
In view of the current epidemic situation, DISEASE control experts once again emphasize the following personal protection points

author:Sand City Health Insurance
In view of the current epidemic situation, DISEASE control experts once again emphasize the following personal protection points
In view of the current epidemic situation, DISEASE control experts once again emphasize the following personal protection points

On the evening of February 21

The Wuhan Municipal Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued a notice

3 people from other places and 1 close contact

The nucleic acid test result for the new crown virus is positive

Wuhan disease control reminder

In view of the current epidemic situation

The general public is invited to insist on strengthening

The concept of the first responsible person for one's own health

Strictly do a good job of personal protection

Masks must be worn in 6 life scenarios

The new crown virus is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets, and wearing a mask is an effective means to prevent respiratory infectious diseases and can effectively reduce the risk of transmission of the new crown virus.

In particular, the following 6 kinds of living places must be worn correctly:

  • Located in indoor crowded places such as agricultural (market) markets, shopping malls, supermarkets, movie theaters, venues, exhibition halls, airports, wharves and public areas of hotels;
  • Outdoor places such as crowded open-air squares, theaters, parks, etc.;
  • When taking van elevators and public transportation such as planes, trains, ships, coaches, subways, buses;
  • When going to the hospital for medical treatment and accompanying nursing, including receiving health checks, checking health codes, registering itinerary information, etc.;
  • Discomfort with nasopharynx, cough, sneezing, and fever;
  • When the restaurant or cafeteria is in a non-eating state.

In addition, wash your hands when wearing and removing masks, and discard used masks in the trash can. Pay attention to hand hygiene every day and do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose with unclean hands. When the mask is worn and used, if the mask is found to be obviously wet or dirty, it is recommended to replace the new mask immediately so as not to affect the protective effect.

The handwashing process should not be less than 20 seconds Advocate scanning code payment

Hands deal with thousands of bacterial microbes every day, and developing the habit of washing your hands properly is one of the most effective, convenient, and economical ways to prevent infectious diseases. Members of the public are advised to wash their hands with running water and rub each part of their hands with hand sanitizer or soap, especially between the fingers and skin folds, and the handwashing process should not be less than 20 seconds at a time.

Window ventilation can maintain indoor air flow, which can effectively reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria in indoor air and reduce the risk of disease transmission. It is recommended that citizens and friends open the window for ventilation once a day in the morning, middle and evening, and ventilate for more than 15 minutes each time.

Scan code payment can achieve contactless payment, reduce the spread of the virus, but also play a role in information traceability, mobile payment information can be summarized into big data, for the prevention and control of the epidemic to bring a more convenient data foundation.

Travel less and don't gather, insist on staggered peak shopping

Insist on not leaving Han without necessity, pay close attention to the recent progress of the epidemic situation at home and abroad, and do not travel, travel and visit relatives in medium- and high-risk areas and areas with reported cases. Non-essential gatherings, family gatherings should be less than 10 people, insist on using male chopsticks and spoons. Do a good job of personal protection in crowded places to reduce the length of stay.

Viruses such as COVID-19 and influenza can be transmitted through close droplets. When talking, coughing, or sneezing, the virus is released into the air with droplets. Under the action of gravity, the horizontal distance of droplets from the mouth and nose to the ground is generally within one meter, and the close contact with inhaled droplets containing the virus is at risk of infection, and attention should be paid to maintaining a safe distance of more than one meter from others.

When going out to shop, you can make a list in advance, stagger the peak shopping, avoid gathering of people, and reduce the length of stay. Wear a mask throughout the shopping period, pay attention to hand hygiene, and maintain 1 meter social distancing. When purchasing imported cold chain food and high-risk goods (imported non-cold chain food and goods in medium- and high-risk areas of the country), avoid direct contact with the surface of the goods with bare hands, and after shopping, first disinfect the surface of the outer packaging, and then clean and disinfect the hands.

Safely collect couriers and implement health monitoring

When receiving mail or items (especially international mail express mail), wear masks and disposable gloves correctly and avoid direct contact; pick up the package at a fixed location as much as possible to achieve contactless handover, and if you need to sign in person, please keep a safe distance from the courier. When disassembling parts, try to carry out outdoors, and the outer packaging should not be taken home, and should be classified according to domestic garbage. After handling the mail, take off the gloves in time, carefully disinfect or wash the hands, change the mask, and avoid touching the mouth, eyes, and nose with unclean hands.

Individuals should strengthen self-health monitoring. If there are respiratory symptoms such as fever, dry cough or gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, especially those who have been in the epidemic areas in China, communities with reported cases, people with a history of travel or residence abroad in the past 14 days, or people with a history of contact with people from the above countries, regions or communities, they should immediately avoid others, wear masks correctly, report to the local village (neighborhood) committee or medical and health institutions, and seek medical treatment as required. It is necessary to actively cooperate with the consultation of medical staff or the inquiry of community workers, and truthfully provide personal travel history or suspicious exposure history.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is the most economical and effective means of preventing COVID-19. Please actively make an appointment for registration of citizens and friends who meet the vaccination conditions, go to the vaccination clinic as soon as possible and orderly to receive the new crown virus vaccine, and do a good job of timely vaccination, and early vaccination will benefit early.

The epidemic is not over, and the epidemic prevention must not be relaxed

In view of the current epidemic situation, DISEASE control experts once again emphasize the following personal protection points

Civilization Initiative

Speak civilized words, do civilized things, be civilized people, bid farewell to and persuade uncivilized behavior. Abide by the social civilization convention, consciously achieve the "three pipes and nine noes", that is: control their own mouths, do not spit on the ground, do not say foul language, do not smoke in public places; control their hands, do not throw and fall, do not paste and paint randomly, do not damage public facilities; control their legs, do not cross the road, do not trample on flowers and grass, do not stop and put randomly.

In view of the current epidemic situation, DISEASE control experts once again emphasize the following personal protection points
In view of the current epidemic situation, DISEASE control experts once again emphasize the following personal protection points

Source: Yangtze River Daily, Jingzhou Publishing

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