
Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!

author:Sand City Health Insurance
Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!
Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!

On the afternoon of February 21, 2022, 3 people from other places and 1 close contact in Wuhan city had positive nucleic acid test results for the new coronavirus. The Wuhan Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters immediately launched an emergency response mechanism, comprehensively carried out epidemiological investigation, relevant personnel investigation, sampling and testing, isolation and control, and implemented epidemic prevention measures such as terminal disinfection of relevant places and environments.

Up to now, 4 positive cases have been transferred to Jinyintan Hospital for isolation and treatment, and the close contacts who have been traced have been intensively isolated and observed, and the areas involved in the positive cases have been sealed and controlled, and the areas involved in the positive cases have been sealed and controlled, and nucleic acid testing has been carried out rapidly. The nucleic acid test results of the environmental samples in the sealed areas that have been sampled are negative. The investigation of other close connections and sub-close connections is being carried out in an orderly manner.

If you are a person who has returned to Jingjing from Wuhan City since February 17, 2022 (inclusive), please report to the unit and the community (village) as soon as possible.

Once again, the general public is reminded that please adhere to strict personal protection, wear masks scientifically, do not gather, do not get together, wash hands frequently, ventilate more, and maintain a safe social distance of more than one meter. If fever, cough, diarrhea and other symptoms appear, protective measures should be taken to avoid taking public transportation and go to the nearest medical institution for fever clinics as soon as possible.

Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!

Attached: Consultation hotlines of cd-off centers in Jingzhou City

Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!

The epidemic is not over, and the epidemic prevention must not be relaxed

Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!

Civilization Initiative

Speak civilized words, do civilized things, be civilized people, bid farewell to and persuade uncivilized behavior. Abide by the social civilization convention, consciously achieve the "three pipes and nine noes", that is: control their own mouths, do not spit on the ground, do not say foul language, do not smoke in public places; control their hands, do not throw and fall, do not paste and paint randomly, do not damage public facilities; control their legs, do not cross the road, do not trample on flowers and grass, do not stop and put randomly.

Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!
Wuhan city added 4 new positive cases of nucleic acid test for the new crown virus Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention emergency reminder!

Source: Jingzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jingzhou News Network

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