
The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

author:Jieyang Real Estate Network
The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out


Recently, the "14th Five-Year Plan" for new urbanization in Jieyang City has been released. The planning period is 2021-2025. The planning area is the whole area of Jieyang City, with a land area of about 5240 square kilometers. The following is a small excerpt of the content, if you need to view the full text, you can click on the "original link" at the bottom left corner of the article to view.

First, the development goals of new urbanization

  Anchored in 2025, Jieyang City has made significant progress in high-quality development.

-- The new people-oriented urbanization is steadily advancing. By 2025, the urbanization rate of the city's permanent population will reach about 55%. The restrictions on settlement are completely abolished, and a unified registration management and residence permit system for urban and rural household registration and foreign populations is fully established, so as to realize the free flow of labor and talents, the unsettled permanent population enjoys the same basic urban public services as the household registration population, and the employment skills of the agricultural transfer population match the needs of industrial development.

-- The spatial form of urban-rural integration has basically taken shape. Enhance regional influence and promote the transformation of Shanchao into the same city. The pattern of "one main, three vice and multiple points" in the urban area has basically taken shape, the urban scale structure is more reasonable, the population and economic carrying capacity of the central urban area of Jieyang and Puning have been further improved, the construction of "one city and two parks" in Jiexi County and Huilai has achieved obvious results, the results of county agglomeration and quality improvement are obvious, and the service functions of key towns have been further enhanced.

-- The diversified driving force of urbanization is more scientific and reasonable. The domestic market is stronger, the economic structure is more optimized, the traditional industries are transformed and upgraded, the modern port industry is further developed, the innovation factors are accelerating, the investment in research and development is steadily increasing, the industrial base is advanced, the level of industrial chain modernization is significantly improved, and the construction of a modern economic system with strong industries in the coastal economic belt has made significant progress.

-- The quality of life of harmonious and livable has been steadily improved. The shortcomings of urban infrastructure have been basically completed, and a safe, efficient, green and intelligent urban infrastructure system has been initially established; the service level of public service facilities has been steadily improved, and the social and people's livelihood security has been continuously strengthened; cultural undertakings have continued to prosper, and the cultural charm and characteristics of Chaoke have been highlighted; and the ecological environmental protection system with beautiful mountains and clear waters has been basically constructed.

-- The institutional mechanism for the integration of urban and rural areas has been further improved. The institutional channel for the free flow of urban and rural elements has been basically opened, the level of equalization of urban and rural public services and the level of infrastructure integration have been steadily improved, the spatial pattern of urban-rural integration has basically taken shape, major progress has been made in rural revitalization, and the level of urban and rural development and residents' living standards have been further coordinated.

The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

Second, optimize the spatial pattern of urbanization

By 2025, the permanent population of Jieyang Central Urban Area will reach about 1.55 million people, and the radiation driving capacity will be further enhanced; the permanent population of Puning Central Urban Area will reach 1.05 million, the permanent population of Huilai Central Urban Area will reach 600,000, and the permanent population of Jiexi County Will reach 200,000, and the population and industrial agglomeration capacity will be further enhanced. A total of 2 type II large cities, 1 medium city, 3 type I small cities, and 44 type II small cities were formed.

The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

A total of 11 comprehensive towns, 3 commercial and trade towns, 9 industrial towns, 7 tourist towns and 20 agricultural towns have been designated.

The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

Third, form a high-quality urbanization power system

The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

1. Promote the construction of key industrial platforms

(1) Rongjiang New Town: Taking the new development concept and high-quality development requirements as the overall plan, taking the construction of traffic roads and land expropriation and preparation as an important starting point, taking the introduction and construction of projects as the leader, highlighting the functions of the core area, paying attention to the agglomeration of groups, concentrating on planning, grasping land expropriation, grasping investment, grasping construction, grasping investment, grasping management, accelerating the development and construction of new cities, promoting urban quality and high-end industry, and concentrating on building Rongjiang New Town into a new city of science and technology, an industrial new city, a new service city, and a livable new city, forming a commercial and financial city 3. Urban services, cultural tourism, etc. as the leading industries, to create a multi-format, urban and rural integration, full of vitality of the modern city.

(2) Jieyang Yuedong New Town: Relying on the unique landscape endowment of three mountains entering the city and four veins through the sea, we will build a north-south new city function expansion axis, integrate the coast, port, etc. to build Shenquan Bay, form a spatial pattern of "one axis, one bay, and strong heart", drive the high-quality development of production, city and scenery, build the new city center of the eastern Guangdong urban agglomeration, and form a leading industry with modern service industry, marine emerging industries, science and education cultural industries.

(3) Puning Eastern Innovation City: Relying on the e-commerce industry area and the innovative industrial area to form an innovative industrial belt, improve the municipal infrastructure facilities of the eastern innovation city such as transportation, water supply and power supply, make preparations for investment promotion, focus on introducing modern service industries such as headquarters business, mass creation incubation, e-commerce operation, and innovative intelligent manufacturing, build an innovation demonstration zone in eastern Guangdong, and form a leading industry with headquarters business industry, e-commerce operation industry, and innovative manufacturing industry.

(4) Unveiling the new city in the northwest: building the gateway to the north, building a characteristic tourist town, promoting the agglomeration of high-quality tourism service industries, and building a leisure and vitality area with a trendy style. Through the Shanzhan Expressway, it establishes links with surrounding cities, actively docks the intercity railways from Jiexi to Jieyang and Puning, and improves the traffic road network. Form a shanshui ecological new city integrating public services, tourism services, commercial services, culture and sports, leisure and recreation, and ecological residence.

2. Promote the integrated development of 12 key industrial parks and cities

1. Sino-German Metal Eco-City

(1) Functional positioning: Accurately docking China and Germany (Europe), aiming at "Industry 4.0", actively accepting the "dual areas" and "twin cities" in various fields such as industry, science and technology, talents, services, etc., and creating a Sino-German (European) open cooperation demonstration zone with international influence, a green ecological industry-city integration model area and an innovation-led modern industrial agglomeration area.

(2) Industrial guidance: do excellent metal manufacturing and other existing advantageous industries, bigger and stronger intelligent equipment manufacturing, electronic information, Internet of Things and other modern high-end manufacturing industries, cultivate strategic emerging industrial clusters, promote the development of new energy, new materials and other industries, cultivate the development of science and technology education, innovation incubation, e-commerce, vacation and leisure and other modern service industries, support the long-term development of the park.

2. Jiedong Economic and Technological Development Zone

(1) Functional positioning: gather industrial advantages, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and build a circular economy demonstration park and an industrial transfer base in the Pearl River Delta.

(2) Industrial guidance: Strengthen and develop leading industries such as advanced manufacturing and health industry, cultivate and develop potential industries such as high-end electronic information, support the development of supporting industries such as trade logistics and leisure tourism, and create a modern industrial system with distinctive characteristics, integration of industry and city, and green ecology.

3. Rongcheng Industrial Park

(1) Functional positioning: Take industrial agglomeration and space expansion as the starting point, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and create a Jieyang characteristic manufacturing corridor that integrates industry and city.

(2) Industrial guidance: Relying on the current industrial base, promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries such as metal and footwear, introduce new materials, energy-saving and environmental protection new industries, and accelerate the cultivation of supporting functions such as industrial services, urban services, and life services.

4. Linkong Industrial Park

(1) Functional positioning: Around the transportation hub of Jieyang Chaoshan International Airport, optimize the transportation system of the airport area, further give full play to the traffic advantages of airports, high-speed railways, ports, high-speed and other internal and external connections, and build a seamless connection between the airport and railway port and quickly connect the comprehensive transportation network of the Bay Area. Promote the development of park projects and promote the construction of new science and technology cities, industrial new cities, service new cities and livable new cities with rich connotations.

(2) Industrial guidance: develop aviation logistics, cross-border e-commerce, high-tech and new urban economy, and build a large-scale airport complex integrating airport logistics, aviation support, aviation manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, airport services, finance and commerce and other functions.

5. Lingang Industrial Park in the central urban area

(1) Functional positioning: Based on the current situation of the development of port terminals, optimize the target positioning, functional layout, transportation organization, etc., promote the re-integration, re-construction and re-development of the terminals, and build a comprehensive logistics hub in eastern Guangdong and a multimodal transport hub in the Rongjiang River.

(2) Industrial guidance: to create modern logistics, processing and manufacturing, port development, river-sea intermodal transport and other leading industries.

6. Jieyang Industrial Transfer Industrial Park

(1) Functional positioning: docking Rongcheng and Jiedong, grasping the economic and urban construction of the park, doing a solid job in the park, polishing the "World Jade Capital" brand, and creating an innovation-driven and high-end consumption demonstration zone. In accordance with the development requirements of "industrial agglomeration, distinctive characteristics, and rapid expansion", we will build a cross-strait food and medicine green industry cooperation zone and an e-commerce port on the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

(2) Industrial guidance: with mechanical equipment intelligent manufacturing, electronic information equipment and hardware and stainless steel products as the leading industries, vigorously develop the two major industries of food and medicine and e-commerce, and gather and develop to enhance industrial competitiveness.

7. Jiexi County Industrial Park

(1) Functional positioning: give full play to the advantages of the wire and cable industry, rationalize the institutional mechanism of the industrial park, carry out all-round investment promotion work, and create the core of economic growth and industrial transfer base in Jiexi County.

(2) Industry guidance: with wire and cable, green food processing, biomedicine and medical equipment, new materials, modern logistics as the leading industries, to create an advanced manufacturing industry base dominated by environmental protection and special wire and cable, green food processing, biomedicine and medical equipment, new materials, and modern logistics.

8. Industrial Transfer Industrial Park of Puning City, Guangdong Province

(1) Functional positioning: make full use of the life and pharmaceutical enterprise resources of Puning Industrial Transfer Park, strengthen the integration of the Internet, information technology and biomedical industry, and build a biomedical production and research and development base.

(2) Industry guidance: Focus on the development of biomedicine, medical equipment and other industries, accelerate the cultivation of modern biological industry, health management and services, leisure and health tourism and other emerging industries, and create a large health industry cluster.

9. Puning Textile Printing and Dyeing Environmental Protection Comprehensive Treatment Center

(1) Functional positioning: In accordance with the principle of "industrial agglomeration, enterprise concentration, unified governance, and land intensification", accelerate the construction of infrastructure such as pollution control and environmental protection in the park, build a modern light industry and textile industry cluster, and build an important advanced textile manufacturing base in the country.

(2) Industry guidance: With dyeing, printing, washing and other textile printing and dyeing industries as the leading industries, we will promote the innovative development of textile and clothing, leather, printing and dyeing industries, and cultivate national and even internationally renowned brands.

10. Great Nanhai Petrochemical Industrial Zone

(1) Functional positioning: Comprehensively build refining and chemical industry, administrative life services and other sectors, and build a world-class green petrochemical industry base, a national-level new petrochemical industry demonstration zone and a new ecological petrochemical city in Lingang.

(2) Industrial guidance: vigorously develop pillar industries such as petroleum refining, fine chemicals, new materials, biomedicine, and high-end equipment manufacturing, focus on the introduction of modern finance, administrative services, commercial and residential commerce and trade, business exhibitions, cultural entertainment, education and scientific research, medical and health, catering livability, high-end consumption and other comprehensive service projects, build a high-end petrochemical e-commerce trading platform, and promote the in-depth integration and development of productive service industries and modern manufacturing.

11. Huilai Port Industrial Park

(1) Functional positioning: to build a wind power equipment industrial zone and an environmental protection and new energy industrial zone。

(2) Industrial guidance: Give full play to the advantages of coastal ports, focus on building wind power equipment industrial zones, LNG and cold chain logistics and processing, modern industrial manufacturing, coastal leisure tourism, accurately introduce wind turbine manufacturing, offshore equipment, ship installation and other supporting projects, accelerate the formation of a complete wind power industry chain, and build a full industrial base for offshore wind power。

12. Jinghai Industrial Park

(1) Functional positioning: Relying on the Jinghai Port Area, with the construction of the harbor economy as the center, to build a Guangdong Marine Economic Demonstration Zone.

(2) Industrial guidance: with energy equipment manufacturing, bulk food processing, warehousing and logistics as the leading industries, vigorously develop marine emerging industries such as marine engineering, marine energy, and marine biological medicine.

Fourth, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

1. Promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

First, the central urban area: focus on the development of high-end manufacturing and modern service industries, and build a modern industrial demonstration zone in Linkong

(1) Development strategy: Relying on the comprehensive transportation advantages of airports, high-speed railways, high-speed and water transport, we will focus on the construction of "one city and five parks", concentrate on creating an airport-type industrial cluster with outstanding advantages and strong competitiveness, and strive to become an important airport-rail port comprehensive hub and airport industry agglomeration area in eastern Guangdong.

(2) Key projects: cross-border e-commerce industrial park, Wanda Plaza urban complex project, China SCE World City project, etc.

Second, Puning: focus on promoting the deep integration of traditional industries with informatization, networking and intelligence, and build a demonstration zone for the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries

(1) Development strategy: Led by scientific and technological innovation and model innovation, promote the development strategy of "east introduction, north expansion, southern union, west optimization and central adjustment", and promote the deep integration of traditional industries such as medicine, textile and clothing with informatization, networking and intelligence with the construction of "new city + park" as the starting point.

(2) Key projects: "5G + Industrial Internet" application demonstration park project, ming rat clothing innovation industrial park project, Lida plant equipment project, Qiusheng polyester staple fiber project, etc.

3. Huilai: Focus on the development of petrochemical energy and coastal industries, and build a world-class green petrochemical industry base

(1) Development strategy: Focus on the "one belt, one axis, one city and two parks" in Jieyang Binhai New Area, accelerate the introduction of "oil-gas and electricity" four basic industries, build a world-class green petrochemical industry base and a marine emerging industry demonstration base, and stand up the industrial backbone of Jieyang.

(2) Key projects: natural gas pipeline projects, PetroChina projects, etc.

Fourth, Jiexi: Cultivate a green industrial chain guided by ecological economy and create a demonstration area for ecological development

(1) Development strategy: Adhere to green ecology as the first orientation of industrial development, focus on building a new pattern of "one park, two districts and five pieces" development, actively promote new urbanization and industrialization, build an industrial system dominated by characteristic industries, characteristic tourism, and ecological agriculture, and create a green industry development demonstration.

(2) Key projects: wire and cable projects, tea industrial park projects, Dabeishan Traditional Chinese Medicine Park projects, etc.

2. Promote the development of multi-dimensional logistics platform

The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

1. Railway logistics

Promote the construction of jieyang shugang railway, strengthen the service capacity of Jieyang Station and Jieyang South Station of Guangmeishan Railway, and enhance the energy level of railway freight hubs. Based on its own advantages, optimize the transportation organization, improve the overall development level of the railway, develop transportation products that meet the needs of logistics, improve marketing means, realize information sharing, and provide complete logistics services to the society.

2. Air logistics

Build an air logistics network system connected by land and air, give full play to the advantages of air-rail intermodal transport, vigorously develop the guangdong aviation logistics center, and promote the construction of an aviation logistics park. Promote the development of aviation logistics in Linkong Industrial Park and build an aviation logistics center in eastern Guangdong.

Third, port logistics

Huilai Port Area strengthens the joint operation area, and Rongjiang Port Area accelerates the cleaning and rectification of old docks, promotes the continuous and large-scale layout, and integrates and upgrades the five major operation areas. Expand port service functions and actively promote multimodal transport with ports as the hub. Focusing on the construction of shipping centers, we will improve the port collection and transportation system, promote the connection between ports and highway, railway and coastal transportation systems, and give play to the agglomeration and radiation effects of port logistics in urban and regional economic development.

Fifth, guide the continuous and orderly development of rural revitalization

The planned permanent population ≥ 6.2 million! Urbanization rate 55%! Jieyang's latest plan is out

Jieyang Rural Revitalization Contiguous Demonstration Zone

1. Suburban integration area

(1) Scope: Including Xiyang Village and Tiandong Village, Yunlu Town, Jiedong District, and Anle Village (Zhuliyang Village) of Denggang Town, Jiedong District.

(2) Development strategy: Relying on air and rail transportation and urban radiation, make full use of their rich cultural and natural landscape resources to create a classic tourism route for beautiful villages in the northeast.

2. Historical and cultural areas

(1) Scope: Including Changmei Village, Yuhu Town, Rongcheng District, Xiqi Village and Shanqian Village, Xianqiao Street, Rongcheng District, Zhulin Village, Meiyun Street, Rongcheng District, Xishe Southwest Village, Zhanlong Town, Puning City, Nan Village (De'anli), Liaoyuan Street, Puning City, Guolong Village and Nigou Village.

(2) Development strategy: Relying on the historical and cultural resources of the ancient yidao, fully excavating the historical stories and cultural connotations, connecting the tourist attractions through the ancient yidao, and creating a rural historical corridor. Protect the remains of historical and cultural relics such as traditional houses, historical buildings, ancient trees and folk culture, and organically combine traditional civilization and modern civilization.

3. Mountain township settlement area

(1) Scope: Including Rough Pit Village, Jingxiyuan Town, Jiexi County, Xingonglin Village, Gray Zhai Town, Jiexi County, Jingmei Village, Daxi Town, Jiexi County, and Nanshan Village, Nanshan Town, Jiexi County.

(2) Development strategy: Relying on the Great North Mountain Forest Park and the Huangmanzhai Waterfall Scenic Area, carefully select the line and experience the characteristics, and create a tourism experience road with suitable length, ecological green and diverse styles.

4. Coastal settlement area

(1) Scope: Including Jinglong Village, Xian'an Town, Huilai County, Houshan Village, Jinghai Town, Huilai County, and Toujing Village, Zhoutian Town, Huilai County.

(2) Development strategy: Relying on the waterfront scenery and fishery characteristics, using the existing beautiful natural environment of the coast, connecting the advantages of eco-tourism development, developing leisure, sightseeing and experience projects, and creating a marine style area.