!

The business that took over the year is a big order, if there is no accident, ten days and half a month without worry about work. But whether the boss can give him all these tasks is still unknown.

Now everyone has no work, the competition often breaks the bottom line, you pull a car 500, others will drop to four hundred, you protect a fuel money, he loses money to do, more fatal is that if you want cash, he is willing to advance money first in order to grab work, you can default.

Alexander drove at the slowest speed on the winding mountain road, and Zhang Dala just stared at the road deadly. They pulled thirty tons of stones today and are overweight again. Knowing that this is unsafe, the car is prone to accidents and said that if you encounter traffic police, you will be deducted points and fined, but there is no way, the risk must be overtaken, otherwise it is a white run.

This is a bulldozer pushed out of the stone road, the road is very narrow, there are many pits, many places the road surface is inclined to the side of the cliff, when the car goes down the mountain, there are often vehicles due to poor speed mastery or killing car failure, rear-end collision, collision accident, if there is a rollover, there is a good chance to roll into the ravine dozens of meters deep below, the car is destroyed and killed.

Originally, the former stone field was opened on a hill not far from the town. Three years ago, he was suddenly ordered to close, and it is said that the opening stone field destroyed the ecological environment in the ravine. Alexander and his companions had no choice but to venture on this winding mountain road, running tens of kilometers more to deeper ditches.

Alexander has always wondered: the rabbits in this ravine do not, the ghosts can not see one, can not rain a few drops of rain a year, a few dog tail grass in the cracks of the stone, in addition to the stone is not stone, this is what they call the ecological environment? Is it necessary to protect these dry stones? Heck, even a fool would say it was a joke, but he just wouldn't let it go, and he really couldn't understand what these leaders thought.

Zhang Dala scolded and grinned while driving, Zhang Dala couldn't listen to it anymore, and asked him if he had eaten too much meat for the New Year and was uncomfortable. What to do with so many idle things. Others can run, we can also run, others are not afraid to fall, we are not afraid, not to mention, whether it will fall is all fate, thinking too much is useless.

Just when they were arguing endlessly, only more than three hundred meters from the bottom of the ditch, they suddenly found that the brakes were intermittent, and the two panicked, and Alexander slammed on the brakes and did not dare to let go of a point, and at the same time relied on the low-grade brakes and handbrakes of the engine to safely go down the mountain.

Although there was no accident, both were scared enough. After the car stopped, one of Alexander's legs on the brakes could not be lifted up softly, and Zhang Dala was terrified, and his head was full of sweat.

She opened the car door and slowly dragged Alexander out of the cab. After getting out of the car, Alexander's body was still too soft to stand up, and he said vigorously, "Help me to sit on the stone, light me a cigarette, I want a cigarette."

When he said this, his face turned miserable.

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